CSM 13 - High Sec Issues/Suggestions/Ideas

This idea.

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That is a very good idea.


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That’s a terrible idea, if you want to defend what’s “yours” then go to space where you can, if you want the protection of high sec then accept that you have no ownership of stuff floating in space.

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^^^^^^^^^Spotted the low life miner, who makes all miners look bad, who leeches off of the work of others, who would quit the game the second he’d be forced to actually compete.

If that makes you sleep better at night to think that, go ahead.


Based on another thread, I think having a structure in high sec should have more incentive. I think a good way to do this would be to let combat structures (asta fort keep) fit a special rig. This rig would provide LP increases for all agents within the same system as the structure for people in the structures corp. To compensate for war eligability I’d go as far as a 20% increase. Maybe keepstars shouldn’t be able to fit it idk.

I think serious mission runners could be a thing as a group with this kind of incentive, rather than all of them just scattering around on their own. It would give them something to fight for.

Welcome back, Brisc!,

Please resume your communications with the entire EVE community. While we differed on some issues, at least you reached out and tried to sample every different group out there. I would vote for you again if you could stomach another term, simply because you Communicated With All, unlike most of the rest of the CSM.

Course, I could see why you might say " screw it" after the last 3 weeks you have had. Please think hard on staying around.


He’s resigned from the CSM and who could really blame him? The fact that this accusation was started by other CSM members going to CCP, how could you possibly work with them again? It’s a terrible loss for the community, but I would resign too given the same circumstance.


Damn, thought that would happen. Didn’t always see eye to eye with many issues with him, but at least he made an effort to reach out. Now the unwashed masses will have near zero communications with those up high. Well, it was great while it lasted to have a CSM member actually become fully engaged with the entire community. Now we return to silence and being ignored for the most part.

What a stupid feedback system we have…


Couldn’t agree with you more.

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It’s CCP. They are perpetual amateurs, have always been and will always be. :woman_shrugging:

i already advocated for a change to bumping, which including giving freighters a freighter only level microjump drive. Since it can be used to instantly warp right after its used, it could be set up to cause instant warp.

this being said this probably will likely go away if we remove suicide ganks in high sec.

High sec elitist determining what ships people are allowed to use as it’s “their space” yet not deemed as harrasment why is that. so only elitists are allowed their game content and any new players can only enjoy the game depending on the terms of their elitists rackets with no comprimise in the middle? and they are trying to attract new players to the game while allowing that

Taps the side of Google Translate

If you replace “elite” with CODE in the translator, it sort of makes sense.

I don’t understand, why a drone (like Ice drones), using 50Mb/s, cannot have a single drone colleague on a ship with 125Mb/s…

I really think this cap should be removed!

“Corporation Vault”.
How come I cannot see contents of Corporation Vault elsewhere like I used to like in “Personal Assets”?
There should be a tab in there, saying “Corporation Vaults” and then showing systems you have anything in.

Also, - how come “Corporation Vault” can’t be used as a “shared folder”? Like the Fleet Hangar on your friendly neighbourhood “Orca”?
Everything would be SO much easier, if we could just put stuff in the “shared folder”, instead of jettison a container or use a fleet hangar.

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