Corp Skills - encouraging players to join and stay in corps

except that tax only applies to people running missions and so only effects a very narrow npc playstyle and can be negated by joining a 1 man corp.

now if these bonuses are so easy to get that one person can do it then they may as well simply be an automatic boost when in a corp.

under the guise of that argument, then yes i can see your point now. and it could be a valid one.

While that’s a fine sentiment it doesn’t really change the basic math here. Whether a corp makes money off of renters in Null, moon goo, member tax, or something else entirely you still have the same broken incentive structure for something like this.

If it’s a flat cost and the cost is enough to matter to anything other than a small corp then a small corp is going to have trouble paying it.

If it’s a scaling cost then anyone who isn’t either over the cap on said cost or at Goons/NC/PL levels of rich has a pretty strong incentive to cull inactive members who aren’t contributing to paying for this bonus.

You can wax philosophical about how corp leadership should behave, in your opinion, all you like but that doesn’t change the basics of what something like this incentivizes.

This isn’t equivalent though.

The tax is a pretty soft penalty, all things considered, and it doesn’t even affect all forms of ISK income.

It also has no impact on the performance of your ship, so there’s no performative difference between someone in an NPC corp and someone in a player corp. The core concept of the idea being discussed here would change that.

1.) There is NO scaling cost, ever, at all, zip no nada in what i said, get that crap out of your mind right now.
Here’s an example of what im talking about: 100 charters = 500 LP to purchase…now for theoretical purposes, lets say a “5% yield Bonus” costs 100 charters and lasts 72 hours thats more than affordable for anybody even a 1 man corp…if you do missions and gain LP.
2.) Being LP based, ISK and taxes have nothing to do with the system at all, ISK does not matter in this, period!

Now lets make some more stuff up…
5% yield bonus, 5% duration bonus, (can only have 1 active at time not both). (direct mining bonus)
5% reprocessing bonus, 5% manufacturing speed bonus, 5% Research Time bonus (can only have 1 active at a time)
5% tracking bonus, 5% Raw HP bonus(lets assume all 3 types exist), 5% velocity bonus (only 1 can be active at a time.)

Ok so we have some hypothetical mining, industry, and pvp categories.
Now you are limited to having only 2 bonus active at any 1 time, in total…you have to choose.
And lets cut the directors out completely.
The bonus(s) have to be activated by the CEO by spending the required charters for each one, and if he wants to change a bonus before it ends then he can do so, no refunds on previously spent charters…so you let the current bonus run out or you dont.

without getting really detailed thats about it in a nutshell.
If a small corp has some one that 1 day speaks up and say hey dude i got some charters can we get this bonus when there isnt any running then thats up to the CEO (im sure not listening to corpies on the matter will eventually bleed members to other corps.)

If the CEO goes on hiatus, forgets, or no longer cares then i guess the line members are SOL, all this system does is provide a tool for a responsible CEO to provide incentive for recruitment, its a CEO level role and for the most part has nothing to do with the membership at all,

It however does have very much do with a CEO getting and keeping members in his corporation for a certain style/category of gameplay. It only comes down to the question of a CEO asking: Do i want others in my group? How can i get them to join? What do i offer? Do i have the time for this crap?

Already the same questions being asked and answered today already.

the point was there is no xtra incentive if the CEO is garbage.

I was simply giving an example of the two most likely ways a cost could be implemented.

If you make the cost laughably cheap then what’s the point in having a cost at all?

Sure it does, no where near every corp has people who run missions with any regularity. That means that the easiest way for the majority of players to get these charters is going to be purchasing them off the market with ISK.

Here’s the issue with this. Even if you have enough different bonus types to force some kind of choice you can still get around a lot of it by making multiple corps, for which there is very little cost or penalty.

On top of this you’re still proposing pretty much required bonuses to be competitive, whether it’s mining or PvP.

No matter how low you cost these things that’s still a pretty substantial penalty for anyone who doesn’t, for whatever reason, want to be in a Corp and it completely defeats the point of the original idea which was to push more people into corps, since this is easily paid by an individual in a solo corp.

well considering i took the idea from a different game in which i dont really know the mechanics there for it you simply have to go with the idea that i just threw some arbritrary numbers out there…besides if it was laughably cheap i guess: annoying would be the correct answer?

ok, thats not any different then what people do with anything else today. So whats the exact debate?

I see no issue with the first part, i highly doubt people would be switching corps every day or every few days because of the bonus type.

2nd, ill go with mining…sure be competitive, believe its the only…ill just gank and wardec someone till they think otherwise.

3rd if a person wants to be in a solo corp, then let them, in no way will that person/corp ever be on the same level or competitive with those that work/play as group, meaning members doing a part of something that goes into a larger task. just like now.

anyone else enjoying watching as max argues individual points out of context with one another?

So we’re kind of back to the issue of if the cost is enough to matter for a medium sized corp then it’s going to be fairly punishing for a small one, and if it’s enough to matter for a large one then it’s going to be punishing for everyone else.

You were saying that, somehow, tax didn’t play into this. I was simply pointing out why that’s not the case.

You wouldn’t, you’d put your miners in a corp that always gets mining bonuses, your manufacturers or refiners or whatever in a corp that gets those bonuses, ect.

First off, this is kinda ridiculous in general. Even just for the high-sec case. Ganks have nothing to do with being in a corp or not, and it’s impractical verging on the impossible to war dec every single corp out there. As much as people complain about High Sec wardecers they rarely bother with smaller or one-man corps unless they’ve been paid to blow up a Citadel or something, or they know they can get an easy kill or two on something expensive in the week or so the 'dec will be active.

Plus wars have pretty much zero impact on Low, Null, and W-space, so for anyone operating outside of High Sec this is a pure bonus.

Oh and if it’s cheap enough to not really impact a small corp then it’s cheap enough that you can just recycle the corp to avoid a 'dec, the same way people do now.

Yes, which begs the question why a system like this is even needed. Especially considering in some way NPC corp players are more group oriented than many player-corp ones.

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that large incentive only applies to bounties. doing anything else not bounty based and its good to be in an npc corp free from war