Criminals and gank failures

I might have been vague and if it confused you I apologize, I will try and explain better for you,

Aiko is not making money from ganking(I don’t claim that Aiko is trying to make a profit) and neither is the majority of others players doing it. There is a few dedicated specialists that has made it their profession and I’m sure they are making good profit.

Anything else I can explain for you? You are free to ask me how many questions you desire, but lets make a deal, I will try and express myself clearer and you try to try and use a little less off the gen z clichés, deal?

Its always amusing to read how those interpret the psycology of ganking.

EVE Ganking is:



-Sometimes, a means of income depending on the group doing the ganking… some only want to satisfy the above 2 traits.

There is no salt generated from a ganker upon a loss… this is why gankers rely on miners for salt.

Failure is only a construct of those looking from the outside in.

There is only success and a challenge. The only real failure is declining to participate.

Some of the best gankers in the game employ some of the most creative means to successfully destroy a target. It takes skill, planning, patience, and an understanding of game mechanics…

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No, im serious… mr serious to you

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I hate you for that, you made me laugh so hard my wife came up and yelled at me for waking her, then she yelled at me for being an idiot staying up all night and reminded me I need to go work in an hour and a half …


How would you know? You are just a spectator on the sidelines.

Technically, since you don’t even play the game, you aren’t even on the sidelines.

Just another nobody non-player, yapping and blustering in the forums.

Why would you think anybody wants to speak with you? LIke, what, you are going to teach us something about the game we play, even though you don’t play?

There’s like a dozen of you now. Are you all the same person? Random alts who know all about ganking, but you aren’t gankers, you are just more on antigankers who don’t even play the game. You don’t have some super secret mystery main.

You are just ignorant trash.

Uh. Yea she is making money ROFL.

Dude I seen her clear roughly 8-9b in one night.

You got no idea what you’re talking about LOL.

It’s just another do-nothing nobody troll alt.

The same loser as the rest of them, some salty antiganker who knows they are a failure, so they keep making new alts to pretend they are someone else.

In a month we will have a new wannabe, who claims to have some keen insight into Highsec ganking, thanks to their magical mystery main.

What are you talking about , they are criminals

We had a very nice fleet of new players thank you .

Anyway I thought you told me once that ganking wasn’t about money , now your saying it is .

I for one don’t play eve for money only , yes we need it for ships and stuff but that’s about it

I don’t want to stop PVP what ever give you that idea , i just don’t like your play style, lazy , unthinking, in one area of space filled the easiest targets eve has to offer , I really don’t know how you do it day in day out .

Maybe the boredom of null and the monotonous ganking makes your community as toxic as it appears, I just hope that’s all part of the act too.

Why can’t you understand I just want to fight criminals thieves and pirates , don’t you guys police your own null empires, I can’t see the difference in what we do .

Your only against us because for so long you had free rein over what you did , before the war Dec changers any corp that made a stand would be wiped from existence . At least you can’t do that now , not that I like the war sys we have now . But your griefing style game play made them change to what we have now and as a result players don’t have to work on building a strong corp that can withstand an attack , instead we have hundreds of wind bag weak corps that have no need to change and become stronger in all areas to survive , the corp sys has lost its meaning .

But and this is important , I found I enjoy what I do , most of you, in truth are worthy opponents and skilled players , who constantly challenge us to try new things , I would sooner pull you out of a gank fleet and kill you than kill any mining ship but that’s eve and we are all free ish to do as we please.


Can I ask who Cliff is , just so I’m up to speed ,

thanking you in advance of your timely reply

Looks like the gank failures are getting salty again.

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That sounds like projecting… mining and hauling are the most monotonous jobs in the game.

If you havent joined a gank fleet, you would never understand the organization and preparation required to take down large targets.

Easy is subjective. Since its easy to float afk 50+jumps in a charon while you fill your face with pizza and watch youtubes. Not coming up with effective countermeasures or a plan to get through “policed” zones unscathed is entirely your fault.

Most of the camped zones are well known at this point. There is no mystery. If you drink from a watering hole infested with crocs and not expect to be lunch, you are the one thats lazy

So what if a player turns criminal and fails a gank or two?

At least they tried! Wouldn’t you agree?

You mean like you have in your own corp? :smiley:

Uh. Homie. You’re actively friends with a dumpster fire of a human being who regularly displays how bad he is. Unsure if you can say gankers are more toxic than ya’ll LOL.

You literally have those in your corp tho?

Uh. So you don’t even know who one of most profitable and prolific gankers are?

And you guys are supposed to be the lead in AG?

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Did you have a break? Good to see you back.

They are indeed rather trying… :stuck_out_tongue:

You sure about that?:

Zill > Phat Phil fight with me correctly, kill whore
Zill > Phat Phil 1vs1
Phat Phil > S A L T Y
Phat Phil > f
Zill > lol you are a little girl ^^
Jana Bror > he is not salty u are a useless player because you are orbiting around on the gate and killed pods and are so happy about a useless kill
Phat Phil > Jana Bror are you a salty alt?
(Jana Bror is definitely a salty alt)
Jana Bror > I am just the one who regrets that I slept with your mother without using contraception

Looks pretty salty to me.


Now that is salty, pure grade A salt. Thanks for detailing their fail salt here, much appreciated.


I mean you ain’t the one making them fail so :smiley:

So like what percentage of ganks are stopped by AG and what’s the win condition.

I could totally see the claim that gankers are failing is justified if 70-80% of ganks were being stopped by AG intervention.

As it stands though it feels like it’s a single figure percentage that’s being treated as a monumental undertaking

It’s like declaring global warming is “solved” because the state of Monaco decided to install some solar panels.

AGs are for the most part like those kids at the playground who throw rocks while hiding behind their mothers’ legs. If CCP ever changes war rules, their entire existence would be eliminated as a concept within a day. Githany even admits this in many of her posts. So whatever ganker salt there is, it is salt given for free by the developers, and not salt earned through effort.

Like, don’t get me wrong, it feels absolutely amazing to crush someone’s neck under your boot as they’re being oppressed by the system without any realistic options for recourse, but the wearers of those boots should always be mindful of the possible reversal that may come with very little warning, if the gods in charge of the realm decide to shake things up a bit.

It would be if not for ganking.

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