Corp mail abuse and spam :facepalm:

Because the thing is… Groups like eve uni and Red vs Blue have been dealing with this same crap for years. And there really is nothing CCP can do.

Spamming corp is easy once you get one evemail from the corp. You keep replying to all and spam. Changing that would require settings such thstbonly X role could evemail the whole corp, but that requires touching corp code which is not easy.

Vetting newbies… How? If you say you are open to new players and alpha accounts, you are and that is your responsibility, not CCP’s. Yes you can petition people if the say the wrong thing in chat or evemail and CCP could ban that account, but the person could create a new account and hop right back in. And before you say IP ban, that can be worked around easily.

As for the Intel aspect… There isn’t anything CCP can do which would not violate the basic principals of the game.

As for the whole spy thing, if you don’t assume that in a group like PH there are ample spies, you aren’t playing eve. Spys are common in open groups. It is yours and the corps job to protect itself, not CCP’S.

As for the notion some other newbie friendly corp is easier… Good luck. Spies get every where. Learn to roll with it.

you’re in the wrong topic

We is General Discussion forum, full of trolls and shitposters, devoid of devs. If you want to change the WE, create a ticket / petition, or at least post in the Ideas and Suggestions forum.

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This thread has been a phenomenal waste of time but I am glad to know Pandemic is full of diligent little memesters. It means I’ll never end up trying to join.


Well, you could make quite an income if you charge every corp mail!


What do you mean with

I’m confused

Play stupid games
Win stupid prizes

that’s what you get for joining a faceless bloc with zero entry requirements.

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sounds like this forum :smirk::wink: (sorry I was triggered)

luckily not everyone and everything tho :+1:

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i don’t even see the issue. vOv

well thanks for letting us all know than, or whatever

No, OP. You.

and: then*

She likely meant us here, on the forums.

what are you on about?

Wow, you’re worse than i thought. :roll_eyes:

For the cognitively challenged:

We. Those who read this drivel of yours, here in this thread.

It’s a shame there’s no required IQ test before people are allowed to participate.

I still don’t know what your’r on about tho, what do you need?

someone dropped a corp bookmark that said “safe pos” but it really was a bm to a lava pit and the person fell in and burned up and now is mad !!



lol posting 20+ days later.

well done, children.

How do you see no problem with what is being done here yellow parasol? :man_artist:
Just your opinion about this :poodle:

Im sorry sir but hordlings arnt people so they have no rights Come back when you arnt second class meat shield slaves <3

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