Lack of Crimson Harvest Sites 🎃

:black_cat: What happened to the Crimson Harvest Event? :bat:

I’ve gone through hundreds of systems and have seen about a dozen sites.

This event is one of the few things I enjoy about Eve Online.


Lack? I keep getting inundated with this garbage. It makes my scanning routine a gigantic pain in the back. This is the single most annoying event because of this hilarious signature spam.


Most people scanning enjoy a plethora of sigs.

I like it when I get 2 or 3 data/relics and then a wee Serpentis Prison Camp for afters.

Occasionally a worm hole to have a mooch about in.


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are you scanning in low sec? they’re everywhere.


Not sure where you’re scanning, but anywhere close to hubs, mission centers, main travel routes, starter or other popular systems is going to get scanned out fairly early in the day. And then kept scanned out by frequent flyers.

The way site respawns work usually mean that as the day goes on, sites will shift towards the least-travelled, least-active systems. There’s some debate as to whether sites respawn in the same region or not (or various other formulas), but regardless of formula they tend to stack up in less active systems. At least that’s been my experience.

Try either as soon after DT as you can, or try heading to locations farther out and at the ends of jump-chains rather than travel routes.

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I rarely see them in high sec, to the point I even forget there’s an event at all. I also haven’t noticed a decrease in normal combat sigs, which tends to be an issue during events like this.


No. My trillion isk marauder avoids LS.


Then what do you expect? CCP spawning ever more free sites to grind directly on top of you? Many people do what you do, using a blingbling Marauder to quickfarm them, thats why they are all gone in the usual HighSec systems. Its not like they didn’t spawn, they are all farmed by people like you.

Tbh, for the good of the game, those Event Sites in HS should be closed for Marauders, they put way more pressure on newbros who barely can do them in a Praxis.

So, either go to really remote corners, 40 Jumps from the next best tradehub or even HS islands behind lowsec barriers, or wait a week or two when all the people who want to finish the reward line have stopped farming.


Bring it to Syndicate and I will show you the sites

If you want to participate, sure. I do not because the rewards are not worth the effort. I would highly appreciate it if these event sites would only show up for people who have chosen a side in the event or otherwise marked themselves as participating. This would really make my life easier.


I can’t find a system that far away from a hub.

Open the in game map, find something that has a station with a clone bay, set course and book.


Do our pod get destroyed if losing a ship in a combat site or not???
I don’t remember if the combat sites are in normal space or in some sort of wormhole
with timers, that destroy your pod and augmentations…

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Only in the abyssal sites.

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It took me all night to start understand how to get into the context, I had fear to lose my ship, so I was very cautious in the beginning, changing ships, fit, losing time… then I didnt find sites, and when I got one, there was always some Golem or Vargur or Tengu, to make my night miserable…
But in the end i found some good spots… what I didnt find, were the Network node… It took me hours of scanning… and when I finally found ONE… I went to change fit for the data module, and when I got back, a Heron snatched the site! And blocked my Events points… a bit more data sites would be cool… or maybe it was just bad luck… a short video about my first night:

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They just don’t understand how to get players to log in and stay.

It’s really astounding how bad they are at comprehending this simple idea.

Every system should have 2-3 event combat sites and at least 1 data site that respawn when one is completed.

They think scarcity will create some ‘epic pvp’… all it does is create apathy towards the game. Events have gone to hell in the last 5 years. Crimson Harvest was THE BEST when you just had a single site to clear at a Blood Raider station. Multiple rooms make it even MORE tedious.

They are supposed to be celebrations for ALL, not eat or be eaten.


:100:% agree. I used to run these sites until I couldn’t see straight. Now, the scarcity and mediocre rewards limits my interest to a couple a day.

Why don’t they have a few SUPER DUPER DROPS? Make it like a treasure hunt.

That is complete nonsense, as some players would just warp from Site to Site to Site to Site in their Polarized Marauders and farming them for hours and hours. The tokens (Warclones / Vials) pay way too much ISK for that and the other loot would basically become absolutely worthless in the market.

The only thing they need to change is that those sites should come in multiple difficulties, accessible for different ship classes, so Newbros can still collect Event Points and do sites without Vets in T3Cs or Marauders constantly outclassing them easily. The higher the system security, the higher the chance for low-difficulty sites, the lower the system security, the higher the chance for high-difficulty sites.


I agree, however I have to ask, why this worked in past? Less multiboxing?

Either the sites weren’t really lucrative, so Vets simply ignored them, or like in the winter-event, some sites were accessible only for mining ships and in those sites some special ice was present which lasted long enough that even newbies could get their share. And those also didn’t pay that much, so people with 10+ Exhumers also ignored them and mined normal Ice instead for profit.

I don’t think (mass)multiboxing is really an issue in these Events, it’s the difficulty level that makes them take very long for a casualplayer in a normal ship (needs good tank, thus has low DPS and the NPCs are quite tanky). And if the sites take long, chances are high that at some point a Veteran in a blingy ship just warps in and kills the Overseer which contains 95% of the loot value, so the entire run was completely worthless for the Newbro.