D-scan auto-repeat

Hello, what if you could right click dscan and the button will get a highlight, this meant d-scan would automatically scan at a desired interval. But using d-scan would now cost capacitor.

So on one hand players get a boost in QoL (less dscan button spam) but on the other hand they pay for that with a little bit of capacitor each scan. In order for it to make sense manual d-scans would also have to cost cap.

As a bonus a sound could play when d-scan picked up something :sunglasses:

This has been brought up before, but you have to think about the resources this would affect on the server. Plus automation bad

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I mean people who believe automation is bad are against auto-repeat and auto-reload. :imp:


Auto repeat and auto reload are indeed bad under some circumstances. But it has nothing to do with automation and everything to do with flying a ship well for its intended purpose.

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Q: Could you still manually D-Scan?

Left click or using the hotkey performs a manual scan
Right click iniates auto-repeat and it will scan every other second by default. It can be decreased to a minimum of 1 second and a maximum of 30.

Each scan, manual or automatic will cost a little bit of cap :mirror_ball:

Other than taxing the Tranquility hamsters more than they already are, I don’t have a problem with this concept. I think this shouldn’t be available when cloaked, however.

I think when the servers are up they can take a beating and they crash for other reasons. But who knows.

If you can perform manual scans while cloaked it will be hard to argue why it shouldnt be able to auto-repeat as well.

I wouldn’t necessarily say “they can take a beating”. There are a lot of time where just flying around is laggy to h*ll…

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I guess we cant have nice things :slight_smile:

Having a hot key for D-Scan was a huge improvement.

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no ! if you want this then only on an intervall of 60 seconds and with activation cost of 150 GJ !
if you want to be lazy then its ok ! but dont be lazy and profit your lazyness !

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Auto-repeating directional scan would also be bad under some circumstances

It costing cap opens up for new ship bonuses and modules that lowers the cap of directional scan depending on how much it costs. I imagine at first it will cost a symbolic amount of cap to scan.

But if taken to the extreme only some ships or ships with specific modules that lowered cap of directional scanner would be able to use it lest their cap is gone in a jiffy. But that might be too extreme.

Said in another way direction scan is a big part of the game. So why not add some substance to it. Using any other thing on the ship costs capacitor, even warping so directional scanning should too. And then all of a sudden you can introduce::

  • New skills that lowers the cap use of directional scan :white_check_mark:
  • Modules that lower the cap use of dscan :white_check_mark:
  • New role and or ship bonuses that lower cap use of dscan :white_check_mark:

Thats like a mini expansion in itself. And what makes it interesting is that dscan now can auto-repeat.

I am interested in why cloaked units should not be able to do it tho. It would make defensive scouting easier especially if d-scan now plays a sound if something pops up since you can just cloak and go AFK and turn up the sound. But that wont necessarily be the worst thing in the world.

no because

  1. eve doesn’t need to be easier. It is already easy enough. Why don’t you have a nullifier button which activates the nullifier module automatically after jumping through each gate? an automatic compression option, so that ore/ice gets compressed automatically in your hold when a compression boost is active around you? an automated scanning process where probes are launched and probe range and location are adjusted automoatically until the cosmic sig is scanned?
  2. every change is exploited. For example having eyes in hostile stagings or cloaked above a gate is already a thing. At least you need to press a button to get a dscan. Your suggestion would make this even more efficient.

So… no

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Directional scanning should have an auto-repeat option just ask the US military

comparison with rl is a non sense. We are talking about a game, a pvp game with some balance to reach.
Afaik there is no tether, no jump clone in the US military, so we should remove them from the game?

The military does not have jump clones and tether because its not the future yet? But if anything the future will have auto-repeating directional scanners because they already exist today

an automatic compression option, so that ore/ice gets compressed automatically in your hold when a compression boost is active around you? an automated scanning process where probes are launched and probe range and location are adjusted automoatically until the cosmic sig is scanned?

All of this sounds amazing. You could call the new probes “Probe Drones”. They could be a game changer.

the effect of this in widespread use in heavy TiDi would be horrific.

according to my awesome YouBeaut™ @CCPLarrikan mousepad from EVE Down Under, I did 16,456 D-Scans in the year to November 8, 2023.

It would also be abused to all hell as a source of intel. leave a toon cloaked in a system, have it mash D-Scan every 30-60s. Record the screen. Voila, you have a 14.3AU bubble of Intel over the last ~23 1/2 hours. I, personally, would abuse the everloving (redacted) out of such a mechanic.