As title says… Crimson harvest event… are you loving this / hating this / or just not caring spinning ship with 0 fudge given.
i call it the kringe event brought to you by PLEX Online Sponsored By VISA.
i spent most of the time docked and logged off only logging in to spin my shuttle and checking for dust and pigeons in the engine then immediately logging off with ZERO 0 Fudge given.
i let my sub expire and not gonna renew also saved all my poo and not washed or shaved since it started ready to stage a dirty protest cos i no likey the Kringing harvest non event.
look at you releasing the inner eunuch… that’s a lovely pic of you… where’s the Eunicorn tho? #ohthereheis. #outofthecloset#sparklyslippers
we all should thank god more… thanks for reminding us we should all pray more and be more accepting of gods voice reaching out to us… jesus luvs you too bro. #jesusluvs#godofmiracles#hediedforyoutoo
why you fascinated by toilets … #touchingclothpro#theyseemeturtling#storytime#furriesbehating
When the event first started, I opened the Agency and looked at the amount of points needed to complete it… Then after looking at the reward list, I just closed the Agency and never gave it another thought…
Hm… finished the event path on two chars within ~10days of rather causual site-grinding in pretty convenient ships, made ~6B ISK in the process and farmed some salt and hatemails from people I stole loot from. So yeah, quite a YAY for a highsec activity.
On the other hand, from a design perspective the event is pretty poorly made, way too much pressure on newbros, absolutely no reason to leave highsec, no reason to cooperate and in the end it gets pretty boring to always face the same site again and again and again and again. So here ab absolute NAY.
No, you can’t do what I have done as Alpha Clone, because it does require access to HACs (at least), better T3Cruisers with maximum skills. Doing that with an T1/Navy Cruiser and Alpha restrictions would require so much more tankmods and so much more capmods (to keep that tank running) that you barely do any DPS. Thus you would take 3x as long to complete the sites and that leads to a lot of sites taken away from you by Omega Players who can just kill the Boss faster.
For Alpha Players I would probably suggest a Battleship with Grappler+FedNavy Web and a hard hitting closerange weapon system, like 800er ACs or Neutron Blaster. Hyperions and Rokhs work very well in there. Praxis not so good, because a lot of DPS comes from drones.
Could try a Phantasm, Cyna or Vigilant es well, but you would probably need to bling that quite a lot with Alpha skills… Deadspace mods, Implants, Drugs running… you name it.