Okay. The player base suggests a ton of ideas. Players make approximately 1.6k threads in the player features and ideas category every year. And that doesn’t even count the ideas that come from other forum posts in feed back threads, reddit posts, blogs, vlogs, videos, and direct emails to CSM members. Then, on top of that, players often have conflicting values and beliefs.
Naturally, this creates a metric butt ton of contradictory feedback -and some of that feedback is straight up terrible, and would do nothing but waste the CSM’s time with CCP devs. For example, this guy thinks that CCP should sell isk directly to the players. Thus, it is logistically impossible (and would be a waste of time if it wasn’t) for the CSM to simply regurgitate the feedback that we’re already providing to them via the forums and reddit.
If you want your feedback to rise above the noise, you should try to be as persuasive as possible, try to gain support for it, and/or cut out the middleman and run for CSM yourself.