i assume it is from when CCP removed mineable content from mission areas, what… could you not be bothered to at least put in different scenery in locations, if you cannot be bothered to even make individual areas look a little unique then what hope is there for the rest of the game.
Just remove the “rocks” altogether rather than leave them all the same.
It is just temporary though while they finish the replacement mission engine for mid this year. New engine will require 2-4 players at level 4 and use the AI they use for FOB rats and other “more intelligent” AI rats. Rewards are mostly the same.
I assume this is a troll. CCP does sometimes release information on podcasts and other unofficial channels, so it’s possible that I missed something, but I find it hard to believe that a complete mission rework would have flown under my radar. So, until I see a sauce, I’m assuming that it’s BS.