CSM Member Distribution

That is one of the reasonable postings on that matter. Given how dominating goons are, they surely have a lot of knowledge about NS, but at the end of the day, it will most likely only be intimate knowledge of NS and not much more than that.

Enforcing a broader perspective within the CSM wouldn’t be a bad thing, really, but then again, the real issue here is that other spaces can’t work together even if their life’s depend on it, so what would most likely happen is that the results wouldn’t be favorable either.

The problem I’ve always seen with this kind of breakdown in positions, is how it’s enforced.

Because not all players who have an alt in nullsec, can really be described as nullsec players.

It’s putting a large load onto CCP for enforcement.

And how do you break up the votes? Because many players have alts who spend all their time in highsec, mission running for ISK to fund their fun in lowsec/nullsec. (wormholers, I suspect, are less prone to this. but that’s just a gut feel.)

Fair point really. How do you protect the system from a goon that candidates for Highsec CSM, yeah, I get that. That would be the point where, ideally, the HS community would step in and overrule whatever Goons do with their own power.

Then again, that doesn’t happen and probably won’t happen…

In the end, it all boils down to “if you want a different outcome, you have to organize yourself”, so any further regulation from CCP is pretty much either completely pointless, or a huge Juggernaut of rules and restrictions that can only be enforced to some degree.

I see what you did there :sunglasses:


It’s a problem.

And it’s not one I dismiss lightly. I’ve just not seen any way to work round it, which doesn’t have significant problems of its own.


This is inconsistent.
You need to get your story straight.
First its 40 a month, then suddenly its only 23 a month.

Fact is you personally ARE receiving money via Patreon.

We dont know whether that is to support your 3rd party service, or payoffs for you to support a donators concerns in EVE.

Quality is everything.


Ive read twice more posts than him.
Hows that for quality.

He also cant get his story straight on whether he has earned $40 or $23 dollars per month, on his 3rd party service, from which CCP earns nothing whilst we pay with our subs for his CSM trips/accommodation/meals.

Doesn’t mean ■■■■
Especially coming from the ultimate spambot

$40 is almost twice $23.

And no.
He flat out said what I quoted in my post above.
Nowhere did he say he had recalculated his income from donations via Patreon.

Being able to read, and understanding what you read are not the same thing.

You’re a laughing stock on a par with Dryson, and have been for a long time.



Im the guy that doesnt let ■■■■■■■■ and lies fly.
Whereas you do, cos they are convenient for you.

How does CCP earn from the donations made to @Steve_Ronuken 's Patreon account?

In your dreams maybe, in reality you’re a pedantic nitpicker with entirely too much time on their hands and not enough knowledge to utilise it properly.

Whereas you do, cos they are convenient for you.

Citation required.


I know a $40 average is more than a $23 average, per month.
I also know that either one is false.
I also know this is money paid to him, from which CCP earns nothing, and which can be a point of paying for privilege with a CSM.

Steve is not the problem; the echo chamber that CCP has fostered and nurtured through its actions and designs is the problem. Steve is one of the few non aligned, intelligent people we have had on the CSM. His knowlege and experience in his field has helped prevent even worse design ideas in regards to industry by CCP. The main problem we’ve had with the CSM is that too many past and present members hold the idea that their own corp/alliance,style of play, and section of EVE space needs to be rationed the largest amount of CCP’s development assets, overriding any other argument or evidence that this strategy is causing huge decreases in players either joining EVE or other areas outside of null sec. Combining this thinking with the echo chamber community where all liked members hang out (as in discord,twitter, fleet channels,fests,etc), reinforces their mind set and mutes voices outside their way of thinking.
I want passionate,knowledgeable people helping guide CCP’s development of EVE; all CSM members could be Imperium or any nullsec group if i felt that they held that every area and style of play of EVE was as important as the others in maintaining the overall health of the game. It has become apparent in the recent years through released Dev blogs,posting, and CSM meetings and posts that this no longer is true. After 10 and a half years in EVE, my characters are going into hibernation starting in November; my friends and family already gave up over the last few years. I’ll hope for a rebirth of EVE with its purchase by Pearl or a change in EVE’s developers mind set, but with the indications of a seige mentality/refusal to address outside “their” community specific issues becoming the established norm, I am not optimistic. My friends and I hope to return when we see a sea change in how EVE’s development is done and guided. I wish all calm seas and fair winds.


My current income on Patreon is $46 a month. (though there’s fees on that…)

Over the entire period, it averages to $23 a month, because there was a fairly long time near the beginning when I was getting less than $10 a month.

I’d have thought that fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain. I did say it averages, over the period since I set it up.


Steve cant decide whether he is earning $40 or $23 a month via donations in cash to him personally, nor for how many years that has happened.

How long has that been?

And where did the original estimate of $40 per month come from?

once again, I think you can’t read.

Or you’re deliberately ignoring what I said.

Because I did say when I started, in the post which you’re quoting me saying it’s a $23 average