So removing the bigger picture we can either kill high sec pirates or other people who live in or travel through high sec for the hell of it , your choice
Wut. You literally are low sec pirates.
Cept you also let the bros who are real life sexually harrassing a player be associated with you and your group.
LOL not really. Their biggest weakness is ya’ll are entirely ineffective at stopping them
LOL projecting much?
Def projecting
Holy projection batman
Yes maybe I was holding a too big brush to paint that picture , you have many types in your ganks , miners , industrialist, etc but many just jump on the so called bandwagon and join the null bear ALTs.
Like, honestly, like holy ■■■■.
Gix is right. Ya’all be projecting up in here.
Githany, if you want to come gank with us, just let me know. There’s no need for all this roleplay drama, like come gank, maybe we will even go to lowsec.
Funny I’m in low sec right now , but thxs for the offer
When someone uses their forum alt to substantiate what was said by their forum alt, someone clearly has issues
Oh, am I Aiko’s alt now? I keep losing track of whose alt I am I was Destiny’s alt for a bit.
I guess she sold me to Aiko?
You are just clearly sad that your 🅲🅰🅻🅼 • 🅳🅾🆆🅽 • 🅶🅰🅽🅺🅴🆁! thread has been shutdown just to toxic anti-community posting. Deal with it.
Boy have I got some news for you, Githany.
You know all of those players flying 3-billion-ISK untanked haulers through high-sec that you try to save? Well they do not, in fact, belong to the downtrodden masses mining Veldspar in high-sec for 10 million ISK an hour.
Who do they belong to then, if you are all seeing and omnipotent?
Whoever needs to sell their Sanctum loot in Jita.
That’s not news , where do you think our support comes from , not all null blocks are like I said .
Thinks like the TTT and Poco that null blocks have there dirty little paws into as well as ganking and many other things , any who lives in null should have to buy a permit for empire travel
Wow, how wrong are you on this…
I think that post by Destiny was an eye opener because who the hell in sov nullsec picks up loot drops and salvages wrecks from Sanctums, certainly not the ones doing it.
Unless Destiny means the new players that sometimes come into salvage while they skill up?
Githany, you need to establish a consistent narrative. Are you blowing up null-bear ganker alts, or are you saving null-bear alt haulers? My teenage brain is getting confused.
Who knows? I’m just trying to find the kernels of truth in the piles of lies that is the EVE forums.
Cry moar?
How do you not know?
It certainly is not the people who run the Sanctums, they never loot them, but new players who join nullsec blocks often start up with salvaging these sites to get ISK. But most of the time they sell to buyback schemes directly. So I have no idea what Destiny was referring to?
We are seeing quite a few people using what we call suitcases, using filaments to Tryg space and then to hisec to move stuff. I used this method to move a load of stuff out of Stain recently. Some of these people then move their suitcase Iteron V with max expanders through the ganking hotspots.
Maybe buyback schemes are not being run anymore by major alliances, I find that hard to believe.
Did that help? It is difficult to get truth from these forums, very true.
That made me laugh
Gonna be hard to fight gunkers, when you aren’t even in Highsec!
Locator running.