Criminals and gank failures

And just as an aside do you actually know what this means. I’m giving you benefit of the doubt that it’s been lost in translation ……… but jeez man.

It would be advisable to edit it

What has that got to do with the thread topic ?

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A natural outcropping of the behavior surrounding AGing.

Also you should scroll up. Drac went from bagging on Githany to riding her coat tails real quick :smiley:

Nothing but this discussion moved onto acceptable behaviour many posts ago.

A discussion you have been involved in.

So the threats were first “fictional”. And then when you are pointed to the evidence it’s a scream of “this is off topic”.

Cynical. Disingenuous. And many other slippery things

No it didn’t ‘move on’. Gix…as he always does…wasted no time deliberately dragging it off topic with his invariable rant about sexist AG people. This had happened within half a dozen posts of the thread starting. Which then moved on to an absurd casting of all AG people as being of similar ilk.

Classic bait and switch, as you and others then try to make the thread be all about Aiko when it never actually was and most of the objections were to the topic being changed and the absurd all-inclusive labelling. You then get on some huffing and puffing high horse that the deliberately re-directed thread has refused to answer questions straight out of the Witchfinder General’s manual.

You’ve been setting up windmills and chasing them…working yourself into a lather with your own shadow boxing.

Well it is what it is.

True colours on display.

I’m going to bed. This has been enlightening in the worst possible way.

AGing is a perfectly legitimate Eve activity…as you have yourself stated on occasion. Why, then, does every single thread on the topic get re-directed on to your personal rant against a particular AG person ?

Is it not possible to simply discuss a means of Eve playstyle without things ending up as in that end scene ( above ) with Charlton Heston ?

AGing is legitimate.

Sexual harrassment isn’t. And its being done by members of the AG community.

Also you just admitted there is an AG community when you said there wasn’t :smiley:

Which is it?

Personally I see such a masterful use of ‘tongue in cheek’ that a person can hurl all manner of slings and arrows and then fall back to the ’ it’s all just tongue in cheek roleplay’ guise. Or is it just assumed that nobody is ever smart enough to spot that ?

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I see. And where was someone harassed in such manner on this thread ?

Or does the term ‘off topic’ not exist in your vocabulary ?

Heh. Etch already explained and exposed you on that.

Nice deflection again :smiley: Too bad you won’t condemn that harrassment huh?

The person I condemn is you…for once again wrecking a thread with your incessant ranting against a particular AG person. I see zero harassment in this thread other than the deliberate straw man you introduced.


Uh huh. Yea. Deflector shield set to maximum.

Again I gotta wonder. What is your motive in all this? Etch may chalk it up to just vile human behavior, and that certainly may be true.

But I gotta hope its at least a little more than that. I mean they gotta be paying you or something right? Those cerbs ain’t buy themselves huh?

How about…being able to simply discuss Eve Online without some toxic troll wrecking every thread.

Ah. So that’s the out you’re going to take? Just label toxic and troll to dodge and deflect.

Sigh. Thought a little better than you of that.

It isn’t my fault the peeps you are starting to align yourself with are capable of this. And no, it isn’t all AG. But hang around in the channels. You’ll see it.

And considering I’m in both ganker and AG channels, I see a lot more ugliness in the AG channels TBH.

Although to be fair all you’ll see Drac doing is shushing people in the intel channel.

Of course it’s wrong I have even said to her that she should report it , just as Aiko kicks people out so do we but only in my corp because that’s all we can control , only she can manage the threats she gets using the tools each of us have.
Yes it’s sad it happens and we all need to control it where we can , just like the people who manage our AG channels , who kick out gankers and abusive people. And they do a good job .

No amount of talking here will change anything just keep your own house in order or report people to ccp

The irony.

But you’re just a line member right?

Ok just to get this thread back on track it’s about ganker fails in the game.

That means when they mess up , when we save a ship or have a nice killright hunt , the only grey area is when they get salty in local , I see that as a success as they are failing to keep it together in game

Now if you want to talk about AG failing start your own post ,if you want to chat about sexual assault start your own thread.

I do see your constant whining as a fail but it feels a bit out of game sometimes , so if your heading out of game , don’t post here.

We are not a democracy , I’m not the CEO so I’m a part of what’s left.

Why? We’ve already seen you fail to condemn it.

Uh huh. Keep shucking that responsibility.