Children can’t understand the difference between assumptions and established facts, and talk like one was the other.
That’s just a matter of education. You are asking from someone to be educated, sorry but that won’t work. He will keep showing off his ignorance to the world, without realizing he is the fool - like kids in a supermarket that keep bitching because their parents don’t obey them.
Well tanked Skiffs had been a thing since a couple of years before I left. Triglavians didn’t exist when I started my hiatus.
I am answering to
Which is just BS, by the simple fact he claims there is one sole reason for something.
Your answer does not fit the discussion. Just because there was skiff before, does not mean trigs did not increase the number of tanked miners.
There’s absolutely no emotional reason behind you claiming they have no balls as if balls had anything to do with it? Sure, if you say so. Just please please please stop reminding me of Anderson, who’s both emotionally and intellectually suffering from the interesting mating decisions of her ancestors. Looking at her portrait, all that’s missing is a MAGA cap.
The reason being, balls actually have something to do, and you know that’s your weak point, you get all emotional about it and so need to ■■■■■ again, so assume things in order to relieve yourself from the suffering of knowing you are actually a complete useless ■■■■■.
Sol picking forum fights again…
In terms of the subject matter, Orca, Skiff, Procurer, not much else to say, though going to an out of the way system and using whatever takes your fancy works too.
more like, “sol crying in a corner yet again and complains that the world does not fit his simplistic vision”
I know there’s no point in even trying, but I’m neither Solonius, nor Solstice, nor anyone else with that name. I don’t know what’s wrong with your head, but you really should have it checked. Also, you know who I’m talking to. It’s MAGA Anderson, with less EQ than a pet rock. I bet she’s also suffering from southern accent.
Sure bitch, here take a tissue.
What’s even worse, she just keeps responding as if I dialed zero and she picked up the phone. I’m not even trying to talk to her, she just keeps trying to whore for my attention as if I was Mr. Orange Utan himself. But nooo, she’s totally sane in her behaviour.
The world is so horrible to you. We can’t believe it. You can’t even bitch peacefully !
No. Unlike you I am happy. The fact that you’re not is easily visible in 90% of your posts. No matter what you do, you will never really be happy and that’s why there is literally nothing you can do that makes it worse for me. So now we’re playing this again: I will stop responding and you will keep following me around like the lapdog you are.
Just for the record:
You crying so much ! Should we call your mummy to help you feel better in life in general ?
@z0ra_Berg On the subject of the origin of the formal permit:
I know this is neither here nor there, but I find the history interesting as an academic exercise and thought maybe someone else would, too.
Both of these mention permits or fees.
I hope they do the obligatory agent finds etc. I would never post with an actual mining character in this thread. I can however fill whatever mining channels are used and stalked by gankers in the game with all sorts of false leads. I mean I’m not doing anything else whilst mining right?
One additional thought and something from when I played last: There was a series of videos from a group that called themselves “Rooks and Kings.” They specialized in keeping a vastly outnumbered collection of ships alive with various tactics. Now short of pipe bombing would be suicide gankers, there seems to be a few ideas that can be applied to our situation as miners of eve.
I never really liked Lord Maldoror while I was in his corp but respect for what they did tactically is deserved and they can be studies by watching any of their very well made and produced battle videos.
lol, no wonder you are so into making everything safe, your personal survival skills apparently suck
You know, this is something I used to have a real problem with, and am still a little torn on. However, I’ve begun to think that the root of that problem is simply from experience in games that are fundamentally unlike Eve. I’m sure others here have made the same points before many times over, so if I’m preaching to the choir, please bear with me.
Using WoW as the example (as one does), if you don’t want to experience PvP, you don’t have to. There’s a system in place to protect you from that stress. This is because WoW is not a sandbox, or a simulator, it’s a theme park. If you get the random urge to try it out, you can do so without potential loss to your progress.
Eve, in my mind, is not a theme park, and while perhaps not a simulator, is very much a sandbox. Please try to take what you’re trying to do in the game (mining, mission running, whatever), and put it into a realistic context that takes into account the potential risks and consequences of that kind of activity in a real-world manner. If it helps, approach it from a roleplaying perspective.
Example: A journeyman miner, just having raised the capital necessary to purchase and fit a new barge, arrives in a system for his first mining trip. Someone with the wherewithal to do that is very likely well-informed about his industry, market, local political situation, laws/regulations, etc. They will conduct their operations with a risk-management strategy that includes such things as insurance and defensive flying. They’ll fit their ships appropriately, adjusting to changing conditions, and taking into account when working alone or with a supporting fleet.
They’re certainly not going to fit their barge with the most expensive mining-focused gear possible with no consideration to their own defense, nor are they going to just turn it on and then take a nap, trusting that the Space Police will be keeping an eye on them to protect them from random pirates.
If you want to protect yourself from gankers, suicide or not, you need to treat your space adventures like the high-risk, high-reward activities they are. I’m not telling you that you must roleplay in order to succeed, but putting yourself in your character’s shoes will go a long way to improving your game experience and chances of success. Do your homework, make a plan, keep your eyes peeled and adjust to changing circumstances.
You could also set code to red. That way if they are in system they will show up in local. That should keep you on your toes. Look at their killboard, see what they fly. Keep an eye on dscan and if you pick up their ships assume a gank is coming and be ready ;). Intel is a very useful thing to have in Eve!