What are you talking about , they are criminals
We had a very nice fleet of new players thank you .
Anyway I thought you told me once that ganking wasn’t about money , now your saying it is .
I for one don’t play eve for money only , yes we need it for ships and stuff but that’s about it
I don’t want to stop PVP what ever give you that idea , i just don’t like your play style, lazy , unthinking, in one area of space filled the easiest targets eve has to offer , I really don’t know how you do it day in day out .
Maybe the boredom of null and the monotonous ganking makes your community as toxic as it appears, I just hope that’s all part of the act too.
Why can’t you understand I just want to fight criminals thieves and pirates , don’t you guys police your own null empires, I can’t see the difference in what we do .
Your only against us because for so long you had free rein over what you did , before the war Dec changers any corp that made a stand would be wiped from existence . At least you can’t do that now , not that I like the war sys we have now . But your griefing style game play made them change to what we have now and as a result players don’t have to work on building a strong corp that can withstand an attack , instead we have hundreds of wind bag weak corps that have no need to change and become stronger in all areas to survive , the corp sys has lost its meaning .
But and this is important , I found I enjoy what I do , most of you, in truth are worthy opponents and skilled players , who constantly challenge us to try new things , I would sooner pull you out of a gank fleet and kill you than kill any mining ship but that’s eve and we are all free ish to do as we please.