Cut you're subscription in half or 2/3's with skills

My Toon is from 2006 how do you think I have survived for so long and I log in every day! I am also very profitable in High Sec. I will add I have never played for plex!

Yes I will heckle until the Goons come home!

I was part of shutting them down previously which was quite funny!

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Great, share some insights, I would like to know you’re information that is more better, I’m definitely not claiming a revelation, just a suggestion.

My reply was a question! “Edit due to misunderstanding from the recipient”

Do tell.

Why would we waste our time reading, when it’s already readily apparent from the title that it’s going to be a barely intelligible mess at best?

You might want to consider putting all that time you’re wasting on EVE into a proper education instead.


That’s probably very accurate, but since it is what it is you are another example of the contentious nature of a typical person, looks for things to tear down, believing yourself to be edgy and a master so keep on believing so the truth is there but keep your illusion because that cat a$$ won’t be complete until you stick your head in it.

I think you missed the point yet again lol.


I get it, I am contentious too, it’s our nature, so let’s keep hurling poo like good chimps do Doo.

You know reading comprehension is a thing that can be learned!

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Meh, somehow I’ve been making it and while I will never be a Musk I am chugging along as best as I can with my limited processor.

That’s where I stopped reading.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


At the best part! Because it is all Pixel Toons!
You really need to have a substance to your forum persona or are you hiding behind it?

As far as I am concerned I have posted what I needed and am done with this post as like many posts in many forums it descends into poo slinging.
The one thing that I’d like to say tho is that this as many other examples is why our world is as it is, next time someone utters ‘I hate’ remember that it is ourselves we have to blame for making it the way it is.

I am glad you are reflecting on your poor decisions!


So if I get this right then the op’s logic(…) is that if you sell one cap ship for like 1.1 bil, then you’re pretty much done with the 1.5 bil cost for 500 plex.

Because that whole 1.1 bil that you sell it for it of course profit There are no initial costs, no manufacturing costs, no research cost and no material costs.

“just mine it yourself”.

These are the sort of people who infect newbies with their crappiness, which if they do it in Rookie I (and a few others) then have to correct.

So Mr Epeen tried to reply then failed so now I am interested in what his reply would be!

Edit: he is trying again!
Nope failed again!
Wait third attempt!
Sorry another failure!
Fourth attempt!
Another fail!
I am so exited for his post !
Sorry let down again!
Well what a let down!

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As for the OP.

I have two capital builders. Always two I have. A Master…and an apprentice. When the apprentice becomes powerful enough he sells the master and takes on a new apprentice to train.

The actual building of capitals is pretty profitable once you have the BPs researched and the skills maxed. You need a lot of time and ISK up front, but you only need it once. I’ve mined for maybe two months in ten years but still turn a tidy profit purchasing my materials.

Well… as long as the nullbears get off their collective asses and actually blow each other up. Which - to their credit - they’ve been doing lately.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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How many edits did that take?
For zero substance!

If you mine the Minerals it’s all free right?

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Train all your alpha skills toward a vexor navy fit it right and go do anoms there now you got a decent isk source if you wana collect isk to sub