Criminals and gank failures

I will also respond to Phil’s absurd claim.

As you can see, my comments were made between two ganks, as I was relocating from one target to another. Phil was desperately trying to catch me, but the conversation abruptly ended, because he is too slow.

I certainly understand why everyone in the antiganking community hides behind an alt, because their performance is truly embarrassing. They’ve spent several days on this current ‘operation’, and they don’t have anything to show for their time wasted.


I don’t hide behind any alt, I am me , unlike some that have posted here

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Now, that’s not entirely true Githany Gertrude, I’ve seen your little alts running around pretending that they aren’t you. Isn’t that right?

More fail by gankers, and the salt on display by Aiko in local, hilarious…

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Guys, you have to be successful to get salt.

Someone calling you a loser is not salt.

You actually are losers.

Uh, Aiko lies again. What a failure!

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No wonder Aiko was salty. Spent her time shooting stuff in a rookie ship to look active, ROFL.

Add that to smart bombing for extra kills, aka CONCORD whoring of the worst kind, and we see just how much of a failure Aiko is.

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Hi Dracvlad, your recent return to these boards has brought with it, alas, no let-up in the bombardment of my Chrome browser-window with copious quantities of…Fluff!

You draw our attention to Princess Aiko’s activities, which you then proceed to disparage, with no supporting evidence of the specific allegations you make.

In the interests of fairness, and so that I may at least gauge whether you are a competent authority in such matters, please provide the following:

1 Evidence of your recent combat activity in EVE Online.
2 A link to your successful and entertaining blog.

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My dear boy, unlike Aiko I do not run around polluting local with endless lines of fluff as detailed by Aiko’s latest target. My fluff as you put it is mainly applied in this thread which is all about ganker failure, I was told by Githany yesterday for example that there were three ganks attempted and only one succeeded. Failure which is evident.

Aiko has gone off on CONCORD whoring for years, but the recent target for her ire a one Phat Phil brought attention to Aiko’s own padding of her killboard and her failures to gank while being camped.

My competence or otherwise cannot be proved by killboards, I have prevented many ganks which you do not see because they did not happen. The ganker decided against it or logged.

My recent combat activity appears limited, mainly because I do not update killboards, but also because a number of my PvP activities did not result in actual kills, because the objective was to defend and force off rather than get a kill. I am not going to show the kills that did make it to the killboard because you need to do that work yourself. Another factor that reduces my known activity is that the TZ for timers is different to my own.

As for a successful and entertaining blog, I assume you are referring to Aiko’s blog, which is full of lies in the name of entertainment, I have to say that it is not a patch on the previous ganker blog. Aiko’s blog is also a tool of self aggrandisement and ego, something that a person such as myself who defines himself as merely competent would not bother to do.

The truth is that the failures are not about me, but all about gankers failing, especially when those gankers claim ownership of all of hisec.


Four ganks were attempted in Uedama to be exact and three of them failed.


Yes I have alts but I’m the main. Lt is my Ew burst as you know , The B**** from Verdun

We don’t lie about our actions , for example a mixed AG fleet successfully stopped 3 ganks yesterday and one was successful, Now before someone reports that X amount of ganks happened , I’m talking about a snippet of time , when we had pilots on the field, 3 fails and one lost .

Of course we fail when we aren’t logged in but if gankers want to take credit for winning eve then , that’s ok with me. Seems a bit desperate if you ask me but there you go .


Interestingly we have a small competition running for our corp, we name a ganker and see who can get a kill or the most kills , all for fun and content.

The aim is to make people think about how a ganker operates and try to work out how to catch them .

Obviously we are not going to say which ganker I choose I mean we choose but it’s good fun so far .

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Huh. Are those paper or plastic straws you’re grasping at :smiley:

LOL. In other words, Drac isn’t actually AGing :smiley:

Uh huh. That’s uh, really super convenient. You’ve already proven you’ll lie, why should we just take your bare word LOL.

I mean Drac is a proven liar and you seem to be down with that :smiley: I also see ya’ll reported my comment. Its ok. It just means you acknowledge the truth.

Imagine being so upset over vidya game pixels that you compromise your actual values or lack thereof, and support a dude that is a terrible human being.

Man. I pity you @Githany_Red, on the real.

I mean if ya’ll can’t catch them, please biomass LOL.

If you drop me a bil, I’ll give you the keys to actually be an effective AGer. Savvy?

That is an excellent idea, helps develop the hunting skills. Well played.


Not sure what would be worse , giving you a bil or Aiko, both would be a waste , your keys would open jack for us

The fact that you don’t believe what Drac says is not proof of a lie , more proof of your being an imbecile is more the truth of it, but that’s my opinion


I describe your output so because it is light, easily manipulated, and wont to increase if neglected.

Ganks sometimes fail. No sensible player denies it, Dracvlad. If they fail as a result of some event or miscalculation within the ganker’s purview, then - what, exactly? If a gank fails because of the intervention of an anti-ganking actor, then PvP has taken place; again, so what?

No; this thread appears to be a response to the more successful, much more entertaining offerings published by Aiko and, formerly, James 315. It is clearly not in the same league as either. If you think it is, start a blog!

I never suggested it could be, Dracvlad. Perhaps there are other means of letting me know how to judge the worth of your contributions, meagre as they are?

Princess Aiko publishes captures of chat windows and video streams, and provides comments between them. How is this lying?

False modesty has an odour more repulsive than any form of grandeur.

I think you are just having fun, Dracvlad. It’s just a shame that you can’t be more accurate while doing so! :eye:

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Methinks you are trying too hard, perhaps because your feelings have been hurt on behalf of Aiko.

You have a thing about fluff, it is quite easy to see that most of Aiko’s posting is fluff, the rest is downright nasty.

Have I denied that?

And I refer you to Githany’s 3 - 1 comment.

You would have to ask the OP. And why would I start a blog about ganking?

And the next question is why would I want or even need your judgement?

She has lied repeatedly on that blog, one such example was using my reply to a gif and using it completely out of context. The blog is full of such fluff.

All those that know me, know that I refer to myself as merely competent, I also praise people who show skill, ability and effort, admit when I don’t know and suggest people to ask, you may call this false modesty, but those around me know, and that is all that matters.

I am having fun with this thread. And I am entirely accurate. But thanks for your concerns.

NB. For those that keep saying I don’t undock, I just got a nice faction medium armour repairer drop. CCP was being nice to me!

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I’m sorry that you don’t have any good role models.

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Hello CR - you’ve also returned to us from The Deity knows where!

You’re very active on the Forums; what do you do in-game? Can you tie it to Anti-Ganking or ‘Criminals and gank failures’?

I’m in the happy position of not requiring role models, but I am a pretty good judge of literary talent - at least, as it pertains to the efforts of the writers of EVE blogs.

I was pleased to voice many of James’ longer pieces. Studying them in preparation for that activity led me to the conclusion that his is a rare talent among players of video games; he ‘gets it’ and is able to express himself clearly and with impact.

In which sense are you ‘sorry’? I mean, for what are you apologising?

It must be Saturday…

It helps to read the full sentence.

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