I’ve seen quite a lot of it, and Safety promotional videos. If it were down to me I’d have Bowie’s ‘Diamond Dogs’ as background music…or something like that.
Holy wall of text…
Yes you are right about the Bandit Princess, you can’t take that away from her , I think we may have started around the same time but she has a skill I can’t match, I just can’t commit the time she does to the game. We all know eve can be a black hole where time is concerned so I set my limits and except I can’t compete with those that give eve more.
I think Ag has done well , endless ganks have stopped , we have the skill to stop a gank when numbers are right, we hunt and pursue groups . This never happened before , AG was a shadowy group , that lived in fear of being attacked on many levels.
We gave up many things to find a way to stand against Aiko and her monsters, giving up these things set us free to fight without fear of who these people really are.
This thread was started to bring attention to our fights, yes they may be small actions , that take part in the time we have but if it inspires others to fight , all these small battles will add up.
And so to the point of it all, our growing and ever increasing
I mean considering ya’ll can’t figure out frig fleet doctrines, nor seeding known ganker areas with frigs/JCs to rapid response says it all huh
Oh? I mean I was literally there LOL. He already admitted on these forums he regards BF as a top tier war deccer corp, his words. Which shows he lied in order to kick me from AG channels LOL.
Your opinion? You’re just a line member remember You don’t have any influence. Your words.
Man. Watching you dance around to defend this trash panda of a human being is just, the definition of ick LOL.
He claims whole fleets dock up when he enters systems LOL.
Ah. So now you’re just lying like Drac. Got it
LOL imagine being this butthurt over a vidya game.
You got that proof or
Uh huh. Sure you did LOL.
LOL. You literally support SA and homophobia. I don’t think AG has done very well my friend
Um. You literally just defended a dude who taught a homophobe on here how to evade mods whilst still engaging in that offensive behavior.
You sure Aiko is the monster?
Ah yes, the misogyny right on time eh? I like how you try to hold it in but you just can’t and then just show how terrible of a person you are
Crawling down the alley on your hands and knee
I’m sure you’re not protected, for it’s plain to see
The diamond dogs are poachers and they hide behind trees
Hunt you to the ground they will, mannequins with kill appeal
…Beware of the Diamond Dogs
Yes they can
Attacking her in real life now are we?
He’s been making veiled homophobic/transphobic attacks and sexually-harassing comments for a while now. Their entire little alliance affiliate group seems to have a good number of players who are really into doling out some “CIS justice” it seems.
I feel sorry for Githany, she tries so hard to promote the whiteknight thing, but then her allies always make it clear what antiganking is really about.
I think you lot should be aiming your vitriolic spite at this one, which is a bait post and a half and is what CR replied to, but of course it is his fault. Yeah right…, pathetic as always…
Are you saying that antigankers lack self control?
Are you saying that antigankers are not responsible for the sexist things they say in local chat, nor are they responsible for the sexist things they write in the forums, because they were baited into discriminatory behaviour?
It’s not their fault—they are such virile and masculine alpha male warriors that they can’t help it.
So best to ignore yet another attempt to get this thread locked, the real question is, how many ganker failures will be reported over the coming day?
Funny I feel sorry for you , your groups house’s some of the most toxic people gaming has seen , did D400 get a ban.
I tend to assign ganker bad behaviour on a number of factors, age , intelligence, frustration, are a few, I think culture and the uses of language can be misunderstood or doesn’t translate well.
Even comedy doesn’t travel well and can be an area that is taboo in some places and acceptable in others .
But direct assault , be it verbally or real threats should be dealt with and are .
I believe toxicity is often used as a weapon to intimidate and is encouraged by some groups , not to name names .
After all we do play a violent game , gloves are off most of the time.
If you don’t like someone’s actions report them to ccp they have the unenviable task of dealing with these people, so don’t cry here if you think someone is being a meanie and going to far report them if you don’t report them shut up .
We are not interested in supposition and what you think .
(Please note most of the above is not directed at Aiko her self , I just started to ramble as always )
Githany, ignoring the bigotry that exists makes you complicit in it.
Yeah that ganker alt above, with the bait comment.
Perceived bigotry rather than real , I’m sure they are not the same thing
No, we literally have people making veiled transphobic insults and teaching homophobes how to get away with their insults in a way that wouldn’t catch moderator attention. This isn’t like you failing to kill someone, and them telling you “lol you suck! get back to the kitchen!” which at least could be interpreted as an attempt at humor.
What we have here is people engaging in genuine bigotry, and you’re ignoring that because those people support you and you don’t want to lose that support. In a way, that’s even less moral than what those people are doing. Maybe they’re acting this way because they simply haven’t been educated enough not to, but you’re personally aware of this behavior, and choose to ignore it because it suits your goals.
Is this what you want to be known for?
What I’m known for is again perception and to tell you the truth, I don’t care what people think because I know how I act is within the bounds I set.
Just because a snowflake gets upset by labelling them he she or fox , why should I be concerned, my path is true to me and how I act.
Pots and kettles, all on the same fire.