I like EVE, and I like that EVE is hard, but this Triglavian BS has to stop.
I have played for about 11 years and I am trying to run a HS corp that helps people get into the game, with the hope of at some point passing beyond that. I have a few good players that are amazing, but every single one of them requires them to train for a ship that they will never actually use, and me risking a ship to fix the stupid standing issue that is present with everyone in EVE with no real explanation or understanding to those that die from it. After a lot of translation I basically have to tell them that we have to get lucky or die for them to fly with our fleet, or we try again. This sucks.
I am American, and for some strange reason I find myself leading a corp full of Poles. They are great, but we have language issues. Trying to explain the how to set a proper orbit, how to add the tag column, and how to use movement to stay alive is exceedingly difficult without the Trig Issue and almost impossible with it. I have to have a translator with me, who is also extremely new to the game, explain complex game mechanics to fix some poor bastards standings so that he doesn’t die constantly.
If killing off new players is your goal, then well done. From a business point of view then you guys are idiots. I am doing your job and you do nothing but harm me and the new people I am trying to keep.
I want to keep my Poles, and be friends with them. I shouldn’t have to fix difficult stuff to just get them to a baseline of what I started at. Newbros should start at +0.01 Trig standing.
I’m confused. You know there’s an easy fix, but there’s a language barrier so you can’t perform it? I don’t think that’s Zorya’s fault, mate.
I have to ask: do they struggle with belt rats? FOBs? Autothysian Lancers? Because Trigs are hardly the only reds in high sec, and learning to avoid dangerous NPCs until capable of fighting them should be the actual lesson, before digging into standings and how actions vs NPC factions can have consequences (good and bad).
They do, they are all very new to the game. I even started a new character to see from their point of view and it is grim. The Trig thing is harsh and only easy because I do it for them, and even then is not easy.
OK, so it isn’t the fault of the Trigs - the players are struggling period. At least you can make Trigs white - you cannot make belt rats ignore you. FOBs you can, eventually, but it takes soooooo much more work and almost always results in the empire factions not liking you in return (it is possible to be positive to the empires and pirates at the same time, eventually, but it is literally years worth of work and I think you tank several non-empire factions in the process - like CONCORD).
The standings are not easy to fix for someone who barely speaks the language and with what is an extremely difficult game and UI. This is not newbro friendly at all, and all of the big boys that think better an pike off.
https://forums.eveonline.com/u/Mkikaden_Tiragen We have dealt with FoBs, they are ok, they don’t show up at random in a system unless the FoB spawns. We are using Caldari space so Trigs basically come out of no where and kill them and they are new and can’t avoid it.
Trigs don’t show up at random, either- they have limited systems they can spawn in, and are tied to special wormholes.
Have you tried reviewing the [EM] Pochven Entry Manual? It has a lot of information that may help you, and the authors may have translations available for additional langauges.
I am familiar with it, and familiar with how Triglavians work. It is horrible to make new guys understand it and get them to stay. They want to get their feet wet, and even PVP but we can’t get past square one because they lose half of their crap flying it to market for no good reason.
They lose it because the game isn’t safe. That’s an important lesson to learn, especially early on, so they can prepare themselves for things like gate camps by other players, and gankers in high sec. HS space has never and should never give the impression that they are safe. Are Trigs a challenge? Yes. Are they the worst challenge a newbro will encounter? Probably not.
I’m not a carebear, I am only doing a PVE corp to try to recruit for my PVP corp. I have to tell brand new people "hey, if you travel around and aren’t fast enough you are going to die for no good reason. You won’t learn a damn thing about PVP and you are that much further from buying a basic cheap PVP ship that we use. Great Huh? That is the stupidest game mechanic I can think of, and people defending it should be ashamed.
We need to get people actually playing this game, even if they become sheep or wolves. If you think otherwise then you are an idiot. Or just enjoy your idiot PVE-fest in nullsec with what you call PVP. We need actual players to either kill or to kill with.
Treat Trigs as the NPC version of CODE. then. How do you explain CODE to your corp? Describe standings as proving your worth or paying your way to the Mafia of EVE, and you can set up a bunch of filament fleets to pop in and out of Pochven for standings runs against rogue drones while also having a chance to explain scanning mechanics, filaments, and fleet strategies.
I work at it, I have played a long time. I am just saying that this is a stupid barrier to good game play. I actually tell them I will gank them myself if they use fits that aren’t CODE compliant.
I’m not saying Trigs aren’t frustrating to deal with if you start out in Caldari space - but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are a barrier to gameplay. If you already follow the golden rules of EVE, Trigs won’t make any more impact than any other gank scenario - and frankly, dealing with the NPCs is actually easier than getting a determined group of gankers off your back (and is relatively permanent besides, vs always having to deal with the ganker risk).
Edit: I mean, if your guys are in Caldari space, might as well go kick a EDENCOM fleet to get that first nudge into positive Trig standings - there’s a minor victory system neighboring Jita, IIRC - and then go visit Pochven so you don’t even have to worry about the Trigs being cranky in the meantime.