Criminals and gank failures

What do you call attacking a ganker ganking?

How so? You that scary?

Some anti ganker.

Excuses, excuses.

Waste Disposal
Depends on what one is doing
I donā€™t update zKillboard automatically, and it seems that I am not the only one.

You seem a bit desperate, take the HTFU side, Destiny was going on and on and on, and yet had not blown up anything for five years, did any of you say anything to Destiny at all over the last couple of years on that? Nope.

And what about you, 8 kills and 3 losses, frighteningā€¦ How about posting with your main, ah but Destiny is not a main eitherā€¦


I am not the one boasting about how scary I am

Neither was I.

Because itā€™s Saturdayā€¦

Does the writer intend to express genuine sorrow? If he/she does then an explanation would be useful. A better (clearer) word might be ā€˜pityā€™. ā€˜I pity you your lack of good role modelsā€™.

If in earnest, the writer might describe the manner in which either Aiko Danuja or James 315 were adopted by me as role models. I appreciate certain elements of their characters, some abilities they have, but I do not emulate them in any slavish fashion.

I like the music of composer Carlo Gesualdo, but have no desire to imitate his act of murdering his wife and her lover.

We are, all of us. a jumble of influences, united by a spark of something quite unique, which defies description, yet is evident.

If Codename Razorback pities my being me, may he know that I have no need of his pity, nor of his advice.

Now, I shall return to the diabolically glorious Elden Ring!

I am sorryā€¦

It is a pity thatā€¦

Is it any good, I am waiting to see how well optimized it is before partakingā€¦

By the way you came in here swinging you must have hit a road blockā€¦


Started playing that myself. My naked wretch got pwned. Good game.

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{Off topic - apologies, OP}

Itā€™s more forgiving than Dark Souls III, which I uninstalled after about 30 hours, but is clearly from the same stable.

They made a hash of informing PC users about the key bindings. Itā€™s all there, but buried in the System Menu somewhere. Basically the default is controller. Wish Iā€™d known that at the start! Ok now, though.

Iā€™m enjoying it, but Skyrim it isnā€™t. Just installed a 1.5 Gb patch, and I think they can still do stuff to smooth things out for PC.

Catch you later!


Last I played Skyrim, I was 440 hours into it and still nowhere near completion. With any luck Elder Scrolls 6 will be out soonā€¦but it seems the delay is because theyā€™ve been working on Starfield ā€¦

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I look forward to this game


And you claim to be a literary genius?

James hardly ever undocked.

I pity that you openly praise a couple of space turds.

Pretty simple.

I think the Object of the Verb ā€˜to pityā€™ is usually animate; e.gā€¦ ā€˜I pity youā€™, or ā€˜I pity that dogā€™. ā€˜I pity your praising peopleā€™ is not really correct, for the Object of the Verb is itself a Verb (to praise).

Such a device can be used humorously, as in ā€˜I pity Codename Razorbackā€™s keyboardā€™, but you werenā€™t employing it in that sense, I think.

Iā€™m no literary genius - but I can now recognise effective writing, and distinguish it from twaddle (however sincerely meant).

Itā€™s interesting to have your peculiar brand of spite back with us again, CR.

Content. Where does content rate in all of this?

I donā€™t quite understand what you mean here, CR.

ā€˜Contentā€™ seems to be significant material which is manipulated by a creative person in order to achieve his/her intentions.

It is subjective in that its significance is a quality apparent first to the artist (and sometimes to the artist alone!), and objective in the sense that the significance of some material (ā€˜contentā€™) may be agreed upon by a number of individuals - or indeed, by discrete groups.

Gankers and Anti-Gankers provide good examples. James 315 (Iā€™m more familiar with his work) used, as his material, the gleanings from Local Chat windows and video captures in order to illustrate certain behavioural trends among the miners and carebears.

Dracvlad has accused Aiko of lying, and cites what I would describe as selective bias in support of his assertion.

No published work of a credible author consists of source material dumped upon a potential audience willy-nilly, and unedited for sense, clarity and direction. No, not even non-fiction!

I was simply expressing the wish that the Anti-Ganking squad (and its supporters) would cobble together something half as entertaining as the writings of Aiko and James 315.

Alas, this thread ainā€™t it.

I think it is simply the fact that gank failure is a lot harder to even define than gank success. The successes are all clearly laid out in killboard and are indisputable. The failuresā€¦wellā€¦what actually constitutes a failure ? If the target of the gank gets destroyed, that is successā€¦no matter how many gankers get blapped before or during Concordā€™s response. But AG can never be 100% certain that any specific ship was the actual targetā€¦so it is impossible for AG to be an exact science.

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I stand by my assertation that Aiko routinely lies.

Parked up my HIC on a gate, joe blogs finding his looter negated by me being there warped to the station, called me a no life and then logged. Riveting stuff.

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You make some good points, Altara.

But, just as gankers cannot punish every miner/hauler poorly piloting an ill-fitted vessel, or not paying attention to the screen, anti-gankers are not expected to prevent every gank. No-one can be everywhere at once.

No. the proof of anti-ganking success will be demonstrated not on a killboard but in the reputation of its pilots, and especially in that of its headline players.

Even if Aiko and D400 had never posted to zKillboard, they would be known and feared by those who had cause to regret an encounter with them. That is truly success, in this context.

I understand your point about the role of prediction in anti-ganking operations but, like gankers, they must now approach the task in as scientific a manner as possible. What can be measured, must be measured, within the rules.

I also think it helps to have supporting material; a destination, like Aikoā€™s blog, where like-minded folks (and their enemies) can feast at the same table. In its day, Jamesā€™ blog had artists, musicians, writersā€¦ If you have time, look at the ā€˜Art/Supporter Artworkā€™ sections of both blogs and see the amount of work generated by what started out as one man bumping miners in the Arvasaras system. I still think itā€™s an incredible achievement.


ā€¦when you put it like thatā€¦

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If someone in nullsec parked their heavy interdiction cruiser on a gate, and caught a random tier 1 destroyer, would this be worthy of celebration or fanfare? How much less inspiring is the tiresome tale of an antiganker, who sits on a gate in Highsec (protected by gate guns, CONCORD, and faction police) and doesnā€™t even catch anything. Itā€™s no wonder Dracvlad doesnā€™t bother to log in.

Stardate C26B02B - Whirling around the gate as fast as I can, trying to survive, got killed last night but had the last laugh when gate guns enforced the law. Around and around I go, a ganker called me a pathetic loser, epic salt and VICTORY.

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