CSM 14 has been elected!

You know what exactly? In that 70% there is Olmecca - you know, the guy that is stealing excavators from goons and dreadbombing their rorqs - who wants more danger in the space, especially null.


“Our best, last hope.”

Fixed that for you.

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The Big Bang Theory of MMORPG player councils, more or less?

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That sounds fine… except as soon as the guarded/assisted drones begin to lock and shoot stuff, the ship should lose tether as well, ofc. I take it that step wasn’t happening.

Steve is a goon in disguise, who made it onto goon ballot on a number of occasions. I would expect nothing good of him, as he doesn’t care at best.

I talked to Olmeca before election to see what kind of substance he is, and he turned out to be sewage. He does not care about the game in the slightest. All he cares about is his ego and his kills. He literally pushes for MORE capitals so he could whale on them. He’ll be a goon ally #1 in this CSM, mark my words.
He even gone as far as calling me a hateful goon. With that posting history. Ugh.


Having started playing in June 2013, I voted in the CSM elections in 14, 15, 16, 17, 18… 5 straight. This year was my first miss. Not due to abstaining as a protest or anything, I just was meaning to and losing track of time and distracted by IRL and yadda yadda and when I finally clicked the link it was a bit late on the day the voting ended, whoops.

But I wasn’t even that disappointed to break my streak, TBH, because A) after being a bit more invested last year due to a person I personally knew running (and losing), and B) after seeing all the depressing stats on shows like Talking in Stations about the chances for more than 1 or 2 non-nullsec candidates to get in, and C) after the entire Brisc Rubal debacle a few months ago, I was more fatigued, less interested, and more apathetic than ever with regards to voting for CSM.

That said, I am glad to see that “only” 70% of the CSM this year is nullsec dominated and that the above 3 candidates made it through (just barely in Steve’s case). If I had voted this year, those 3 would have been the only ones I voted for that made it anyway.

Before I started to mission, do data/relic/combat exploration, and eventually try some PVP and get into incursions, wormholes, etc… I started out as a newbie doing the career agent tutorial missions and mining in a venture to get enough cash (27 or 28 mil or so for the hull) for a Retriever.

I remember the systems and systems (1 to 2 to 3j away) from starter systems and from trade hubs being exhausted of all good ore (at the time, mostly Massive Scordite and Condensed Scordite) by USTZ every single day of the week, weekdays as well as weekends. Now, this was back in summer of 2013, near the peak of EVE’s playercount…

But while you may see the proliferation of 0.5 sec Athanor moon belts as being negative to newbros… while the vets are off mining their own moons (or mooching off of others’ moons), newbros finally have at least some ore near where they start to begin with. Especially USTZers. Freakin’ timezones, freakin’ downtime being the only reset for ore in HS besides anoms before Athanors existed.

Should have all be done like ice anoms when those were introduced instead of belts, IMO, unchained it from downtime with 4 hour timers. But it’s a moot point now.

What exactly is a HS murder patch and why would Mike have supported it? (ignoring for the moment that CCP isn’t going to do exactly what any one CSM member wants them to)

I’m pretty sure that if the goons or any other nullsec entities had Steve on their ballot this year or in past years, it was likely to show gratitude for the 3rd party tools he’s made and maintained over the years. The entire game, from HS to LS to NS to WH are thankful to tool-creators such as him and the creators of zkill, evewho, EVEmon, eveboard, pyfa, EFT, tripwire, pathfinder, etc. etc. etc. etc.

I don’t think people who support such 3rd party tools are a partisan group, it’s pretty much a “benefits everyone” type deal.


Not when NPC’s were involved at least.

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You do realize that without any evidence of this your talk is nothing more than Goon propaganda :] and yes the best way for goons to stop their game style from falling away is to use this nonsense that no one believes good try thou but its really weak.

Show us your evidence :].

Seriously? This is what you’re going with? Are you trying to look like a raging moron? I’m not a goon. I’ve never been a goon. I do not wish to be a goon.

I’ve been solo almost my entire eve career (after the first Corp I joined collapsed)

But you wont care about anything like that, because you have your own little vision of the world, and it doesn’t matter how far from reality it really is. Goons everywhere man! They’re coming out of the walls! You could be a goon and not know it!


Their sheer determination to lies is a compliment to you and Olemca in my opinion, Goons have tried stupidly hard to discredit you guys.

I’m not sure if you have seen the redit post’s but you guys must be really dangerous to their lazy content-less lifestyle if they are putting this much effort into propaganda.

But it’s fine the community are not retarded they will not believe it so easily it is eve players after all and the Goons attempt’s are less thought out than Jita scam’s xD.

But the Chinese are growing, soon the Goon’s won’t be able to remain lazy and bloated no matter how much they try and manipulate the core game mechanics.

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Completely unrelated…



Welp another CSM I will most likely be ignoring because it is nothing but nullbear kiddies.

Without proper representation for Low Sec and Worm Hole players the game will never be balanced.

Congratulations to all the winners. I urge all of you to work together and not against each other, for the good of the game. The CSM works best when folks set aside their in-game politics and their personal issues and focus on the game itself.

Good luck, enjoy Iceland, don’t get banned.


You just had to throw that in there xD
I hope no permanent damage was done.

Lame coverup, Steve, you’re tricking nobody.

You are at least a useful idiot to goons, this is the reason you’ve been making it to their ballot list before.
At worst, and when it comes to CSM, usually the worst assumption is correct, you are a goon pet in disguise.

You come here on a Character with no history no risk no accountability just go home, your ploy is thinly veiled try harder next time.

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Cry me a retriever, salty boi.

Just a wee tip. The goon ballot, past position 4, means f all. Their vote is expended by then.

So they pick people who they think will get elected, so they can point at it and say how smart they were. And some people even believe them.

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Go home goon’s climbing silver.