CRIMSON HARVEST 23 OCT - 5 NOV 2018 :oriolesparrot:

Ok…I’m pretty sure this event was on sisi yesterday…

Does anyone know why they took it down and when they’re putting it back?

I’d like to see if they’re worth running.

Singularity is for testing of new features and for the finding and elimination of bugs and issues. It is not for your entertainment.

I’ve heard that :poop: before and don’t need to hear it again. I pay to play the way I want to play. So, if that’s all you have to say…STFU and HTFU!


There is a link to a video that will answer all your questions in the already established thread about this subject.

It explains why it was on sisi yesterday and not today?

I must have missed that part :stuck_out_tongue:

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Buy Gila’s for the win, only Gila’s win at ALL events.

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I just hope that the materials required for the Accelerator blueprints are dropped aplenty in the sites. For some reason, the material components were bought up and relisted almost 3 weeks ago, at massively boosted prices. :exclamation:

It is almost like someone knew ahead of time what the materials were… :thinking:


Hoboleaks … BUT, it got changed a few days ago, so speculators lost. It does not drop (plenty), you have to mine it. :wink:


Always, insider info sounds like the SEC should investigate.


I still am ready to call Shenanigans…
9/27 and 9/28 the price on these mats jumped. Weeks before the official release.

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It probably has something to do with the fact faction modules were dropping, which was pointed out in the video, had you taken the time to actually watch it before complaining.

I don’t know why they took the sites down. You can try checking back periodically to see if they start spawning again. Regardless, I made a video about the event. You can check it out here.


Thanks for the info. Good video also :slight_smile:

Did you actually read my post? Hoboleaks website shows you what’s deployed on SiSi, and around end of Sept the BPCs were deployed. So people started to buy (me included).

I’m surprised about the picture, does this come from SiSi today? On weekend it was still showing the “new” composition which is totally dependent on the event mineral. Your picture shows the “old” values …

They’re back up on sisi \o/…

I’d really rather run a Vigilant :rocket:

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Again with this, dude?.. Do you actually have any clue what the SEC is and does?

You do understand I’m being silly.

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True- silliness does not alway come across in forums. Emojis help :slight_smile:

Apologies from my side then, and thanks for clarifying.

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There’s a big difference in materials. Are they from the two different sites?


sigh no, left is old, right is new (which will go live).


I logged into the test server last night and the sites were gone again. I assume they’re still tweaking them. Hopefully, the amount of CT required will come down. Seems to be a decent sized patch this morning on sisi so we’ll see.

I have to go to work, unfortunately :tired_face:

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