CSM Member Distribution

Before I forget, I recall seeing you wanting to apply for CSM13 @Salvos_Rhoska

But then you retired with some bogus excuse… what happened? Weren’t you eligible? :joy:


Im not going to give you even a single cent.

Unlike those that are giving you $552 this year, and given you $640 in previous years, of which CCP earns nothing and we end up paying your free trips and accommodation as CSM with our sub money.

Consider you having smited yourself.

Hey look what I found :joy:


I didnt run.

Nor do I think CSM should exist anymore considering the expense and bias it exhibits.

In case you forgot, thats the OP also.
Sentiment in this thread has overwhelmingly been to junk/disband CSM.

Just for reference, my patreon has now dropped to $33 a month.


Poor you.
You are only receiving $33 a month for free.
Thats still $396 a year.

‘for free’ is interesting, considering the expense for the server hosting.

People donate, because I provide a service.


Nobody is forcing you to operate a 3rd service at a loss.
That doesnt change that the donations you receive go to you, not CCP.

PS: The cost to CCP, with our subs, for a trip/accommodation to Fanfest more than makes up for that. We pay for that, not you.

You are the only person that has a problem with this; for convenience sake, and because you apparently find it difficult to grasp, we’ll ignore the fact that the donations are used to offset the expense of providing a free service.

CCP don’t, I don’t and I’m fairly sure that almost everybody else in the thread, that isn’t you, doesn’t either.

TL;DR Shut up Salvos.


Another topic thoroughly Salvoshed.


True, I’m not forced to provide the service. But if I didn’t, I would receive no donations.

So it’s entirely valid to correlate the two.


I’ll just link some gold

And most posts following that one :smiley:

I really love the search tool

*oops the last one is Blingtaan


To the OP:

Sorry for the thread derail. I’ll stop responding here, on the derail. If @Salvos_Rhoska wants to take it up on another thread, he’s free to do so.

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Yeah, youd have never earned those donations.

Nor would you have been CSM for 5 years running with us paying your tab to Fanfest, even if we didnt vote for you.

Thats funny.

OP is talking specifically about you as CSM, and how rotten the entire CSM system has become.

You didnt derail, you just do what you do.
You also never responded to OP as OP is.

You try to blame me, with your $552 income per year from 3rd party site, for derailing, yet you did not answer OP.

Heres a novel thought, maybe you, as CSM, should actually address the OP by name, and answer their concern, since the thread is about CSM?

Dunno. Just an idea.

Even in the post above, you only linked me, and not OP.

Aleykoum Salam o/


His CSM membership and his website are not related :facepalm: at worst Steve has used the blog section to make a CSM pitch.

with us paying your tab to Fanfest,

We don’t pay the tab, CCP do. We pay for omega access to the game, what CCP do with the resulting income is entirely their business.

even if we didnt vote for you.

We’ll now add politics in general, voting and political representation in particular, to that list.

  • Likewise, I shall now stop addressing the derailment.

There is atleast 4 posters in this thread that testified to voting for him, because of his 3rd party website.

We also dont know who is donating to his Patreon, and for what.
What if I dropped $5k on his Patreon, with him as CSM.
I could do that now in less than 5mins.
Would that not raise questions as to if Im buying his influence?

Salvos… you are coming across as a jerk. Steve provides benefit to Eve. You come across a cancerous mole on the backside of the game. You should stop this… you’re not making a case for yourself or against Steve.

I vote for Steve because he does actual useful things for the game. We need more Steve’s. We need less Salvos’s.