Dealing with suicide gankers

The best advice for anyone looking at how to avoid being ganked is to try ganking for themselves. Get into the mindset, look at what makes a target desirable to you, and then do everything you can to make yourself as undesirable as possible.

Give it a try, you might like it.


The people in the minerbumping channel are, contrary to popular belief and my own former belief, quite alright. I guess when someone enters it with with an attitude of disliking them, then they will dislike him back accordingly.

Plus, the best way of learning about something is doing it. That way it’s easier to understand how to deal with it.

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So after all this nonsense, may I ask if there was any real progres? I mean has the op acquired a mining permit and familiarized himself with the Code?


Totally don’t want to belittle this point, as it’s a good one. I just think it’s amusing that the answer to “How do I avoid being murdered?” is “Well, you ought to murder someone, then you’ll know how to see it coming!”

That’s…that’s really Eve, isn’t it?

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Yes, but that’s quite natural. Except humans, guineau pigs and probably a few other domesticated animals (except cats lol) most living beings learn how to survive one way or the other. Think of children on a normal playground, not softened ones. You’d not even need to gank someone, you could just be a part of the group without firing a shot. No fun in that, though.

Yes, this is EVE. :smiley:

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They used to say “take 10 ships…” to learn to PvP.

I wonder how many ships it takes to learn to suicide gank?

How many demoralizing cases where the target lives :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That sounds like a fantastic idea and good advice. It’s a game after all, and practicing a certain strategy or move will also make you aware of it’s weakness.

Also killing miners is the most hilarious thing in this game, give it a shot.

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I think the thread has established that the “permit” solution is lacking…in about every respect.

Exactly, and then people had their ships tanked, and now gankers are crying in the forums. ( the same ones who kills a 2 days player brag about it , and say “adapt or die” . Yes they adapted, and now what ?

Y mean the permit scam

You mean he lacks a permit? That’s not good. He should totally get one ASAP and learn to follow the Code.

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If you can’t yet fly a skiff or lack the funds to super-tank one, make a habit of this: get above or below the belt with a clean line of sight to a gate and ALIGN. That in itself gives you a fighting chance to get out before you 'splode.

And, for cripe’s sake, pick =several= “favorite mining belts”. Having just one or two is a beg for a gank. If mining belts is all you do/most of what you do, jump clone to waiting ships in a few systems. When gank activity is high in one area, jump to another.

These are part of the “playing it smart” countermeasures you can employ whether nublet or experienced in EVE.

If you don’t have a (any) timer you can just log off

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Fielding an additonal Catalyst is not that easy when you only have a limit number of gank alts at your disposal. Of course we help out each other when needed, but sometimes nobody is available. In that case, your only option is to upgrade to something heavier than a Catalyst which will make the gank much more expensive and therefore the gank will not happen at all in most cases.

[quote=“Anderson_Geten, post:18, topic:210259”]
The only thing you can do, is get more tank.[/quote]

Apart from getting a Permit having more tank is probably the best option available.

Or just leave highsec.

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Since I have never used ECM drones myself I cannot tell what their success chances are if split up, but usually there will be mutiple tackles which reduces the overall chance of successfully jamming all tackles and thereby allowing you to warp out.

What kind of friends are you talking about? The longest possible response time for Concord is about 24 seconds. Even if you add the align and travel time to that, your friends cannot do anything else while you are mining if they want to be able to help you before it is too late. Instead of babysitting, real friends would get you a Mining Permit.

I don’t think this opinion if of any help, actually.

Or maybe people will accelerate the petitioning of gankers exploiting Concord responses as carefully detailed at miner><bumping(dot)com. While the balanced and moderate approach to this entire issue is that while space and hi sec ARE dangerous, Concord should not be rendered irrelevant because of some of the tactics mentioned at the aforementioned website.

Pawns shouldn’t be able to take queens - that is an exploit.


You’re saying there’s an exploit and they’re encouraging people to use it?

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