CSM 15: Jurius Doctor - Let's grow the game!


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Your EVE Online Story:

I first started playing EVE Online in the mid-2000’s, and then as many players do I stopped playing the game because I found it to be caustically inhospitable to new players. In the interim I moved to Vancouver and a friend from University suggested I should try EVE Online again. He had started playing, joined TEST, and remarked that the New Player Experience (NPE) had come a long way - or that it existed at all. This was a big improvement over my previous experience of the game and I decided to give it another shot.

I joined EVE University, learned to mine, pvp, do Planetary Interaction (PI), build, and so on. I decided that I wanted to learn more about the game, and the best way to learn is to teach. It really helps to highlight the things you don’t know when you get asked questions you don’t know the answer to, so I started learning. People responded positively to my classes, and I eventually took my teaching to YouTube where I could invest in a greater focus on the polish and presentation of course materials. Eventually I joined the event staff and became the education coordinator for the Solitude campus.

In 2016 I expanded my connections with the community by becoming a real-world host of monthly meetup events in Vancouver. This was where I met Tridgit, CEO of Iron.Guard, and Meredudd, co-host of the Mindclash Podcast. These nerds convinced me to graduate from EVE University and join Iron Armada. With Iron Armada I’ve been able to grow into a null-sec industrialist, build capitals, and focus on expanding my social presence and instruction of newbros. I’ve attended EVE Vegas with these awesome nerds and directly contributed to the development of in-game features. (Thanks to ex-CCP Lebowski for the shout-out at EVE North last year!)

Your areas of expertise. In which areas of the game do you feel you are the most knowledgeable? What qualities set you apart from other candidates?

My greatest area of expertise is in the attraction, training, and retention of new players. I have made it the focus of my EVE career: on YouTube, on Twitch, writing for Imperium News, contributing to Talking in Stations, and hosting and coordinating meetups and player attraction events. I care a great deal about what keeps people engaged in this game and helps people to combat burnout. EVE is too expansive a game and too awesome a community to let it flounder, and I’m very happy to see that CCP has upped their development game in the last two years.

In the real world I’m a Microsoft stack infrastructure specialist (sysadmin and senior project specialist). I’ve been a large infrastructure projects manager and I’ve run an Australian software company in the legal space. I have a very real understanding of the development cycle and the demands on the devs, and I work very hard to make sure that any feature requests or ideas that I forward be put into terms that are actionable, iterative on existing code or game features, and achievable on reasonable timelines.

What are your positions on the current health of the game and how do your strengths and expertise lend to your platform?

To CCP’s credit they are at least aware that the new player attrition numbers are abysmal (no pun intended). During EVE North last year there was specific note made during the keynote and two other presentations by CCP devs that the game has a problem grabbing new players and holding onto them past the first week. What followed those statements by CCP, however, were talk of art improvements, ship balance passes, resource redistribution, structure changes, and capital changes. None of these are things which new players substantially engage with during their onboarding to the game. This is the herd of elephants in the room and I honestly think CCP needs help here.

When it comes to the experience of the loyal and dedicated players who are already playing the game, I think that there are a lot of small things quality of life improvements which would go to making the game more enjoyable, playable, and engaging.

The first would be a greater degree of communication from CCP about the road map. Radical transparency on both the numbers being generated by the shortage phase and the A/B tests being run on the NPE. If they can step-up their development tic-toc cycle to quarterly or even as brief as bi-weekly, they can tell us what those numbers are informing.

The second would be a greatly revised corporate management and corporate recruitment system in the game. The activity tracker shown off by CCP Nagual and others at EVE Vegas 2018 is in the game and is a hugely under-advertised and under-utilized feature which has been passively aggregating data about new player and existing player behavior and preferences.

There is no reason this data can’t be incorporated into an opt-in referral system for corporate recruitment - both as a “here’s some corps aligned with your skills, experience, and timezone” and also as a “here are some promising potential recruits”.

If this could be piggy-backed with a community-led team of mentors and impartial advocates to guide new players to copacetic corporations, this would be a win-win for everyone. (Note, such a system would need to have an opt-out option for corporations that are purely skill-farms. I.e. a checkbox that says “This corp is a skill farm”.)

The third is that I like a lot of what CCP has been doing with balancing the capital meta and introducing changes to combat structure spam/sprawl. However, I think more needs to be done at the front line of the alpha experience to accelerate their ability to engage with PVP and other core activities of the game. “What’s that? I need to train for 23 days to pass the threshold for entry into PVP without getting eaten alive?” Noping out intensifies.

I think that CCP really needs to closely examine the requirements for new players - and existing corporations looking for new players - in terms of identifying where the best balance can be struck between encouraging people to subscribe to the game and where those same manipulations drive players away. If I were to take a stab at it, I’d say eliminating skill requirements for all T1 modules is a good place to start.

Why are you applying for the CSM?

I am in a place in my development in the game where it’s the next logical step for my EVE Career. Having more face time with the developers, and being able to have any degree of greater insight into the road map and their anticipated development timelines, will empower myself and others to grow the game. It’ll allow us to accommodate and plan for the upcoming changes and setup communications, media, and hype trains to build on the successes of CCP to an even greater effect - in essence we have the opportunity to be force multipliers for their efforts.

I don’t think it’s a mistake that there are so many media-savvy individuals and active streamers/content producers running for CSM this year; it’s not just a personality bid. We do what we do because we care about this game and we want to see it grow. Being able to act as a focus group for the developers and provide front-line feedback on planned changes and upcoming developments is our first chance to help them get it right, whatever it is or will be.

What can players expect from you?

