CSM 16 - All You Need to Know


How many systems in eve online depend on their security status ?

Round up numbers :
High sec: 1000
Low sec: 1000
0.0: 3500
W-space: 3500

There is 10 seat for player presantatives

In Presentative Democracy amount of people you are presenting and ratio of that amount to general population is very important aspect… so everybody from different regions and different citioes or clans has right to be presented …

According to current CSM distribution: % 70 percent of representatives are standing up for NULL sec… Moreover, 2 of them coming from ONE specific clan…This is a BROKEN system. which we all know how much they are organized disciplined and ordered to put emphasis on that type of thing… And those people are claiming that they are the voice of all New Eden … which honestly nobody believes that lies in a game like personal gains and profit and power struggle mean a lot…

CCP knows how many players active in every security area average everyday… SO they can easily make a limitations like null sec can bring only 4 presentative… 2 from low sec 2 from high sec… 2-2 from wormhole space…

OR 4 slot for NULL nominees … Those presentatives are the names very out and well known so its easy to spot if brisc rubal set yourself nominee for high sec :smile:

Current CSM election system nothing else than be CORRUPTED… and very LOW presentation value …

And this hurts the peoples justice and fairness feeling and HURTS the CCPs image more than anything else… and puts CCP into position like they do listen to Nul Blocks more than everyone else…

And This distributions style officially legitimise and reflects and supports these tendancies

CCP never come over or convince anyone else from high sec or WH that they had been heard and their voice is up there…

There is players who live in wormholes… or a lot of high sec players largely also new players… Those people may be doesnt organised yes… There is so many players which doesnt like to be a part of big crowd… that doesn’t mean their opinions are worthless or be in shadow or voiced by the Null representatives …

this makes a very very bad image for CCP… that is something needs to be sorted… and i do invite community team to consider to look at general systematic and criterias about selection styles of presentative numbers according to player amount area of cticity and numbers at the area actively playing daily bases … and make some QUOTAS for each section and limit … this will give people chance to carry their names to represatative table

@CCP_Convict @CCP_Dopamine @CCP_Fleebix please consider this idea… This greatly helps your image , and helps to breake some prejudiges


Personal issues IRL. He stepped away from USIA and EVE overall

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@Mike_Azariah has been great for csm multiple times for new bros and hisec.
@Brisc_Rubal tried to work with wh as well

so… How do you determine where a candidate is from?

Going back to CSM 14, do you know where Aryth spent most of his time? Highsec. After all, where does a market person do most of their work?

And how do you split up people’s ability to vote?

This isn’t an easy thing to solve. It’s nigh impossible.

A frequent request is to add CSM voting to the game client, where players may be more likely to see it and vote, than logging into a website. I read about an upcoming “survey” feature for the character select screen… could this work be used as a jumping-off point, for in-game voting?


Oh, that’s not a problem. I just claim credit for everything good, and everything bad is Vily’s fault.


They were holding on to hope.

Now you have dashed it.


you dodged a bullet last cycle

is that even allowed :no_mouth:

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From the CSM perspective, this controversial change came out of the blue and caught all of us by surprise.

:thinking: Why are we having a CSM again?


Free press in the gaming media.

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I recommend that voting be done by player, not by each account.

So a person gets one set of votes for the CSM, not a set of votes for each account they own.


How do you figure out who a player is? I have accounts that have no link to other accounts via credit card or e-mail.

One of my comments in that thread:

"The reality is that CCP is a big company with a lot of people and a lot of teams working on a lot of stuff. Some of them love working with us, are very communicative, do the things we ask them to quickly, and are willing to have a back and forth and put our feedback to good use.

Others, not so much."


Good question. It’s for show. It makes the players feel that they have some control over the asinine decisions that CCP regularly come to.
It’s just like every other election that happens out there, the illusion of democracy and keeping players in that illusion ensures that they blame themselves and each other for whatever befalls them.

My vote is for sale. Bids start at 3 billion isk.

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The “others” should be extirpated then. They are useless waste of oxygen in the company and they serve no other purpose other than annoying the players and introducing issues where no issues where before.

You know nothing but goonswarm members will win so why bother.

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You had enough of it too? :slight_smile:

@Brisc_Rubal I know you regularly post on forums so kudos for that, mos tof the CSDM are anonymous though, they do their campaign and then drop into the shadows.

But, regardless of that it seems CCP withhold what they deem really important/sensitive from you (CSM) anyway. Do you think you guys actually make a difference? from my end, it doesnt feel like it.

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I do think we make a difference, and I think that CCP developing the game without the CSM would result in quite a few worse outcomes.

I want to address the “CCP doesn’t tell the CSM anything” stuff, because I think that is largely a misperception. The list of things they intentionally don’t tell us because they don’t want to put us in a position where players can accuse us of using inside information for our own benefit is pretty small.

What I think is causing this perception is how often really dumb things happen or are added and players immediately demand to know “did the CSM know about this?!” and generally when that happens we don’t - because if we had, we likely could have gotten them to fix the dumb thing or not do the dumb thing in the first place. It’s one of the reasons why I always harp as much as I can on the need for them to give us heads up on patch notes and dev blogs before they come out, and for the most part they do.

In the end, for the CSM to do CCP any good at all, they have to be willing to work with us. Most teams do that, and I think the end product is better for it. That said, there’s plenty of room for improvement - both on our side and on their side.