Dear Gankers of Miner High Security Space


Well done!!!

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Nothing is ever guaranteed except the gankers determination to break your ship regardless of success or failure the intention is pure.

Like if your cool chances are even on a successful gank you can make a friend, itā€™s all about perspective and how you handle yourself. Iā€™ve seen guys run there mouth and have gankers focus on them for days afterwards, it simply comes down to what kind of content you want to be.

My favorite encounter was with Captain Goo, he knew our fleet leader carried interesting stuff in his orca. So he demanded an exotic dancer to quell his rage, I had fun bumping him and him bumping me. After we shared a few laughs he collected his prize and left, a solid dude that stood by his principals.

I am amazed by the constant attempts to reason with gankers. There is no reasoning with them. They are living in the constant now; seeking gratification at the expense of others because that is how their brain works. No amount of talking it out, appeals to morality, or any other civilized methods works on their kind.

The only way they stop is if they get bored and quit. It is not something they will outgrow or mature out of.

That is hard for normal people to understand. Arent all people inherantly good and just need a helping hand to see a better way?

No. They cannot be fixed. Avoid them. Donā€™t be in the same systems they are in. If they show up, you leave.

They cannot survive without prey to feed off of. Deny them that and they will die out.


I like giveaways and gankers give away trade secrets.

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Itā€™s not a question of morality. For it to be an issue, you must first show how youā€™re suffering. This is a PvP video game played on a computer. In this game, you have infinite clones. Skill points are forever. all you lose is a ship that can be purchased again. They make non-PvP games that also take place in space. You chose a PvP one.

I like how you said that you hope that the players of a video game will matureā€¦ when you also playā€¦ the same video gameā€¦

Donā€™t buy mining permitsā€¦ taunt the player rats (but politely). Engage with them. If they destroy your ship, replace it. If they fail, mock them (politely). Pack up and leave to find a new spot so that they canā€™t return in greater numbers to finish the job.

Or form a huge corporation that is capable of defending against them. That is possible in this game. Have a few Thunderchilds out there. They do DPS in an area and are capable of hitting multiple targets at once. I havenā€™t seen them in action, but surely they can take out a few Catalysts, right? Get more than one? Has anyone tried Anti-ganking in a Thunderchild? Or three? This is all possible in this game. This is Eve Online. We shape our destinies. We choose our paths.


Itā€™s high security not perfect security.

God mode rates that will kill you is pretty high compared to the rest

Morality ?? Itā€™s a frikin game, for crying out loud. Is it ā€˜moralā€™ to take someoneā€™s pawn in a game of chess ? Is it ā€˜moralā€™ to score a goal in a game of football ? Or has Eve introduced an Advanced Snowflake Level V skill that I donā€™t know about.


Living standards inside Highsec is far too safe and many Miners know that as they continue to live rent free becoming a highsec sloth.

Theyā€™re tenancies to be an astroid glutton consuming Veldspa as it were offered to them in abundance.

This thread had started out for requests for fair warning from a ganker.

Though after reading many replies from both sides, itā€™s clear that Miners actually have it far too good as it is. Currently.


Link to study and citation required.

Iā€™d hate to think that youā€™re just making stuff up because of a lack of emotional regulation and general tushy-troubledness.

Thank you,

Kindly in advance.

Broken Brained Ganker


So miners are basically the harmless and much less smart version of the Baron from Dune?

:eyes: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The Veldspar must flow!


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See that there are just a few that I know go to try and focus on the actual conflict between highsec miners and the wolves we refer to as gankers.

Gankers and Miners are just entertainment for my playgroup inside the New Eden playground.


Frostpackerā€™s reaction:



Thereā€™s more than enough room on the screen if one sorts things properly.

It is corp chat that is largely a waste of timeā€¦so I have that as a thin strip at the top of the screenā€¦but easy to drag down and expand if I want to.

Local goes on the far left of the screen, and I narrow it to show only the names and tagsā€¦but once again this can be expanded if needed. It is often important to see the colour tags to see who is gankers, enemy, etc. After allā€¦THE main way of detecting gankers is not being bumped ( lol ) but noticing them via the standings you set for their corp.

Fleet window goes above Local, and I simply make the Local window shorter to accomodate it. Watch List goes next to Corp chat at top of screenā€¦and so on. And D-Scan and Locations go next to Local chat.

More than enough remaining space on the screen !

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Even gankers are good people, deep down inside, you cannot reason with them but they do seek instant gratification, so for example you can send them a billion isk, and they will be so distracted they will forget about you and you can warp away.


So happy they remove the Frostpackerā€™s block? Or is he beyond redemption at this point? Maybe if he sent 10 bil ISK instead?

:thinking: :smirk: :blush:


5 billion is sufficient to restore all good standings.


Remember to say hi to your local area superhero gankers. Theyā€™re here to keep things SAFE for everyone!

If you like what theyā€™re doing send them ISK and they will send you a personalized kill-mail in your honour!

God bless High Sec Ganking.
Good people doing Gods work.


Seriously guys. Stop being immoral by blowing up space ships in a video game about blowing up space ships. HAVE SOME RESPECT, THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!