Criminals and gank failures

So you’re saying that a person is worse if they’re (allegedly) employing a logical fallacy in an inconsequential forum debate, than if they’re choosing to morally and materially support someone who’s threatening other people with bodily harm, sexual abuse, et cetera, over their actions in a PvP video game?

Great! It’s good to know where you personally stand on this issue!

Oh God…we’re back to Cathy Newman again. I love the way her ‘so you’re saying that…’ got demolished as the logical trickery it was.

I’d give up while the going is bad. Logic has been a large part of my employment.

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LOL I’m not claiming jurisdiction. Your answer is obvious.

Doubt that very much LOL.

Nanananana. ( there…that’s about your level )

Heh, you know what fallacy you are engaging in now huh?

Thank you for ceding the field :smiley:

Just had a nice training op this evening with some new player and some rusty old f1 jockey .

It all went well so we ended with a trip to uedama , as luck would have it Aiko and her gang was active so it was a nice chance for our new guys to see a large fleet gank and they didn’t disappoint.

That’s nice. You’re just a line member with no influence remember?

Why update us?

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Sometimes gankers get the right target:

Deader than 989 Studios…

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I really need to give this game another shot.

It’s good to read accounts showing gankers are not unbeatable. Not least because so many have an arrogant smugness that could do with being brought down a peg or two.

They are most definitely not unbeatable, I found that there is a natural arrogance that slips into complacency. The advantages they have is also part of this complacency, there are plenty of holes in their current method, but of course once you expose them in comes the hard counter, the bumper being the most obvious example, but making them fail while they are complacent is key to success.

Don’t let the detail I gave you on the issues with AG put you off, I and others have saved a lot of people over the years, the issue is that you just do not see it.

No one is unbeatable? And I don’t think I’ve ever seen any ganker say otherwise LOL.

This is EVE. Unless you never undock, you will die :smiley:

Oh, the irony.

Oh, again the irony.

Bumping is worthless, actually in part thanks to you apparently :smiley:

Or um, it didn’t happen ROFL.

Not really. But honestly bro, I never report people as a rule. And I won’t break it, not even for you.

But I gotta wonder at what point, should someone report you? I’m not ashamed of my zkills. Many others have already explained why a lot of people don’t post on it. So it don’t bother me none at all when you post it :smiley:

However, you are knowingly breaking the forum rules at this point and you’re doing it to get the thread locked.

Bad form boyo.

Wouldn’t they just remove his posts? (The rule breaking ones.)

Not in my experience. They simply lock the thread.

I mean it just sucks for the OP really. He’s already griefed a poor dude just looking for marauder fit help.


Oh hey! Another mentally stable “victim”

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Well he is not going to be mentally stable if that was true?

However did you send him a gloating email at his ship loss which occurred at 17:00, and if you did why not include that here. Looking at it there is a line which indicates a reply to one of your mails. Tell me it ain’t so? Perhaps a full disclosure of the exchange is in order?

Like you said one of your victims, don’t start trying to imply he is AG , he’s a victim of a gank and that’s it .

Me and Wah and a few other went on a training op last night , without provocation wah got called things I can’t repeat here , no baiting or slow escalation , just vulgar abuse off the bat.