DBS Experience

That’s what they’re doing.
Getting rid of those who helped destroying it helps with that.

They do one thing
… and you believe that somehow outweighs the massive kicks in the farmers’ balls since BlackOut.


That’s not a strawman.
Getting rid of the people who only care about their own greed definitely helps.

EVE isn’t actually a game that can sustain prolonged generation and accumulation of wealth on a big scale.

It’s bad for the economy, which means it’s bad for the game,
which also means that all those who only care about that are also bad for the game.

This isn’t particularly complex.

No one’s but you is talking about eradicating PvE players.
I am talking about carebears and farmers.
There are plenty of PvE players who aren’t ■■■■.

You need to learn that not ever PvE player is a cancer like farmers and bears.

Ha, that’s hilarious.

I’m not the one who denies actual reality right in front of him, written in form of patch notes and reactions. You are.
I’m not denying that all the changes since BlackOut were a hard boot into the faces of farmers and carebears. You are.
I’m not the one mistaking PvE players in general as carebears and farmers. You are.

I’m not the one taking one specific thing
(the ESS adjustment)
… to tell myself that it means they actually don’t want to get rid of farmers and carebears.

You’re the one who runs around with either rose coloured glasses …
… or a blindfold …
… for believing that what’s CCP doing is any less than trying to get rid of farmers and bears.

Again: Not PvE players in general. Just the asshole subgroup.

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What? I wasn’t referring to CCP reverting Blackout (which did result in players returning incidentally) I was referring to the patch notes this week:

So that’s 2 clear occasions where a ratting nerf has been eased / removed which, if you look at the timing of each; immediately after a PCU decline, is the evidence upon which I’m framing my argument that CCP doesn’t want pve players leaving.

I was referring to the “you’re probably not aware”, I didn’t read on beyond that as any attempt to frame an argument under such pretenses turns me off, it just looks petulant.

Agree, but refer to my WoW analogy, there are better ways to achieve it, tackle the demand side rather than supply. Introduce things to spend ISK on / ISK sinks. If you made faction caps cost ISK the MER would be in deficit immediately (I’m not advocating that, it’s just a daft example). In addition, make pve combat result in ship losses ala Abyssals.

I’m missing the distinction here, into which category would you place ratters?

So I disagree with the premise that “farmers” are cancer, but in spirit I agree that some forms of pve are better for the game than others, hence my suggestion regarding replacing null sec ratting anoms with abyssal-like content i.e. it’s a pretty poor design to actively try to push “farmers” out the door, when you can retain their subs and provide them with more engaging pve that has a degree of difficulty. Heck that would probably result in an uptick in terms of PCU/subs.


Already exists, they don’t want to engage with it.

Just to clarify in case you didn’t read my post, I said in place of ratting anoms.

Snap out of the us and them mindset. It’ll do you no favours (in anything, not specifically Eve Online).

So, you imagine that somehow they wouldn’t scream more at their entire anoms being removed and being forced into some other site than they are currently screaming at simply not having the drones decide what to shoot without player input?

Seriously, there is no point in trying when you don’t actually understand what’s going on.

This here …

… is a perfect example why you have no ■■■■■■■ clue …
… right next to all the other clues you left putting your ignorance up for display.

Are you a carebear, by chance?
It would kind of explain this …

Not much of substance here. Just the petulant ramblings from someone who is clearly frustrated, but lacking the composure to express themselves like a grown up!

I notice you didn’t return to my PCU post and the recent CCP changes to stem the tied of lost players.

Have another go…

Your ignorance is driving me mad.

Yes, I’ve skipped your post, because of the misunderstandings.

I was referring exactly to what you were referring.

Your misunderstanding comes from the fact that you refuse to understand that …
… pretty all the changes since BlackOut …
… were a massive kick into the farmers’ balls.

The end of the BlackOut does not count as “easing of a ratting nerf”. It wasn’t a nerf to begin with,
it was an experiment and not a feature that would have stayed in the game. They even ■■■■■■■ said so.

