unsure why that reply but thats as it should be really; lowsec being somewhat lawless and more populated.
What i meant though is that titans and supers should have other uses in sov space that actually come with some risk (and should be required in some cases) but should also scale with activity.
Eg large alliances = much activity = needs to use super/titans in local space to defend stuff (npc wise)
I dont feel earning 650mil an hour is an issue if theres actually a risk of losing a balanced amount. For example using dreads in jspace where not only there is no local chat but drifters actually hurt - not a perfect example i know but c6 sites are a f##k ton harder than anomalies, and a lot harder to farm.
And we all know low sec needs some sort of change rght now
lowsec is a problem. I believe the transition should be more natural. Like you leveling to do raiding, you should progress in eve to do end-game content (null).
The problem is eve does not follow this structure, and the most beneficial change (in my opinion) at this point is to push the high sec gankers into low sec, this is actually the wrong direction to work in if we are seeing the above end result, but it seems like the most acceptable action at the moment.
it may be interesting to ditch the concept of “risk -reward” based on security, and shift it over to “based on activity”. for example in mining we have more risk with gas exploding, but its over all income is significantly higher, however, to do this we’d have to make gas ans ice mining significantly more presistent in the game.
if we did this change and then moved over to different mechanics in each section of the game we’d create a paradigm for the game, which, as a result would be more consistent in its design (ie that all forms of space have something unique).
Under this paradigm, the space would be set up as something like
high sec no criminal activity, war decs must be mutual
low sec, criminal activity, war decs are consensual
null, security is dictated by alliances
wh, the same with local changes.
this would provide “risk and reward” based on “activity” changing eve into a true sandbox, and not limiting it to "go get blobbed and bullied by the titan, which at face value is a horrible design concept both for the game and the health of ccp.
It very much i when you start comparing a few things.
How can a player make 5 million isk an hour and be economically competitive with a vet? The answer is they cannot. More importantly, they are not even close. In one hour of making isk, the vet has made 300 times that of the new player.
Cooperation and competition are highly important for design principles. the moment you remove them from the game, is the moment you invalidate the entire social construct of a game, and the result of that is no interaction on the population.
I admire eve, but in many ways i am light years a head of ccp in design positions. if they would just listen and implement two or three changes i recommend (it does not always need to be done in the way i recommend it) they would have immense population increase. I could gaurentee it would improve retention and population rates, and i believe fairly significantly (though it might be that ccp has damaged its players to much that no possible reversal can be made, im ify if they are there yet, but its getting close)
We need to act, now, and the solution cannot be “more un-consensual pvp” It has to be “less of it”
Abyssals have bad scaling. They are for vet players, and do not produce enough income for new players, and it will only get worse as the mats are seeded on the market.
the over all design is heading in the right direction with the grouping and stuff, but they will eventually end up being useless missions because of ccp’s consistent refusal to do anything pve driven.
As i said, this will continue until hilmar is fired, resigned, or by some magical chance, decides he is wrong. that is why i wrote pearl, and i will continue to do so until they terminate him.
I have put a lot of through in ratting, and i am not really sure how to fix it. I think the problem with rats themselves is just the very primitive ai system they have. They have plenty of tools, but the answer is not as simple as buffing damage, or making them perma jam you; it might help, but it will just keep the rats being redundant.
We need environmental mechanics in the ratting that cause the ships to move, and maintain various things. this would be an interactive way to improve ratting.
Let me just make it clear. Titans and supers are NOT for new players; neither are tier 4 and 5 abyssal sites, ded sites, wortmholes and so on; thats the scaling but in ANOMALIES for TITANS AND SUPER CAPITALS there is no risk in null security, at least not from npc’s - which is WHOLLY different than the rest of the pve driven content.
Damn right, i’ve been playing 12 years and through that time the things i have done have taken practice and skilltraining - what are you suggesting? that a new player should just come into the game and be able to make the same as a veteran?
No… simply no.
Tbvh i think your fixating on something then answering questions that havent been asked to people who havent asked them.
New players? run the career agents, low level missions are enough income. When they have learned a few things and made some cash the same way the rest of us did they can progress to ‘the next level’ like the rest of us; but they have significant shortcuts available to them.
To be perfectly honest, reading what your writing id probably have to say you havent actually taken part in many of the items you’ve talked about.
Capital ratting for example likely isnt as profitable as you seem to think and is mind numbingly boring and about as risky as lifting a finger to push a button on the keyboard; in fact the only real danger to your ship really comes from whether you can stay awake long enough to finish the plex.
Dont get me wrong, im sure you have had some pretty solid points in the past; its just i dont think you and i are talking about the same thing.
Abyssals are fundamentally deceptive in this nature, leading a player to think they can progress up tiers.
It would be better if the system was redesigned so that types (gamma etc) were for specific types of ships (ie skil points) and the benefits from the types (+shield - resist) are randomly incurred on entree.
this would make it less predictable, people will know to go to gamma for new players, and dark for vets.
I also believe the timer should be expanded another 10 minutes, and there should be a timer at 20:00 for a bonus (straight isk). I like to reward good behavior, and punish bad.
i dont see a real difference it in that and the way it works?
And 10 more minutes really isnt needed.
I run t4 in a 1.2 bil gila, almost lost it a couple of times; i have lost 3 different fits before.
Newbeans have other things they can start with, hell theres even the cosmos constellations.
Yes, They should. because having to wait 12 years to fight a super cap fleet that can blob you is just silly. At this point i can promise this game will not be around in 12 years (i believe unless radical changes are made, it has less then 3 maybe 2).
I dont agree at all. I’d personally delete the lp store, go to random drops for the rng benefits, and massively increase isk rates. I’d also create grouping bonus’s, and make it so that if you do missions with someone else, the rewards are not split, but infact everyone gains the same.
Actually, bomber spam is op. Also titans can clear the first wave of sites, and then aoe dd the last target while facing the spawn direction instantly killing all additional waves.
There are multiple types of abyssal’s, each with their benefit/drawback for entering (gamma gives more shields, less thermal for example)
If i am a new player doing abyssals, i would expect after a short period to get to level 3 or 4, but the truth is, you need really good skills to compete at that level and thats not even touching the knowledge required.
moving the +shield // - thermal type buffs over to rng, and then making level 1-5 gamma good for noobs, but level 1-5 dark for pro’s you’d get a more intuitive system.
You could add in the description “recommended skill points x” or “difficulty very hard”.
I never advocated for instant titan access. I do believe the access to hips should be reduced, but only by an amount equal to level 5’s (i’d ditch level 5 on skills out right).
It is not good competition, or balance for 500 super caps to instant smart bomb a newer alliance back to high sec.
In the early days of eve titans were not there, so thing were on an equal level. I am advocating they are returned to that point, and capitals and supers are moved to fighting each other, and stations.
Im not against it taking a long time for capitals+, i am against it taking along time to be competitive.
and yet titans supers and fax’s can’t actually hold the field well vs 100 man raven frog fleet.
Thats literally where they are atm but there nothing else they might lose their ship too and thats the intrinisoc issue that im speaking about and that you have completely missed.
People want to fly these, and they want to make isk; so make it so they can do both but the risk is apt.