Dead Balance in PVP

Everything depends on CCP , now its time of mass production and everything changed comparing to other years. It made everyone to use capitals like subcapital ships which you cant kill even 1 without fleet. Moreover 1 dread can tank 2 dreads easily - everyone goes for capital drops because it became panacea, unkillable comparing to other ship size (only frigate size 50+ blob to kill something).

Another problem.
Hegemony of alliances does not leave room for small corporations and such pvp balance just makes it impossible.
Blue wagon unique solution for small corps and everything ends here.

The best thing that could happen in New Eden is for Jita to be obliterated. There simply should not be a focal point anywhere, especially hisec. Jita fucks up every other region.

It’s not the system doing it. It’s players. The players will only move away and repeat it elsewhere. And when you were to follow them and would manage to destroy every of their attempts to create a free market (hypothetically speaking) then you’d only get alliance controlled markets, which is the same thing as Jita only in blue.

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Yeah I agree with that. Jita is a concept. And that concept can be repeated anywhere, with a different name. No idea what the solution is.

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Learn the skills to pilot them.

Use them.



I don’t think so. Players have at least as much influence on the game if not more.
But yes, the dominance of Capitals and the cyno mechanics force non-capital, small entities into certain niches. You fight were a cyno can’t be lit or you go as kitey as you can to avoid being tackled down. On the other hand, any attempt to fiddle directly with capital or cyno mechanics in order to ease on subcaps, will likely influence large capital fights to a degree that makes a lot of people really unhappy.

The answer is Wormholes, Lowsec or even parts of NPC Nullsec.

And still people dont see that most used ships are kite-frigs and t3 cruisers or capitals , is it fine ? Trolling on forum when for real most of ships are useless. Brawl fights dont exist anymore.

Ah shut up with your whining and name-calling and use your brain for once. There are still subcapital brawls, for instance in wormholes. Also in Lowsec gatecamps (hehe) and sometimes belts. Yes, many people avoid them, because you simply don’t brawl the cyno bait. But there are ups and downs to both styles. Many people simply follow the current speed-creep and fly kitey setups. Often it makes sense, but just as often people lack the skill for correct positioning at high speed. Just because many people follow the beaten path, doesn’t mean you have to do the same.

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You don’t like being blobbed by capitals while doing pvp? Go to Womholespace and fight in C1 or C2, the chance of finding capitals in this systems is pretty low.

You want to defense your BS against smaller ships? Fit the right weapons, use tracking computer etc…

Whining on FW? Just don’t do it.

Want some balance in PVP? Join an ally and kick asses.

In EVE (like in real life) there isn’t something like “fair” or “balanced” PvP. If the enemy has more friends/alts, then you loose, otherwise, you perhaps win.

Just my 2 cents, fly save!

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I don’t know about you but in my book that is usually preferred. Pressing approach and F1 doesn’t require any talent or effort, which is why people without talent prefer to press approach and F1 (brawl).
Kiting has always been a tad more challenging but what the talent-less pilots do not understand is that range gives you time and does avoid a lot of incoming damage and is in many cases the only way to fight “the blobbh”.

Sure, you have the approach+F1 people in brawling, but you also have the orbit at X+F1 people in kiting.
Just approaching is not always the right choice in a brawl, just like auto-orbit isn’t in kiting. Manual kiting is more challenging, I agree, but that doesn’t mean brawlers are talent-less. Both playstyles require practise to become better at it. Manual positioning in brawling is important as well.

Anyhow, I think one of the main reasons to choose kite over brawl is what you said about the blob. Brawlers have to watch out for the cyno bait, as they usually fight in a distance where they can easily get hard tackled. Being out of that range also means to be generally more able to disengage from a fight and that might be something brawlers don’t like about kiting.

It might be nice to have a better counter against the cyno, but it will be hard to implement it without breaking other parts of the game.

How about a short-range module, that allows targeted suppression of a cyno for a short amount of time?
Only fittable by Cruisers, BC and BS. Range 9km. Duration 5-10 seconds (10 minute cooldown timer). Target must be locked prior to activating it.

I think we have too much stuff and too easy a time getting stuff.Had sov null not granted limitless anom and minerals we wouldn’t have as much stuff.Also the constant buff to weapons and ships yet nothing for npcs no hp increases no dps increases or range increases.

Is the gila of today what it was 10 years ago?we’re people considering viable to carrier rat 10 years ago?

We have way more dps than 10 years ago and way more modules and kinky ship roles but the resources remained easily accessible


FIrst of all its a game not real life and game must be interesting to spend time in it.
Being F1 monkey in alliance really “fun”. FW real s-h-i-t due to its grinding purpose or other alliance making academy there and drop titans on frigs (have you even tried flying in FW space without blue wagon?). WH is just different and also controlled or dead depends on its lvl (in c1-c2 production grinding sites).

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