Dear RolePlayers, what's going on in our fictional, player driven continuum?

^^ An excellent example of IGS stuff. I understand most of the words, but can’t make any sense of any of it.

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im a noble amarr warrior , i fear GOD and hate the dirty minmaar and the degenerate galente ,i lost a eye in the war. I like jokes, girls (especially princesses ) and milk, loooove some milk .

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In six hours I have more Likes to share!

Thank you so much! :smiley:


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It’s such a private club that an excellent community resource on how to get into said club was one of the first things posted in this thread.
Though I guess reading takes effort, so it is a private club because it requires literacy.


I wish I could :smiley: because I wish there was something to tell.

That part of the storyline is kind of in a limbo since Pochven tho. There was a lot going on about that during Chapter 3, but since its end, less so. World news talks about Edencom wanting to strike back and exploring Pochven but as game mechanically it’s difficult to impossible to do that, there’s now quite little player involvement in it, it’s mostly about Edencom NPCs in Pochven.

(As roaming Pochven and raiding the protrigs there is impractical if you don’t have the standings for the gates, the two options players basically have for really fighting back is staging evictions against a blue dorito or shooting trigs that just respawn and make Words on IGS about it. The first is a time & resource commitment not many people have the interest to put in at the moment. The second is too boring for most people who have already spent five months shooting trigs where it actually achieved something, and because of the standings locked gates it’s also a game-mechanically stupid thing to do if in the long run you want to live in Pochven.)

There are kybernaut groups chilling in Pochven. Stribog, Kybernauts, Raravoss Proving grounds folks all have RPers among them and even the non-RPers of their key people are lore-oriented (I suppose you have to be a bit to sustain interest). Haven’t personally heard from them much lately but I expect most stuff is internal now, given that the actual fight is over.

There are some small groups that live in Pochven that make stories about it on the IGS, see eg Saede Riordan and my threads on IGS on evacuations and resistance. I expect residents have a lot more internal RP going on too. Sadly I haven’t seen protrig stories like that myself - either they are all internal, or they are posted somewhere I cannot see, or, sadly likely, with the lack of trig lore from CCP it’s really difficult to just start making that ■■■■ up. (When you write of resistance the trigs can more easily stay a mystery than if you are supposedly co-operating with them.)

There are also people playing at shooting trigs in hisec when they appear from the whs (haven’t seen them post on IGS but they exist) and about rehousing refugees (eg NERI, see IGS, but there’s others too).

And of course ARC does regular Pochven dives to continue their story about fighting drifters and finding stuff out.

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Thank you! Very informative, but also disappointing,
because there’s apparently not really much going on.

I gotta start reading World News again!

Regarding people who hunt proTrigs players …
… I’ve died twice to them so far, in two days.

I’m not ever going to warp to my corpmate directly.
Both times I got slaughtered for making that mistake.

“Last time I warped to where you were, I got killed.”

… lol

This is pretty much the elitist BS that Ive come to expect from fans of the lore.

“Its too complicated to explain”

Nah you just cant be bothered.

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While this is clearly wrong as the cause of the complexity has been explained…
Why do you feel so entitled to demand someone else educate you without bothering to educate yourself? That’s the height of entitlement claiming that someone not feeding you on demand is elitism.

Because I know plenty of ongoing narratives that can be give pot histories easily enough.

Laziness is the only thing at work here.

Laziness and rudeness.

Also Nevvy, Im not the one demanding anything.

Is there a reason you are turning what was a friendly interest by Sol into what else people are having fun with into a fight or does it just turn you on?

Ah yes, I’m the one starting a fight here… right…

Why are you quoting me when you started a fight with Sol?

I answered the needless aggression.

This is sub-Skye trolling from you, your work is usually better than this.

Hm …

Have some coffee?

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lol good idea, thanks :slight_smile:

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That’s not what I intended :smiley:

What I meant that I can explain the Caldari current situation, I can explain Edencom vs trigs (and just did), I can explain wth is going on in Floseswin, I can explain what Sani Sabik are, etc. I cannot “explain everything” - there’s simply too much of it.

So if you have more specific questions, shoot.

If the “more specific question” is “how the hell do I get started figuring out this lore crap”, I recommend:

  1. Bookmark and follow the CCP-provided in-universe world news at
  2. Read some of the CCP official lore at (but don’t even try to read it all to begin with)
  3. Read the community-provided So you want to get into roleplay?
  4. Join the RiP Discord linked there and ask questions. (You don’t have to be into wanting to playact your character all the time for that; following in-universe news & lore is just fine “RP” in itself, and the best collection lore nerds for various topics resides on that server.)

Thank you, thats very much appreciated, and I apologise.


Already reached my Like limit again …
… probably still low because of yesterday.

Gotta wait ten minutes. :roll_eyes:

How’s Floseswin doing, btw?
That was a thing many months ago …

I really appreciate your replies, Elsebeth. :smiley:

Minmatar won the ground war but Amarr hold the space. It’s kind of an impassé that the trigs interrupted, drawing both the Empire & Republic attention everywhere. House Sarum, the Amarr house that started the ground war in Floseswin, has been in general gathering forces and their merceraries were involved in the Blood Raider hunt event we just had.

It’s anyone’s guess if they’ll make new attempts at Reclaiming Minmatar planets soon. And if they do, can the Minmatar repeat the attempt to repell them.

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Minmatar folk in Floseswin:


Okay so one Like for you and the other for Pedro.

I can’t believe I have to be picky about this now …

41 seconds. :roll_eyes:

Not once in this thread have I replied to Sol?
So, I repeat, which of us is trying to start a fight again?

The fight is ongoing, at least as far as you are concerned.

Given the subject has in fact been concluded, it would appear that you are seeking either;

Continue it

Restart it

Start a new one

And Im not interested in doing any of those with you if your work continues this subpar dive into contrarianism.