CSM and CCP, stop screwing us over

Believe me, I know your “pain” too well. The sad part is that any changes CCP makes might try to reach for the mainstreamers and casuals, making lowsec worse, not better. :confused:

Just look at the crap Naari/Nuuri posts. This guy is actively growing a corp with followers in hopes he can change the game into the ■■■■■■■■ direction he wants. He’s a wannabe tyrant.


He’s also posting loads of threats inside said corp to his members. I’m pretty sure ccp acted on another corp where newbies were getting exploited with threats. Might be interesting for someone to send all that info into CCP for review.

He’s not going to last. The evidence against him is flattening.

I am good to my corp members. It is my responsibility, to exercise lawful rules upon our population, to protect them. If you even understood that we were a council, you’d not of made such stupid positions.

Your attempt at getting my banned from eve is pathetic. This is how you debate? and ccp listens to people like you? no wonder why this game is a mess right now.

This only validates my claim that eve needs to change to being casually focused.

What do you mean by casually focused?

Don’t you require your members to put in a minimum of 14 hours per week of game time? Do you still consider requiring an average of at least 2 hours per day, every day, casual play?

Seems a bit of a double standard.

No, Our weekly requirement is based around the industry average, which is 5 hours.

Thus, your wrong, as my corporate flyers even note 5 hours requirements. next time you use your alt to look at corporate stuff, make sure you read it right. we require specific hourly rates for leadership, not the standard person (which is reasonable).

How much do you require for leadership and if you are pushing for casually focused play, why even have any requirement on anyone in your alliance?

Hardly seems casual if you are defining obligations that you expect your members to meet.

No need.

Your security is more leaky than a sieve. Unfortunately because of how much stupid you post in the forum, it seems there are a number of spies in your Alliance posting in various discords.

So no need for alts. Your evemails and discord chat may as well be used to revive Eve Skunk, because it getting posted anyway.

Are you trying to tell me that i have to play eve like you say?

Its just you and alts, lets not kid anyone. I already know who they are, and i could careless. They benefit my corp being here actually. More importantly, you fail to understand that your alts are being used, like you.

Bad publicity, is never a bad thing. Thank you for making me known.

No, that seems to be more your style of thing, while claiming here you are all about casual focus.


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Yea, i m advocating for casual, pve focused game play, and im not ashamed of it at all. That dont make me a casual player though.

dont believe me? check your roles bro, they got removed.

Haha, if that’s true, that’s gold. You just screwed over some schmuck who’ll have no clue what has happened.

That’s awesome. +1


It is better to be changed now because the longer it continues the more big alliances will get ahead. You will never catch up regardless. What needs to happen is the production level of the large alliances needs to take a serious hit so that it matters when they lose things again. Goon’s basically have infinite resources in the current state of the game. Once the changes begin to affect them they won’t be able to stay as far ahead as they are now.

There are other options to earn isk apart from carrier ratting and VNI ratting so it’s not the end of the world. If you really like VNI ratting you can just train into an ishtar and you will be able to do the same thing. Carriers need to be easier to kill so the large alliances can not use them without dying. It’s better for the health of the game overall.

Go play X4 or any of the other dedicated SP space games…

…Why people play MMOLGs and then push for AI fights is perplexing…

As if Alpha players are not nerfed enough now they have to cope w/ Trivig incursion rats - seriously? What the hell CCP. Nerfing PVE stuff is not winning any friends either.

If you want to get inovative let us become Faction members outside of empire - or gasp - how about some new Alien races with their own Globular Clusters conecting to the large EVE Universe that we could start as. New ships, new area, perhaps fiercer Police that actually act like police - hmmmm.

This half assed “new” incursion stuff where you file off the serial numbers and make new ships that can nuke everyone isn’t helping retain players…

Everyone has to cope with changes…

Deal with it…stop playing the Alpha card…

It’s very simple - get and retain new players or the game dies. When you make it so they can’t even mine in high sec in peace (aside from the usual rats and gankers) nobody wins.

Trigs are now usual rats. Fit accordingly.

Adapt or die…

Where the ■■■■ do you live that the police show up BEFORE crimes happen? Police in real life, like on EVE, are largely a reactive punitive element and rarely if ever prevent violent crime against the common population before it actually happens.

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The issue is that the game has been min/maxed. Players beat the sandbox and the risk/reward and isk/goods created/destroyed balance is broken. Long story short, an already beaten game is dead.

Carriers were breaking the “bigger is not better” logic. Some battleships are probably worth more fitted than your carrier but we need to balance their fit between hitting small targets and being an heavy hitter. A carrier was just hitting everything at full power.

Imao rather than hard nerfs ( even if some are needed) there should be an overextention mechanism when creating an null sec empire making your core space safe for your newbros ( mechanism wise) and the fringes more dangerous ( delayed cynos, random rats, delayed local whatever). But maybe that’s just the EU4 player speaking here.