CSM member Jin'taan SCARED for EvEs future after Csm Summit

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So how do you describe things over the last few years that should never have been introduced?

That’s not a matter of sorting out legacy code, it is as simple as throwing a switch and removing them (metaphorically speaking).

Indeed. If you go through updates.eveonline.com you will see indeed see things in each of the releases, even if often they are small ones like “new SKINs”. But for over a year, the only long-term ‘big thing’ that promises to expand on game play has been ‘Refineries’ which we are going to get over a year after they were originally promised to arrive. Sure, they are coming with significantly new mining functionality, and that is great, but seriously development and communication on the roadmap seem to have almost come to a halt.

Further, there are serious mixed messages coming out of CCP HQ these days. You have CCP Seagull promising things like “opening new space” in 2017-18 at the same time she is saying things like “the roadmap is open” despite them being nowhere near finishing implementing structures let alone new space. Or going onstage at Fanfest in May and promising a PvE-focused Empire expansion (before this new Rubicon space is implemented), reiterating that promise in July saying more details are coming in August, and then taking it down from Eve Updates without a word.

This isn’t Jin’taan’s fault and I get it, developing a complex game over years is hard and circumstances and priorities can change and resources are limited. But really, communication is important and player patience is finite. People will tolerate slipping deadlines here, or a long delay in fixing something there, as long a they feel like the developer has a plan and is working towards it, and acknowledges the real problems with their game. When the developer has no mid-term roadmap they are able to articulate, nor shows any interest in working to resolve serious problems that already exist in the game, all the time finding the resources to rapidly implement multiple monetization “features”, people lose interest in logging in.

Sadly, Jin’taan’s summary reinforces those fears and frustrations with CCP communications as of late. Let’s hope that with summer nearly over, and everyone back at their post, the lead-up to Eve Vegas reverses this growing trend of radio silence and removing information from updates.eveonline.com with a flurry of insight into the exciting things CCP is working on.


I hope everyone gives me all their stuff on the way out.

Also, this is a Shailaigh thread. Of course it’s a troll. That’s by design.


The way you’ve written your post is deliberately misleading. Do you know what proposals were submitted? Calling for new space and gates etc to be pushed forward is probably going to not completed by CCP. Calling for t2 capitals won’t be done either.

It’s a matter of what you ask for vs their capacity to deliver.

If you ask CCP to introduce new content it needs to be justified. Probably none of the proposals submitted were justifiable.

You can only guess about the situation, though a bit more educated based on observations.

We see new hires working on EvE now with only a few veteran devs left it seems, which is probably the reason for the very slow pace, and also misunderstandings how New Eden works for us players.

There is the visible monetization pressure and focus on those topics which get new money in. But finally I think the main problem is not the lack of ideas for new stuff (working or not) but the difficulty to solve the problems coming from the shift to Upwell structures and the “everything to be player owned and destructible” paradigm.


This is forums.eveonline.com, not youtube.com.
Also don’t put things in Gin and Tonic’s mouth that he didn’t put in there himself.
Also2. Caps off.
Also3. Here is a noice clickbait thumbnail for ya. That will be 500 mil isk.


As long as the opinions and needs of high sec are ignored or don’t even have a voice on the CSM or within CCP, the game will continue its slow decline to irrelevancy.

High sec is STILL the largest segment of the player base, even with all the efforts of the null sec cartels to meta-game it out of existence. But there is no doubt that the high sec group is shrinking. In fact, all the other non-null sec groups are shrinking, thanks to CCP’s neglect or even outright contempt for those groups.

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Create a HS alliance/community big enough to put someone into the CSM then.
Should be easy since it’s the largest segment of the player base.

Stop the trolling. You already know why that will never work. The reasons why have not changed in many years, and won’t until there is a paradigm shift at CCP.

I’m dead serious. HS needs vision and someone to represent it.
Is James 315 that person?
You already know the answer.
It’s destiny.

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Psychotic Monk’s 2 CSM campaigns sabotaged by CCP have ultimately lead us straight to this imminent disaster and death of EveOnline.

Ccp doesnt listen to csm anyways.

Source: ask any ex-csm dude.
Current ones still gonna shill and fanboi cuz FREE TRIPS and im a SPACE POLITION!

But the ex ones will say…
. yeah…

Abandon highsec?

Seriously, the reason is IMO easy to spot … in contrast to other sec areas flocking together in highsec is not the optimal strategy for most of it’s activities. Highsec is full of opportunists and individualists … and alts.

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And it’s still possible to be elected from there.

Mike managed, for example.

(I’d say me, but I’m sure people would shoot that down and say I have universal appeal due to third party stuff)


Nah, it’s your absolutely fantastic beard that got you voted in. :smiley:


Would you like to alter this statement post the new update announcement?

If mode, payout and difficulty level of the new stuff are similar to Incursions, some people will certainly do it. But Incursions are a niche content today, what do you think are the reasons?

That it’s social gameplay and a large portion of people who play in hisec don’t want to do much other than - as the old saying goes - level up their Raven alone. Beyond that, there’s limited sites to do and a high amount of elitism that follows that, leading to high barrier of entry as sites other than VG and HQ aren’t worth doing. Still I don’t think I can call Incursions a niche activity when the rewards alone account for 10T/m, which is vastly bigger than Missioning payouts overall (though obviously the reward there is mostly LP now), indicating a high amount of players taking part in the activity, which is backed up with previous stats where it was indicated to be a 5~% saturation rate amongst the whole playerbase. That’s not “overwhelming” like other activities, but 1/20 players doing something is far from niche IMO.

So we are back to the question, whether introducing more group content will also lead to more people “flocking together” or just branching out of the current communities if it’s worth doing?

Group PvE content as it is available in game requires a fleet organization similar to PvP, with FCs, different roles, formup times, etc. This is the entry barrier. Nobody would waste this effort on suboptimal (in ISK/h and difficulty) content.

My claim still stands, only few do repeatedly PvE just for fun, for everybody else it’s an income source, which needs to be accessible and worth to be used.

EDIT: Want to add that there is another obstacle for easy socializing in highsec: the current wardec mechanics and the lack of ingame community support. There will never be Incursion or other group content focused corporations.

So assuming 23k is average playerbase 5% would be 1150 players. 1150 players earn 10T/m. I find it very niche and elitist.