CSM19 Candidate Interviews by Kshal

This year my community is 3,000+ players large and I’ve tasked my leadership team to put together Eve Rookie’s ballot. In order to make the best decision possible, I’m inviting candidates to come interview! The questions revolve around new players, community and the CSM.

The following CSM19 candidates have scheduled an interview and this will likely get updated with more as we move through the next week.

Thursday 3rd October

Friday 4th October

Sunday 6th October

Monday 7th October

Tuesday 8th October

Wednesday 9th October

Thursday 10th October

Friday 11th October

Sunday 13th October

Monday 14th October

Tuesday 15 October

I will be streaming on Twitch so if you have questions at the end, you can ask the candidate. I’ll also be uploading all interviews to my Youtube Channel.


Thanks again for the fun and thought provoking interview yesterday @Kshal_Aideron ! I had a blast :slight_smile: . Looking forward to chatting with Zephiel and the gang in the near future and getting their thoughts.

To any CSM candidates waffling with the idea, I HIGHLY recommend scheduling some time with Kshal!


Looking forward to the meeting with Zeph and our wormhole buddies as well!

Just a heads up to everyone, there’s a fresh round of interviews starting at 17:15.

o7 everyone! The first interview today will be with Alcoholic Satan at 14:00 Eve!

We have 6 planned out for today! So I hope you’re all ready for an interview marathon!

Thank you so much for hosting me on your interview it was so much fun and great to talk to you.

keep up the great work! <33 o7

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I definitely recommend checking out these interviews as being of particularly good quality!

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More will be posted on Youtube tomorrow. I just haven’t been able to get them processed into videos and uploaded yet.

Alright folks, we’re not done yet! We still have 5 candidates left over the next 3 days!

Today we have Rots Mijnwerker at 19:45 and Colby Bosh’tet at 21:00! See you on Twitch!

Tonight I’ll be hosting the last 2 interviews of the CSM19 campaign season!

At 18:00 Eve I’ll be interviewing myself. I don’t know if I’ll throw myself some curve balls. But, if you show up to the interview on Twitch you certainly can!

Then closing out the 1.5 weeks of interviews will be Switch4 at 23:00 Eve.

Alright! All of the interviews are done! Good luck to all!


I don’t think folks understand how much of an undertaking that was.

Thank you Kshal, thank you very much.


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