Your understanding of what went is so lacking, that it’s impossible to actually talk with you about this.

Fact of the matter is that CCP caused the BlackOut to see what the ■■■■ is going to happen.
Fact of the matter is that the prolonged BlackOut was bad for the numbers eventually.

They didn’t stop the BlackOut because of farmers!

And stop equating all PvE players with farmers!
All farmers are PvE player,s but not all PvE players are farmers!

If you can’t even get the ■■■■■■■ basics right, why do you think you’re qualified participating?
What’s the point in me talking to you, when it’s clear that you’re not actually educated enough to do so?

You can take this personally all you want, it won’t change that you don’t actually know what you’re talking about.

You just think you do, but you don’t!

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This ^^

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Failed* experiment - connect the dots… Why do you think it failed?


It’s all about the numbers. Eve Online is a business as I’ve said numerous times above.

They stopped it because PCU and presumably subs dropped.

Having sat on comms with 500+ people bitching about Blackout day in day out in one of the larger null sec alliances, I have a good sense for what it was that was causing a lot of null sec players to unsub and that was the lack of pve opportunities as Blackout was too oppressive.

That leads to boring null roaming as there is no balance between hunter and prey. I was there on day 1 of Blackout with my cloaky strat and loki, but sadly so was everyone else and the prey had disappeared… Causing further PCU losses.

I don’t really care what demographics you want to dream up, it’s just semantics the truth is more nuanced in so much as players tend to engage in a range of activities from farming to supercap pvp etc.

The fact of the matter is Blackout failed because it caused players to unsub and we’re beginning to see the same with the ESS and DBS changes. CCP is clearly trying to make changes to balance the economy whilst trying not to lose players, hence the patch this week to buff the ratting indexes.

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Of course CCP don’t ‘want’ to lose players, for a given value of want.
But at the same time they are going to press ahead with changes that are vital to the games health even if they lose players. The PCU is not some almighty god that will govern everything and nothing negative can ever be let happen to it. CCP are strong enough financially a 10% drop or even a 20% drop in PCU is still fine provided that they get a healthier game out of it.
And that is what Solstice is talking about. At the end of the day the afk farmer type PvE players do not add much to the health of the game by existing, and their significant wealth/resource faucets add harm to the game. (And yes yes, it’s a broad definition, we know everyone is a special snowflake)

n.b. PCU is also not directly linked to subs, if multiboxing is harder, then PCU will drop but people may repurpose those accounts to other activities or maintain them as they may also double as cyno alts or industry.


Sure, except this affects most PvE in null sec, so it doesn’t just hit the afk farmers, it also includes people that rat who aren’t afk farming.

It has also indirectly affected some part of the ADM’s due to the inverse relationship which also then affects ratting. It has also affected PvP’rs willingness to roam (based anecdotally on how dead things are most of the time atm).

Awwww. Poor null ratters… awwww… :cry:


And now Low sec ratters get a taste. Isn’t it yummy?

Can not wait for High sec DBS to go live. Let’s put it to the mission runners!!!

You know…

  1. Bounties aren’t significant in high sec anyway.
  2. Missions have had something similar for donkeys years already

Are bounties a thing in low sec?

Can we get some kind of DBS thing that acts fast enough for Sansha incursions in hisec?

How does one do market scarcity when I can use a Credit Card and buy plex which is an unlimited resource provided by CCP. That means those with Hard Cash can arent affected as much (costs do go up) and those that grind within the mechanics of the game (so called Carebears) are our poor slaves.

So in effect the new players will be Credit Card contributors where the old are grinders good luck with that as eventually I would just start selling chars for Plex untill I am left with one and pvp till the Isk runs out.

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Sounds like a win for CCP’s revenue stream, iono what the issue is here.

Because plex != isk.
You have to convert it which relies on someone else having isk to do so, and wanting to spend that isk on your plex.

The more plex sold on the market, the lower the price of plex. The less isk you get for your plex and less grinding it takes for ‘slaves’ to plex their account.

What’s the problem?