Criminals and gank failures

Funny, when you have people in your alliance whose very names ARE anti-semitic slurs.

BigNoseRabbi OyVeyShekels, who is an alt of Shekelstein Shakiel, another Safety. member who has been in your own corps.

You were just fleeted up with him a few weeks ago and many times before, it must have escaped your notice:


Calling out James hypocrisy just winds them up more.

James don’t even play bro.

Also the mass reporting of my posts makes me LOL :smiley:

Thanks for ceding the field.

Yes, and the antiganking community also has people with inappropriate names, who do and say inappropriate things. The difference here is that I am willing to acknowledge it, and say that I don’t condone it or agree with it - whereas the antigankers ONLY object to gankers, and they never ever ever criticize their own group.

Yes, that’s hypocrisy.

For the record, Shekel is Jewish in real-life, and his references are self-demeaning. In much the same way, Evan McClean (with Japanese ancestry) enjoys talking about “rice eaters”. It’s certainly off-colour humour. The other day I banned someone from my channels for outright neo-fascist statements. See, that’s the thing. I agree it’s inappropriate, I can criticize my own group of people - but can antigankers do the same?

We’ve seen essay after essay, in which the antigankers deflect and refuse to make any statement which might acknowledge toxic elements in their own community. I’m well aware that some of my people are immature, some of them are alcoholics, some of them I don’t even like. However, we don’t get that same honesty from the antigankers. They insist that they have some moral high ground, but they do not.


you too?
That’s a relief… I thought I’d upset someone’s feelings…

I mean it don’t bother me none. If anything, if people have to cry to daddy CCP about my posts, it means I have absolutely won :smiley:

A: I flagged like one, because you’re trolling.

B: “cede the field”? We aren’t fighting. You’re a troll trying to get a reaction.

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Neither of you do. You’re two groups doing your utmost to piss off people for fun.

I wholeheartedly acknowledge that the side you and yours oppose level way worse abuse at you, but then, you and yours deliberately try to spin them up to that level. The frothy rage flecked spittle is exactly what you want, because it amuses you.

That’s what all the rp and the blogs are for.

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No, that’s not at all the point of ganking.

Gankers might find it amusing if someone starts ranting and raving, but that is not the motivation for ganking, or the purpose of it. If nobody ever got upset, the gankers would not go away, and they would not stop ganking.

Not the purpose, but EvE wouldn’t be known as a salt mine if it weren’t.

You mean an off topic issue that Gix raised….as he always does…purely as a straw man and red herring ?


Go look at Aikos blog. Look at the screenshots of the death threats. Threats of sexual assault.

That exists. And you and your buddies are twisting around doing everything you can to avoid saying it’s wrong.

I have finally seen pure evil


LOL those posts were far from trolling. I’d argue you’re the one trolling, necroing threads and all :smiley:

Its ok bruv. Thanks for surrendering :smiley:

Oof. Gotta love that victim blaming. If she just didn’t wear a crop top amirite?

Ganking is done for profit bruv. Do you have any idea how much they make LOL.

Man. If I was a fisher of men, maybe I’d have enough herring to do what you’ve been saying :smiley:

You’ll do anything to deflect and not answer huh? Gotta say, I’m still surprised. Drac got that blackmail on you or

Sadly its more like they are upset over space pixels, ergo anything that happens to Aiko is warranted cause they made about a vidya game.

Stop nonce-ing.

You’ve “seen the blog”, but somehow missed where this produces gleeful chortling and egging on?

You folks insult people’s intelligence as a primary hobby.

Yeah, James and his female avatars get the most vile ■■■■ slung that a enraged human can muster. Yes, it’s deplorable and a loss of their dignity.

And yes, you push the line until you get that response. You’ll dance on the microedge of the rules specifically to infuriate and annoy, so you can all laugh and have your blogs and SoundClouds.

And you know what? I’m all for it. The gankers always follow the rules, while they bait others to break them.

You’re not the ones doing wrong. Your victims are.

But FFS stop acting like no one else sees the game.

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I mean, Etch’s posts are definitely well thought out and very well presented. Do you not live in reality or

Heh your bias is obvious. Also James quit my boy. Why do you labor under this delusion?

You realize neither me nor Etch is a ganker yea?

Ganking is a gameplay supported playstyle.

Sorry you’re salty about it brah :smiley:

You don’t seem to have any problem making all manner of implications yourself…in a thread 90% of the substance of which consists of inane ’ all members of X are Y…’ retorts that would not be out of place in a school play yard. It would appear that far larger than the ganker or anti-ganker ‘communities’ is the ‘Members incapable of acting like anything other than school kids’ group.

Judging by this forum it has a very large membership.

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I still am much confused by your hysterics in this thread.


I really have no words left.

You people are absolute scum

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To be perfectly frank…this is how trying to ‘debate’ here makes me feel. This is the ‘welcome to Eve’ that a lot of toxic people give to noobs here…


I haven’t implied anything. I’ve asserted.