That’s not how I remember my experiences as a newbie in 2011, just that doing anything that required undocking was generally a bad idea. I can work around them now with my Blockade Runners and instawarp inties, but back when all I could fly was a Rifter a wardec was disruptive enough to make me log off for a week.
Even then I realized that the skills needed to succesfully evade a wardec would take time, and spending that time logged in was something I experienced as utterly pointless. I didn’t have the “choice to engage”, I had the choice of welping myself or staying docked / offline. After all, no hisec wardec entity ever offered a good fight in the 9 years that I played. I don’t know any better then hisec wardeccers gunning for the low hanging fruit, as evident by all the noncombat ships that generally show on a “war report”.
Can’t say that I miss any of that and I’m glad my current location makes wardecs almost ineffective.