Currently, when creating a courier contract, minimum duration (days to complete) is 1 day. Allow shorter durations like 12 hours, 6 hours and 3 hours.
Why can’t you use 1 day?
I want them to be delivered in a shorter time interval. There are lots of cases where you don’t want to wait for the other day. Lots of haulers offer rush delivery service. Allowing shorter durations will make them possible in the public contracts too.
I like this a lot actually.
Courier contracts already pay peanuts and you have a whole 24 hour period to do it
Shortening the timescale while still paying peanuts is unlikely to improve the situation.
So find yourself a dedicated courier to deliver them in under that time frame. A tiny bit of effort on your part to negotiate directly with the hauler is called for here, not adjustment to a coded system.
But good job treating haulers like NPCs that you don’t need to talk to.
I pay extra for rush deliveries already. Why do you assume I pay peanuts?
Firstly, I already arrange that with the couriers but I need to arrange that. Instead, it can be set just in the form without dealing with that.
Secondly, same goes for the existing option too. Why can we set the delivery date? Instead lets remove it from the game and let everybody talk to the courier to set a delivery date. Less code in the system.
Finally, why is everybody in this forum against any kind of improvement? What I am asking for is not going to harm anything and will allow a new feature for people who need it. Why do you need to object everything? Let that sit in this forum as a feature request.
Not about being against improvement, but you surmise that players who haul will be on every single day… maybe haulers play every few days…so then you wouldn’t get your stuff to you… do you get regular mail the same day?, or packages delivered same day?
While a “rush” feature might be neat, I also have to wonder how often this would be utilized? I think the delivery can be expedited to some degree by offering considerably more than the going rate.
I have looked at contracts and seen none that pay well, I assumed your contracts were among that number.
What do you pay?
Less than is desirable would be my guess… Personally, I don’t do a lot of courier contracts - but when I do it’s usually 10% of value. They’ve always been accepted and delivered really quickly… I’m not sure where that ranks on the pay spectrum.
Check the volume. Most fit into a BR. Check the destinations. Major trade hubs in hisec. Haulers fly there frequently. Check the descriptions for tips for quick delivery. Actual pay is higher for most contracts. Haulers accept my contracts quickly. Most get accepted in 10 minutes after creation. So, I do not see an issue with my contracts.
This is a great idea! Why? because of the fact of people wanting it to get there stuffed moved faster and this still would be up to the person who wants to risk moving it. Could be next uber service but in game of course. My guess if you want the product faster then you will have to pay up more for this service. Again goes back to the person who is willing to move the product for shorted period.
Won’t matter how much it would be utilized it would be up to the players to pick and choose if they would like to use it. It’s not your descion it would be theres.
If you live in big cities you would see people on bikes rushing that speical mail to someone. Ever get a chance watch a movie base on this people rushing around on bikes trying to get packages and mail done quickly. If they get it there quicker then the needed time they get paid even more!
The other option we could add to this would be if they get it there EVEN quick then the pick time! Say you pick 3 hours, but it gets moved in 45 mins time frame instead which should allow for more money to be made! Thats the last option I will add on this topic!
+1 I also want to ensure that my hauler bait contract is gonna be completed during the time I play and not after I log out.
While I think a rush order can be a nice addition to the game, it also creates anti-hauler strategies.
Problem: 3 and even 6 hours fits in a single play session.
If players can set up a well-paying rush order for that duration, they then know for certain that a hauler with expensive collateral has to pass by on their defined route during their play session.
Camp the route when the contract is taken and you win:
- either you kill the hauler with expensive loot and get your collateral back
- or you force the hauler to forfeit the collateral when they cannot deliver in time because someone (you) is camping their route for the full duration of the contract.
This problem does not exist when the minimal contract duration is 24 hours, because normal people are not able to camp a route for 24 hours. This means the hauler has time to wait a while until the route is safer.
Camping a route for 3 or 6 hours is doable. And it’s worthwhile too if it earns you billions of collateral each time you manage to trick a hauler to take your contract.
In short, rush courier contracts introduce a new anti-courier scam.
With my previous post in mind I do have an idea how rush courier contracts could work without adding a new courier scam:
An optional rush order bonus.
The minimum completion time of the contract would still be 24 hours, but players get the option to pay a bonus to couriers that complete the order within 3 hours.
If the contract isn’t finished within the rush time the rush bonus is refunded to the person creating the contract, but the courier is still able to complete the contract and get their collateral back if they complete it within the regular 24 hours.
This bonus allows people to pay extra for rush orders but doesn’t force couriers to take a route within 3 hours if they see the route is camped.
The courier can wait until it’s safe and miss out on the rush bonus without losing the collateral.