Data/Relic site improvements

Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they’re being toxic. They are raising a valid point.

Either your idea is so insignificant that it will have zero impact (in which case, why bother), or it will be significant and will cause data sites to give out too much wealth. Which is it?

There is a difference between yours, Ms Steaks and Merin Ryskin’s replies. And I said that this also applies to his other posts in other threads. (Not that any of you brought anything constructive but at least it wasn’t personal attack.)

Those skills already drop.

No, those are cheap on the market. They cost a few thousand ISK and would not at all improve the reward situation in Data Sites.

No, those are cheap and available on the market and would not improve the reward situation for Data Sites at all.

What you ask for is yet another hit to the ISK sinks of EVE. EVE does not need more reduction in sinks.

You also do not ask for more variety, you just ask for a cheap and uninspiring addition of already widely available things to the loot table that does not improve anything at all with regards to the reward situation of data sites.

Do you want to know what would improve the reward situation? This:

and you even had this suggestion in the topic that you linked. This would add true variety to data sites because the items would drop only in their respective domains. It would also set data sites apart from relic sites and give them a unique item pool that has a big demand in the economy, which in turn means Data Sites are worth running again and necessary to be run instead of just being a fly over site that most explorers and exploration bots ignore.

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That’s just a idea like that but why not build some pirat structure medium and large maybe Xlarge ? Before the cita patch we was able drop pirat pos npc in these site why not do the same with structure ?

Another thing but well that’s probably a dream but why not put BPC of pirat capital at a extremely low rate of luck in these site ? We never see these ship just need take a look on zkill for seeing that so well i know we can loot these NPC bpc already but well what’s the utility of ship we never see ?


Why do we need to see these ships more? They’re rare and valuable for a reason.

Exploration bots would suddenly find themselves coming across dozens if these having run sites 24/7 for weeks upon weeks.


Rare yes valuable i don’t think those ship are just useless because of their price atm. that’s may be fun too see them on the battle field i think and not just see some goon killing their alt with them xD

And we already have valuable ship we can’t see for a reason that’s the contest ship we don’t need more ship of this type :stuck_out_tongue:

And well about the bot ccp try get them out of the game so that’s not a really big problem no ?

There is no point in using them due to capital proliferation.
If you use them in lowsec, they’ll get blobbed and killed with Titans.
If you use them in nullsec, they’ll get blobbed and killed with Titans.

haha, that’s cute. you must be new here.

Well you just say the reason why i say why not put bpc of these ship in data//relic site

If you use them in lowsec, they’ll get blobbed and killed with Titans.
If you use them in nullsec, they’ll get blobbed and killed with Titans.

That’s a proof these ship are not on battlefield because of capital proliferation so having more of them will drop the price of them and some guys will maybe have the ball of use them :slight_smile:

And what about my second proposal ?

That’s not how it works, but I can tell that you’re either very new or very dumb, so I’m gonna stop talking with you. [slight_smile]

maybe the both of them that’s why i speak with you :rofl:

They drop from Sotiyos already.

I know we can lot this one in sotiyo i just find that boring to never see them and that’s why i propose to put them in these site but well that’s just a possibility like i say before that’s probably a dream :slight_smile:

I think a ship you cannot use because you fear to lose it is useless :slight_smile:

On another way why not build some medium and large structure pirat and put bpc for build them in these site like is was before the citadel expansion with the faction pos :stuck_out_tongue:

It saddens me to see this post run over by a new guy telling us his take on the implications of super-proliferation and how we shouldent worry about bots, cause ccp will handle them.

That post is currently the best one in the thread and the only one with any merit. I would rather see this thread discuss it, rather than go through the circle on why capital engagements dont happen, there are beter places for that.

Little up i think it’s a good idea to up these site for new player this is something they can do easy

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