CSM Member Distribution

By membership in a Corp and an additional one if that Corp is in an Alliance.

Ok so the two tags are just for varification of corp and/or alliance membership, yeah?

So whats to stop me taking a brown envelope to let Bea McCandless stand for us?

Obv all MACLA members would vote for them.

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Too bad your opinion doesnā€™t matter when CCP made the rules to their game :sweat_smile:


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Ive just been threw this entire thread, and omg @Salvos_Rhoska never have i met
at troll on a forum being so activeā€¦ rare to see someone write so much, with such little meaningā€¦
I do hope its not some ā€˜insecurity issueā€™ u have and there for seek attention, thoug that may be the case.
Many other forums would tank fully have given u the ā€˜banā€™.

im no fan of the CSM, i do think its the wrong format for a player representation.
focus groups, or some likewise system. even pollā€™s and votes would be better, as well as actively giving ramdom players questioneers.

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If you have the same tag/s as another candidate, only the one of you with the most votes will get the CSM position, provided that candidate has enough votes to get the position vs all other candidates in EVE.

If 2 MACLA tagged players run for CSM, only the one with most votes will get the position, provided they have enough votes to get a CSM position vs all other candidates in EVE in the first place.

Since I was thinking never have I seen a troll be so inactive as you, with a whole 2 posts to your name in your entire history, the other of which is the one you issued above.


That defeats the point of the vote system, especially if both were to get more votes than the othersā€¦


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VIP section of Player ideas section?
How would you make it VIP?
Or maybe its CCP who should designate VIPs by awarding status. :thinking:

Nothing is forcing them to run with the same corp/alliance tag as other candidates.

Nothing is forcing them not to either.

The current system is fine. Organized people will always prevail over unorganized peopleā€¦ Same as any pvp, industry, etc etc

Unless you come up with a legitimate argument (and not another attempt at rolling the wheel), I will not respond to you

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But monoculture was always prone to failure.

Iā€™d limit the places where alphas can post

That would get rid of a lot of low-tier posters

That is kind of how Frontier runs the E:D forums.

The flipside is far stronger censorship/moderation.

Which isnt a bad thing necessarily, though I suppose that depends on your point of view.

Well Frontier just kick you off the forums for not playing nice so its not hard for them to legislate.

Again freedom or securityā€¦

They went with the latter and got a ā€œnicerā€ enviroment with little content.

EvE for the moment is the opposite.

Tbh what most people have to say on the matter of CSMs is irrelevant. Others have the power and thats that. Just like RL.

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Or they can just remove these forums like they have done it to Valkyrie and SPARC forums.

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ā€¦ until donations become bigger than expenses.

Then out of the blue Salvos will be right about this particular person earning money off Eve? :open_mouth:

Unless they refuse to take any more than they need to pay for their EVE services :wink:

This conversation is over, donā€™t make the salvosbot come again with his lack of understanding


Please, If any pilot disagrees with me on anything, please attack my ideas and opinions and my thoughts and my dreams. Attack my viewpoint please and please even attack my motives for saying or believing what I say please. I think that I can handle it because to me, the forums here are all just pure fun and entertainment. Itā€™s great to be able to read all the viewpoints and itā€™s quite challenging to me to sort out all the good from the bad.

Why did I just say this? Because I know that within these forums there are some very active pilots that frequently post whatever their opinions are with seemingly endless amounts of energy. Some of these pilots very often have personal opinions that are extremely unpopular with the vast majority. I would hope that everyone on both sides of every discussion would remember that it is all just fun and games and entertainment and that anyone who takes the time to post here is just contributing to all this wonderful entertainment.

Please remember that showing proper respect and dignity towards every other pilot WITHOUT EXCEPTION encourages everyone to also respectfully contribute their ideas without fear of being the target of name calling or having their beliefs censored or removed from the forums by majority rule. I may be crazy but there are only ELEVEN WORDS that I never ever want to read here and here is the list:

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I always go right for the hidden content to see for myself what was so incredibly evil that it canā€™t even be whispered in the darkness. :smiley: I come here to these forums to be entertained and informed and Iā€™m never disappointed. And EVERYONE who takes the time to post and contribute is, in my opinion, a valued member of the forum community and I will try hard to respect that pilot. But of course I reserve the right to disagree with anyone at any time. But if I am ever personally disrespectful to anyone, please feel free to gang up on me and totally destroy me with your words. Because I will deserve it.

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Emphasis mine.

Thereā€™s definitely things we disagree on and I really donā€™t care knowing, but as you politely ask people to attack your ideas, opinions and dreams, I will happily oblige:

Your ideas, opinions and dreams is ā– ā– ā– ā– . They smells. One day you will wake up in tears because of the realization of how bad they all were.

There. Just as you wanted. I hope it made you happy! :blush:


Thanks Solstice!

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