EVE players can expect that I will always be available to them and communicative; example - I am one of the few people I know who reads and responds to literally every YouTube comment (despite the warnings from others to “never read the comments”). This community is just too awesome not to carry forward and hear your concerns, thoughts, and ideas for improvement.

That said, I strongly advise everyone to remember that it’s not the purpose of the CSM to tell CCP what they should/shouldn’t be developing, but to act as a focus group and to counsel them on their approach to new features which they already have in their development sprints/road map. We can ask for features, and we can shine a spotlight on those areas of the game that need some love, but how the developers address those gaps is ultimately up to CCP.

My role will be to help be a positive voice for the community and players of New Eden before the developers, to counsel reason and moderation in changes, and to act as a go-between for the players so that they can be certain their concerns are heard and their questions answered.

Where can players learn more about you and what you do?

And, hey, since Xenuria did it, I’ll throw my personality profile in there, too! Read it Here

If you’d like to support me, you can:
VOTE HERE from June 1-8, 2020


Another easy endorsement for me. Helpful and reasonable.



JD is a great member of the community, and I’m pleased to support him.


Thanks, Brisc and Mike! I love you guys. <3

Well, a New Player Mentor and Eve Meet Organizer will always get my vote.

Good luck with the election.



The only reason I know how to play this game is because of the wealth of knowledge this man has shared with us on his youtube channel. I respect his knowledge greatly and I refer newbros to his content whenever I bump into them.

You will be a magnificent addition to the CSM, Jurius and you have my vote!


I have an issue with the notion that CSM is some sort of promotion or vertical progression from player upwards. The CSM isn’t a pay raise or a step up from being a player. It’s a step sideways into additional responsibilities, obligations and nuance. You can bring amazing things to the table but if you look at being elected as the next step in a “career” that’s not great. The CSM aren’t junior game developers nor is the position any more prestigious than being a regular player. It’s just another hat to wear.

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In a game like EVE, playing long-term, one of the key ways to avoid burnout and foster self-engagement is to evolve as a player. For a newer player, this can mean trying out different game styles and game activities. For a more experienced player, this can mean helping out newer players, furthering your own education by teaching.

For myself, it meant running a corp and combining the aforementioned aspects. Some choose to reach out to a much wider audience by creating resources like video guides that are invaluable in providing new players with the resources they need to graduate from casual engagement to finding their own niche in the game.

And for someone like Jurius Doctor, who’s done all that, the next logical step in the progression from experience to leveraging that experience for the benefit of other players is to find an even better way to make a positive impact on an even larger subset of the EVE player base. Thus, running for CSM.

Your swipe at his campaign by intentionally casting this respectable endeavor in a negative self-serving light tells me so much more about you than it does about him.


If you think me taking issue with Doctor’s characterization of CSM is tantamount to taking a “swipe at his campaign” than the problem you have is one of scale not of comprehension. It’s not a forum war every time somebody expresses a view that is different from yours. Your post isn’t helping the campaign.

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If you were not also running, that would be entirely true. Context matters.

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Folks, I appreciate and value both of your feedback. Let’s not let this get personal, though. You both have valid points to raise and you both have voiced them in ways that I find perfectly acceptable and am happy to respond to. We all obviously care about this game, and the health of the game, so let’s be friendly.

Xenuria, I think Renn actually did a good job of summarizing what I would have said to you, but I’ll add this: We are all volunteers in this. I have actively engaged with wearing as many hats as suit my capabilities and my strengths, to use your metaphor - I have a very large head (pun intended). Were I getting paid I would be very happy indeed, but what I have actively said to the Devs (communicated in a recent email) is “We in the community would - and do - gladly do for free what you pay others to do, help us do it.”

Renn, Thank you for speaking up for me. It’s nice to see that someone values the efforts I put in and you’ve paid me a compliment - in a way - that puts a very big smile on my face. I do what I do for the community and it’s nice to be recognized for it, in however tiny a way. We learn from our mistakes, but we should always celebrate our victories, however small.


I wouldn’t recomment voting for Mr Doctor.

Sent: 2020.05.06 21:46

Jurius Doctor placed ISK in bounty on your head.

If this is the way he deals with ideas that he doesn’t like, he is probably not a good CSM candidate to represent anybody but his own views. pouts


uhp - somebody’s got a case of the saaltees…

edit: Referring to you, Komi.


No, I did it because it’s hilarious! Get good. That’s EVE.


This is hilarious and now I’m more likely to vote for him :laughing:


after reading… and considering you also are more towards helping new players and such, you get #3 vote from me.

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Thank you, Jerry Falcone. And thank you for the vote of confidence. :slight_smile: :heart:

I’m much more likely to vote for @Jurius_Doctor now.

I invite everyone to contribute to our effort toward killing Komi, whose RL self is committed to biomassing Komi if podded in adherence to hardcore RP that Komi is mortal (ie. not a capsuleer)

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We find it interesting that you choose to promote yourself as a moderate candidate, notably highlighting your work with Eve University, then on to Iron Armada, yet you completely fail to mention that you then went on to Goonswarm (and subsequently their “pet” Nulsechnya Schlopen). So ultimately despite your experience in the past, you are now essentially just another candidate for the lumbering monstrosity that is Goonswarm. Putting yet more power and sway in the hands of a group that overwhelmingly gets to direct the conversation on the CSM and the game as a whole. Your intentions may be good, but not when Goonswarm is pulling the strings or whispering in your ear. You seem to provide much to the community through various channels, perhaps you should continue to do so, and move aside so to allow the CSM room for opinions other then that of the big blue doughnut.

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