December 2017 Arms Race Release – General Feedback

Awesome, it would look awesome. :wink:

New Eden will never be the same.

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that was an excelent idea… but it only was… (and sad)

Less focus on skins. Delete alphas. Five day trial. Delete injectors/extractors. Stop using plex as currency in the bling store. Get rid of fozzie sov. (Make it much easier to change who governs the area.) Less space aids. Bit more fuel to jump. Stop bending over for the new guys bitching about how EVE is not easy enough. EVE is not easy. Not ment to be easy. Ive played since 2012 and its hard as hell for me to play well. I want the game more difficult and less focused on pay to win like ■■■■■■■ wow. Hhhhaaaaack-tooooo.

Yeah, no (with the exception of possibly Entosis links).

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