Criminals and gank failures

First off is the tackle, often a cruiser, or a Gnosis will get a point on the target so they don’t warp and loose alignment. The probes are pre-positioned on a very tight formation on the gates, activate probe then warp gank fleet to pointed victim and go to town. It is not difficult, a lot easier than combat probing in nullsec, as they are near the gate obviously. Highly skilled is not really needed.

shhh you are giving away all our tricks :slight_smile:

Haha. I have worked out a counter, but you have to align not warp and you have to mess with the tackle ship :stuck_out_tongue:

It does, but then it’s harder to ridicule if he acknowledges.

“Solo” (never truly, because at least 1 but commonly 2 alts are also needed) ganking is pretty straight forward, if somewhat limited in target selection.

Similarly, just being a member of a multi-player gank fleet is similar to being the member of any pvp fleet. It is pretty straight forward.

However, once scouting, ship/cargo scanning, combat probing, FCing, looting and logistics for a gank fleet are taken into account, it becomes a lot more involved, especially when all of those roles are consolidated into a single player. For those players, whether doing all those roles to create content for others, or then also multiboxing the gankers also, is taken into account, there’s a lot of skill and organisation involved compared to most play in the game.

It’s certainly, not just warp to and F1.


Sigh. This is how I know you don’t PvP. What the dude is saying is first the scout has to be on the grid with the target. You can’t just magically warp to to the target.

Cept uh trying to find the right ship on the Uedama gate in time is a little hard considering all the traffic, unless they are targeting a freighter specifically. But again, this does take more coordination then WTM, press F1. Sorry bro.

Sigh. Lets not pretend its you bro. You either stole the tactic from someone else or are straight lying.

That’s exactly what I said lol. You have a scout where the target is mining or gating, then warp to it lol . What’s so difficult?

Literally everyone else outlined why it takes more skill. Stick to hauling brev. I mean I get why you think all EVE gaming is simply WT0.

Learn to EVE kthx :smiley:

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Rubberish nonsense , plz enlighten me on how it’s so hard to warp to a scout that have the victim on grid and then scram +f1 it. not much skills required it seems

First off, are you talking high sec or low sec?

Hisec, and not single player multiboxing all roles. I mean a group of gankers, how difficult is that ?

So you’re talking a fleet made of individual players correct?

So let me ask you this, have you ever been part of a fleet like that? Have you ever participated in any sort of PvP at all?

I find warping to the right gate hard sometimes hehe just ask @Wah_Huren . Just as we was about to gank a ganker.

Great time to mess up :rofl:

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That is irrelevant to the matter. i know pvp mechanics aren’t simple, BUT ppl here saying it’s something elite to doz lol it’s so haaaaard. Please the hardest work would be from DC. the rest IS warp and f1.

Easy done, I warped to the wrong gate in nullsec two days ago and in doing so warned a flycatcher we were hunting him.

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No, no it isn’t. So suffice to say you’ve never been part of a fleet or PvP in general. So you have zero experience in how the game mechanics actually work outside of theory.

First off, FCing a fleet of players is its own challenge. If they are disciplined experienced group, it does get easier. If peeps know their role and maintain discipline, it goes pretty smooth.

What you are not understanding is you and most of your ilk have the game sense of a potato. It is only “easy” because much of the targets make it so. If you using any sort of game sense/tactics, the gank becomes much, much harder to pull off successfully.

You’ve never hunted another player before. If a hauler is actually using game sense/op sec, they are incredibly hard to kill. Its just most don’t, because they believe the lie that high sec is safe.

Ganking is PvP. However it is PvP within a very constricted set of rules, with the odds tilted in the target’s favor. Its just most targets are potato.

Yes i do.

Not relevant it will be the hardest role anyway.

now all depends on the target? yes i agree on a certain degree. there are easy preys and ppl who knows how to avoid being ganked. For those who don’t know how to avoid it it is still easy to gank him .

I haul in BR and DST from jita all the way to minmatar nullsec, ,also hunt hunters in nullsec and war targets now and then, so yes i know what I’m talking about .

Then you agree it’s easy… you guys always go for the potato and are lazy to get the smart ones.

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Oh? Then list it :smiley: Don’t be shy.

LOL everything isn’t relevant that destroys your narrative huh?

That isn’t the ganker’s fault, nor does it speak to their skill level. It is the fault of the target.

Sure ya do :smiley:

Whose you guys? I don’t gank people :smiley:

And whether or not the target is a potato, it doesn’t change the discipline on the ganker’s end. Whats funny is your bias is obvious. Its also obvious you don’t got much exp in small gang.

What’s really funny is if you are to believed, all you are is a F1 monkey, which explains why you don’t understand this in the first place :smiley:

Then why don’t you do it for FREE EASY isk?

The truth is you can’t do it.

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Sure, tactics can lower the risk…but they can never ever eliminate it completely. And in fact it is often the gankers who have the sense of a potato, as hunting someone…especially miners…really isn’t all that hard.

For me, sure there’s d-scan, Local, yada yada…but the #1 rule of ganker avoidance is to not be predictable. The #2 rule is to use d-scan to determine whether there’s anyone waiting outside any station you might flee to. In fact, far more important than a ‘safe spot’ is a spot where you can determine that for several stations and choose one to dock in. And if the gankers hang around…just log in an alt in a different system and carry on mining :slight_smile:

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I sometimes get thrown off by the route being different to what I expect. Sometimes two completely different routes can go through the same ‘next’ jumped to system. If you chose a route only from that next system you only ever get route A…but if you choose a route from one system before that, even though it goes through the same next system you can get a route A and a route B. This is because the alternate route is actually shorter…but it can lead to a different route to what you’d ‘normally’ expect.

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