Is it the view of CCP that the CSM has a diverse a membership as it could?
What is the process for changing the Eligibility Requirements? What would it take to introduce any of the following to the CSM electoral requirements?
Alliance/Corporation applicant limits
Term Limits
Conversely, is it the view of CCP that the current electoral process is already as fair and balanced as it could be?
What is the response to those who feel disenfranchised by the CSM selection process, such as those who point out the membership is dominated by a few large player groups and is unrepresentative of their concerns or those who believe that the CSM is being unfairly gamed by these large groups to derive benefit in game and those who feel the CSM should be abolished in favour of a mechanism that the wider community (that isn’t whine factory that is reddit) can access?
Totally disappointed in the candidates. Several claim HighSec and CSM background, but I have never seen anything from them that shows that they are advocating for anything useful to highs miner/industrialists.
Have you talked to the CSM candidates to raise your concerns? Or have you just been sitting there silently the whole time hoping someone can read your mind?
Oh, based on that website, im apparently nullsec, lol.
Tuskers live in a WH and pvps in lowsec, nullsec and wormhole. We dont represent nullsec, we pvp/fight people everywhere, but shooting/fighting people in nullsec does not = supporting/based out of nullsec.
Brisc Rubal was an outlier, he treated CSM as a full time job. Few people are able to give that kind of time. Vote for next-best choices, or the null blocks win another CSM, with next to no opposition. Steve Ronuken, Mike Azariah, and Lorelei Ierendi will be among the names on my ballot for consistently supporting highsec issues.
the thing is i dont think CCP is interested in the effort to create a diverse CSM its quite easy to have a large list of candidates and restrict the number of members from any group in eve to a max and when its reached all the lower voted for are removed .
But a start would be a good player break down and history so we can at least get an idea of what a player does with there toon also when you are a member you cant reapply for a set time
hows the saying go " keep it fresh keep it moving "
I’ve heard this argument raised several times before, but quite frankly, it’s one of the worst possible ideas that I’ve seen come out regarding the CSM.
The people being put to the CSM should be players who know what they’re talking about. If you were implement this rule, we’d lose out on some of the most knowledgeable people in the game, who have the backing of alliances thousands of players strong, all for the sake of “keep it fresh”.
We’ll end up with weak willing, wishy washy CSM members who don’t know what they’re talking about, don’t have the trust and respect of the community, and most importantly, won’t know how to convey the concerns of the players (with actual evidence or support) when providing feedback to the developers.
im not talking about a long time but closer to 2 years break
its as much about the newer player feeling the CSM is there for them and not just the voting blocs behind them and lots more players feeling is there a point in voting as the blocks hold sway and and tactical voting by a large number only can make a difference with one or two tail enders .
If after how long eve has bin around there isnt enough players with the diverse game knowledge to do this it confirms the view that some have that its purely run by the blocs for the blocks
I don’t think any CSM members should cater towards the feelings of new players, to be frank.
Most importantly, newer (and generally lesser skilled players) have a warped sense of balance in the game. They see things as problems that aren’t actually major problems in the grand scheme of things. Then, instead of learning and improving, they demand developers change the game for them. In addition, many of the suggested changes they offer either (1) only serve to make their specific gameplay easier, or (2) are so short sighted they fail to consider that impact it would have on the rest of the eco-system.
CSM should not be catering to this type of attitude.
Should there be focus to help newer players? Definitely, But it should not be based on the feelings of new players, but rather actual solid and concrete tools that can improve their gameplay.