CSM Vote Result confusion

Hey All,

just seen the voting results and then downloaded the voting data and noticed that this ugly mofo Innominate got in the panel as well with his measly 493 votes. How so?

Here is voting data:
5325 “Merkelchen”
3709 “Gobbins”
2789 “Vily”
2556 “Maria Taylor”
1794 “Brisc Rubal”
1471 “Ikarus Cesaille”
1462 “Phantomite”
1375 “Juvenius Drakonius”
1297 “Torvald Uruz”
1242 “Mike Azariah”
1042 “BlazingBunny”
961 “ExookiZ”
938 “Loroseco Kross”
874 “Kenneth Feld”
747 “Jurius Doctor”
698 “Stitch Kaneland”
690 “DutchGunner”
583 “Insidious Sainthood”
526 “Alexis Finch”
499 “Steadyo”
493 “Innominate”
477 “Meredith en Thielles”
472 “Ironwulf”
443 “PJHustle”
442 “Darius Caliente”
414 “January Valentine”
407 “The Oz”
355 “Pandora Singularity”
323 “UAxDEATH”
277 “Komi Valentine”
184 “Murray Rothbardo”
179 “Xenuria”
177 “Prospektor Schipplock”
172 “Styxx”
171 “boernl”
162 “Dhuras”
125 “Rheaha Preynar”
113 “Kalen Tsero”
96 “Storm Delay”
60 “Leehams DaWildabeast”

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Gerrymandering, voter suppression, CSM results. Democracy is on the ropes…

They may have threw out the bankers, but they have yet to throw out the Goons

That’s not how it works, that shows round 1. After round 1 the person with the lowest votes get booted and people who voted for him have their vote transferred to their second choice. this process continues until you have 10 candidates.

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Yeah, we have to make sure that it’s completed biased to groups of people who are running with several entries.

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Worst voting system ever

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No the Electoral college is.


No the worst voting system is the one with armed military personnel at the voting booth with you telling you how to vote.


Name one thing that isn’t biased.

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Could be worse, could be like trying to hold a referendum in the EU

At least you get to vote in Eve, even if it is rigged and has little value


one account, one vote. One round.

highest ones get in.


It doesn’t matter, as a developer I can tell you we have our own ideas and don’t need to listen to customer design committees :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lets take the small batch of precious resources and spread it on getting the opinion of the people who’s opinion we asked 15 times already, that’s EvE.

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So we will never get a WH CSM then. Still biased towards areas that have the highest population and organization.

At least it’s transparent. Also with the amount of votes it should be doable.

we would have all Null sec and high sec candidates, WH population is lower then everywhere else.

CSM smells like one of those corporate programs that you know only exist because someone needs to justify their job.

Then you have organizations that fill it just to have representation, when they actually have no actual new ideas or nothing really too add. On top of that CCP doesn’t even try to quota in different opinions and seems content on getting a batch of the same people everytime.

I look at CSM and wonder how this survived when the tournament didn’t? This is what they think adds value? At least make it virtual and not make it about a free trip to Iceland. Stop wasting resources then punishing smaller countries by increases in their currency.

The CSM is the result of CCP employees getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar.


Profound truth.

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Well somebody doesn’t know how STV voting works…

Here you go - watch the CSM15 voting results. As a bonus it provides a good visual explanation of how STV voting works…


I’m so nice, sometimes I even impress myself…

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