Cruisers now almost useless, thanks to Navy Destroyers

My biggest takeaway from this entire thread is that someone needs to bomb her pod because everyone knows she has a blingy head now.

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Nah not pixels.

Just your incessant barking.

I thank thee for all the content tho.

I forgot how fun it is with you :smiley:

Goodluck with that.

So, are we doing this, or not ?

It’s fine if you don’t want to, we understand. :smiley:

You are clearly just as wrapped up in it as she is. Talk about a complete lack of self-awareness.

Oh dear, do you know what you just started …

Walk into a trap meant to kill me?


Mm not really bruv. I’m having fun.

She made two cry threads to CCP to save her.

We are not the same :smiley:

You never not take the bait.

…while having a response fleet on stand by. :smiling_imp:


No, put your money where your big empty mouth is.

True :smiley: Except unlike the OP I actually do fly solo so my back up is um, non-existent :smiley:

Well first of all, notice how I never said I would have ever been able to kill them either hm?

Your mistake was not researching enough and you took a bad fight and got blapped.

You got kited and smited son.

As for me personally, no, I wouldn’t have taken that fight outnumbered against new ships when the meta hasn’t settled yet.

This is a classic case of you thinking the ISK would win you the fight. You brag about your bling and your fancy implants and you still burnt in space because you got outflown and out-fought.

As it should be :smiley:

Does bling help? Of course it does. You got cocky and got yeeted faster than trigs eat pigs yennoe what I mean?

Then, you doubled down and made an embarrassing cry thread on the forums, asking daddy CCP to salve your wounded pride.

Then I, the hero of this story, came in to point out where you went wrong and to have delicious fun at your expense :smiley:

Except when being put to the offer of verifying empirically, the hero disappears…

So all the bark above = pompous and self-righteous trash.

You’re only making it worse with every post.

I have 20x more solo kills than you, 99% of which in low sec.

Where are yours ? Uedama, Isanamo ? Ventures … ?



PS: Whats that Rifter loss in Resbroko, did you think you could take on a Thrasher … ? :sweat_smile: :joy:

Except point to where I said I could win that fight too?

You’re assuming I’m saying I could win, when in fact the reason you can’t figure out why you lost is the real reason.

You were brawl fit, they were kite fit. They applied their DPS in the optimum range, preventing you from doing the same, hence why you died. ’

So if you repeat, assuming no pilot error, you will always die silly :smiley:

Wait till I tell you I disconnected zkills from my account so that people can’t farm meta data on me :smiley:

Again, your ego is on display. I pity you bruv, that so much of your self-image is wrapped in pixels.

I play this game for fun, you should as well :smiley:

Let’s not lose sight of what this is tho. A cry thread for you, crying to nerf a ship that doesn’t need nerfing.

Remember, you also self confessed to wasting 50b as well :smiley:

Here :

At the very least, close to implying it …

To which I took you on, since you assumed me for bad piloting.

So you could just take the practical test, and actually finally comprehend the whole premise of this thread, that indeed, taking a fight with an active rep cruiser against even a couple of new navy destroyers, now means almost certain and instant death.

And that, for those invested in active cruiser rep gameplay, the complaint is justified.

And that, to be understood, shouldn’t require a thread filled with 99% of parroted “lulz nub git gud skillz” replies by a single person, and all formulated in different ways each time.

Feel free to tell the masses how to disconnect your account from zkill, as most would not be able to see passed the blatant lie to cover your noob butt from the opinions of others.

(Opinions you care about, despite what you might say, and particularly scared of …)

Do you see yourself in everyone you meet ?

I do, save the time when said fun, or time invested for fun gets pulled from under your feet, then one gets angry, within reasons explained, and that’s normal, and healthy i would say.

Cept none of that says I’d win. Saying I’d use a kite fight does not imply I’d win the fight LOL.

Good try tho :smiley:

It only means certain death because you refuse to refit your ship :smiley:

It is not actually, you could simply swap your guns instead of crying for a nerf on your knees :smiley:

LOL, it isn’t that hard bruv :smiley:

No? Do you?

Mmm cept it didn’t. All you gotta do is either re-fit for that particular fight or avoid that target profile in the future.

Instead you cry on the forums for daddy CCP to save you ROFL.

And no, I’ll not stop reminding you.

Because yennoe who I feel for? The other pilots of the thrashers. They did good and secured a win and their opponent, instead of taking the defeat with grace, cries on the forum for a nerf.

It’s shameful :smiley:

I don’t know what this flame war is, but cruisers have been the strongest all-around ship size for a long time. Get hype for BC meta now that HACs are nerfed, though. Please, guys. Please stop flying cruisers all the time for every engagement you can hamfist them into. BCs are fun too.

You attacked me for bad piloting for when using an AC fit, along the “tweak” Io mentioned.

So I challenged you to do any better in the same situation.

Challenge is still pending, and you are still barking/talking.

My ships are being refitted yes, mostly all buffers, no more active rep gameplay, sadly…

Swapping guns to arty then hmm ? Could I kill one in less than ten seconds before popping myself ? Despite being fully bling active rep fit ? Highly unlikely … No bling active rep fit ? Even less likely …

Hmm, must be why everyone does it then, and zkill’s become a km wasteland those days …

See above.

Merely pointing out something could be way off for some particular playstyles now … could be good to know for some …

Not you obviously, as you have sodall to show PVPwise.

That makes 2 of us …

Ah yes, the other pilots with their Abyssal Gyros / Abyssal Mwd / Navy disruptor fitted in an entirely new and completely “balanced” new ship tier …

Real champs those guys … XD

I almost sniped one off station the other day, too bad I only had a shitfit Tornado nearby …

I’d fly my active rep Myrm into a large plex anytime,

Trouble is, they’re full of nasty Navy Destroyers now, so I park the Myrms away and go choose/buy/haul/fit something else … FUN

Uh but anyone with PvP sense knows this is a trap. If I use your same exact fit, aganist the same exact fit of the enemy fleet, unless they have terrible pilot error which is almost impossible in this duel type situation, you will always lose 100% of the time because it’s brawl vs kite.

Your challenge is literally DOA LOL. The fact you don’t understand this shows even more so how you’re a bad pilot :smiley:

So why cry?

Fit up, fly out and find out. I mean if you enjoy PvP does it matter if you pop or not?

All I hear is excuses and fear :smiley:

Cept it isn’t the “death of a playstyle”. You literally tried to fight kiters in a brawl fit, they kited, you died.

It’s pretty simple sis :smiley:

Why wouldn’t they put abyss mods? They want to win? You just said yourself you had a blinged ship. Why can’t they bling theirs too? ROFL.

So you can’t pop one in a nado either?


You can’t figure out how to kill a navy thrasher in a myrm?

Skill issue fr fr :smiley:

V, I’d recommend asking for an ISD to close this thread. I hate the toxicity here, and you should too.

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