What would also help is if they had a QA department, or give QA more time to do their work and take their change requests seriously. So many bugs and issues get through to TQ, it’s mind-boggling, especially if signature features that certain CCP personnel are so proud of and have worked on for months feel like they have been slapped together in a week.
I did 6 years. Isn’t that enough?
They don’t have any power. They can’t report what they talk about because of NDA.
What’s the specific value of a CSM, again? Other than as a social club for null sec alliance celebs.
Yeah i think I would be done before then, it obviously takes a toll.
Remember Pochven? Hilmar bet all of 2020 on that crap. He boasted about not telling you guys about it.
An entire region dedicated to . . . uh . . . I’m not sure. Something about grinding standings with the enemy so that you can mine better rocks than anywhere else in the game. Or maybe something else. It is already forgotten legacy code. CCP has moved on.
Work for the people not personal gain, representatives of the people should feed people back information that can cost people money in the long run what the point of having representation with the freedom of the information Not discussed? Seems a pointless to have csm because, it plain to see they do have not role in changing things ingame. Or representing the people who actually voted for them.
Its time for change disband csm and listen to the people in the forums who don’t agree with every change CCP make.
They wanted Pochven to be a surprise, but we did have input and discussions with the team working on it for a while. We weren’t 100% in the dark.
While I agree that it needs a lot of work, the folks who are in there are pretty happy with the outside view that there’s nothing to do and it’s a waste of time for folks to come in and check it out. They’re laughing all the way to the bank.
Despite MULTIPLE examples of CSM requested features and fixes being done this year, we still hear the “they don’t have a role in changing things,” “nobody listens to them,” etc. That’s not true and it’s pretty obvious it’s not true.
I always get a woozy sensation when people suggest that Eve is about making isk and getting rich. I have been getting a bad case of cognitive dissonance ever since Pochven came out.
In real life I am councillor elected by the people to work for the people , to lobby the council for things we want to see improved and increased in my area of responsibility all this information, meeting minutes are for public viewing we are very transparent , when csm was first introduced i was under the impression it would follow like most councils do with transparency honesty and integrity. It does non of this and i feel going forwards this has to change or there no point continuing the csm.
You may sigh , but how to you think the little man feels when there kept out of the loop and not represented. ?
I have posted summaries on a month-by-month basis on our meetings and I’m literally working on the next one as we sit here. That information is available.
The CSM is not a legislative body. It’s a focus group. It is absolutely important to CCP that the internal discussions not be completely transparent, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the player bases’ consistent penchant for taking any public statement and turning it into a promise. They can’t afford to throw open their internal discussions to the public. The CSM is the closest we get, and it gives player reps a chance to talk to CCP about the game and fix things or suggest things. It isn’t perfect.
The little guy is represented - most players have more than one CSM rep that cares about their interests. And my DMs and door are always open, and I’ve carried water for just about every part of the game over my two terms.
What have you done for Resource Wars, lately?
Forgotten it exists.
Yes it may be a focus group , but when your taken out the loop on a lot of changes , I am not certain your effective as you could be if you were consulted and kept in the loop. this change needs to happen.
See this comment: CSM 16 - All You Need to Know - #40 by Brisc_Rubal
We aren’t taken out of the loop on a lot of changes.
Fix the belt issue , most of the south and south east on the map have been nuerfed loosing loads of belts , the north seams untouched, tell me this is intended or try and get answer from ccp because they are ignoring there player base. Once this done I’m happy to look at what past achievements you done. And all you have done with your link is post in the same thread i am replying too.
Yeah, because you didn’t read it.
I’m working on the belt issue and have been all day.
Funny I have read it and it doesn’t say you have been working on this all day. when i click on th link it takes me here to this post . http://prntscr.com/11eis8t
I think it’s clear there’s a language issue going on here.
You have repeated, multiple times, the claim that CCP doesn’t tell us everything. I have explained (and that’s what that link was) that they tell us the vast majority of things, but there are a handful of things they do not tell us. I also explained that there are times when there are oversights, which are unintentional.
That has nothing to do with the belt thing, which is a separate issue.
The CSM and the concept of a player focus group would greatly benefit from having a dedicated secretary/scribe/historian keep a current account as the NDAs for specific items expire of where the CSM stepped in and prevented CCP from making even bigger mistakes, as well as where suggestions and ideas from the CSM created improvements in the game. Too many times the CSM has argued against CCP design plans, only to be overruled by the company to the game’s detriment. Making the player base fully aware of the value and effort of the CSM as they try to roll the boulder up the hill might quiet the grumbling and promote more voting interest…
When I was on the CSM, I kept detail notes on every CSM meeting and provided weekly updates to the community that did not violate the confidentiality. These notes were shared with the entire CSM and CCP.
The CSM is not allowed to share these notes or any info that must remain confidential.
While I understand your request, the nature of it can only be addressed with release of the summit notes. In the past, when the summit notes were released, it gave detailed clarity on what was said and how the CSM interacted with CCP in many areas. Some areas are redacted in the summit notes.
With no summit this term, there are no minutes to review.