Crimson Harvest 2018 - Event Feedback Thread

Unstable markets due to the “magic” of drop rates and outside influences…that’s a nice one for a game that brags that it’s entire economy is player based. :))
On the same note, i strongly think CCP should put 100 plex stacks on loot drops. Surely nothing wrong could happen :smiley:


They did it, loot felt :slight_smile:

loot empty in sites now

Sites have been empty for 3 sites now except for the battlecrusier and dessie. Also whats the spawn rate for the harvest???

edit: do they now spawn in WH space???

i dont think its a failure, its that the Harvest site must have a low spawn rate and ppl are crying about to much loot lol.

I’m bored out of my mind after second gauntlet. Will leave this to true eve enthusiasts. Mining one even worse, who the hell thought it will be great idea?

It’s smell like some Korean grinding, suspiciously.


The previous Crimson Harvests have been the same, although it was just Gauntlets and they were easier to run because you didn’t need to grind a structure to make the site despawn.


you mean the cookhouse shield thing that dies to one volley???

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Still a useless thing to add and certainly doesn’t help to make it feel better.

Wow seriously……… theres nerfing and theres is taking it way beyond . Literally nothing in wrecks at all now . CCp look up the phrase middleground . You just literally made the event that looked good and ruined it bravo


** Claiming rewards from the main overview screen with one click is AWESOME!!! Thank you!!! **

I was that guy who started the lengthy thread on auto-claim of rewards during the last event. This implementation is such an awesome compromise; I am ecstatic.

Thanks for allowing us to claim rewards without having to go through the Agency window. I totally don’t mind having to click now because I am easily reminded when I have rewards pending; I don’t have to remember to look for them.

No matter what folks say, positive or negative, this has got to be one of the best improvements I’ve seen between last event and this one.

** Thank you for listening CCP - you rock. **


CCP ruined all. :slight_smile:
Take a look at my post in the head of the thread.

Wrecks are empty from now

All I know is faction loot got extremely expensive due to Mutaplasmids and this event kind of acts as a counter-weight to that. Bad for speculators, but not so bad for everybody else.

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Quick question for everyone from this guy who is an Eve vet, but has barely ever mined.

I’m looking to mix it up and try out the mining event sites. I believe there are rats I’ll need to deal with. Without going into fitting details, what should a mining noob like me plan for? I’m guessing maybe a Venture with a couple of drones to fend off the rats? Or do I need to come seriously equipped for both combat and mining?

Just curious the approach I should expect to take if I want to try mining some of these sites. Thanks!

I don’t agree.

The sites created a huge rush in activity everywhere I look. Personally I don’t like mining, but I think it’s a pretty nice idea to have different “solutions” to the sites. One person can run them for loot, another for salvage, a third makes a bookmark and goes mining there later. Or you go as a team if you want all of that.

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Solo u’ll die.

Daro Mozu > ccp knew about droprates since singularity, and half a day after launch of the evenr they “suddenly” discover that :smiley: what a circus


Run annoms buy the accelerators and save yourself hrs of mind numbing boredom

Same NPC as in gauntlets warp in to mining fields, you know? So one need both mining ship and combat ship to do them. This is not a variety, this is ■■■■■■■■.

It’s the same failing PVE setup that worked so well in resource wars.

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