December 2017 Arms Race Release – Known Issues & Issue Reporting

Known issues updated to include the wormhole EoL issue, and the reduction in Combat scanner probe strength. Both fixes are currently scheduled for tomorrow, providing final testing goes well. Thanks for your reports and patience everyone!


Thanks Lebowski!

Safe heaven, I have to go back to farm some DED sites in Aridia. Thank you CCP. :kissing_closed_eyes:

please bring back the ability to use mouse scroll wheel to adjust the probe scanner slide bar. clicking on it is a bit cumbersome as the notches are a bit small and tends to cause the radius to jump too large / small then what is wanted. the wheel was much easier to use and accurate.



This please this.

Will the combat probe issue be fixed tomorrow? There is a fleet scheduled …

Added an entry about courier contracts to the Known Issues list.

So far the patch has been great. I enjoy the new content and it has been a good release.

There’s only one minor bug: When in space and performing an action such as docking the notification popup flashes in contrast colors. Its the popup that shows messages such as:
"Your docking request has been accepted. Your ship will be towed into station."
or "You cannot do that while warping."
It did not do this before the patch. Now every time when docking or clicking a greyed out icon (such as “warp to”), it flashes in a bright color (almost white) and then turns black. This is very annoying and distracts from the game experience. Eve design was always very subtle and enjoyable. For example, the combat and mining notifications are very friendly to the eye. This new change is a departure from that.

Reverting this change would be great. Or even having the ability to turn it off in the options would be an amazing improvement.


Using the refitting window, removing/adding expanded cargohold modules to a JF will not update the cargo-hold window view of available cargo space. Same for modules decreasing cargo space - no update. Trying to undock however, displays an error message that your cargo hold is to small for your cargo, so just connect back that function to the cargo-window update again, will you please?

You know what? After writing the above down with my EVE-client open on another screen, suddenly after a few minutes, the window DID update the available space, I just saw the bar shift in the corner of my eye! But it took like 2 minutes or so. Also, now, the updates are immideate again when adding/removing expanded cargohold modules to my JF, as it used to be before the patch.

So it seems the above is only valid initially, I guess once enough hamsters has been assigned, it works as intended. So get more hamsters pls!

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I believe that fitting screen can get visual delays (the actual fitting change is done, it’s not just shown) if you start making changes immediately before all icons have been drawn. If you wait 2-3 secs until all fitting screen icons have been completely drawn, you will get no visual delays. This is older issue, not introduced with this patch.

Alpha skills without a usage:

Ice Harvesting - Unable to fit any ice mining equipment to any ship
Leadership - Unable to fit any command burst

You broke simultaneous delivery of courier packages somehow. When I highlight several packages and right click -> deliver on the highlighted lot, I now get only 1 notification. After confirming that one notification, only 1 package is delivered. This one notification also shows several checkboxes “Do not ask me again”.


Hi Rivr Luzade, we’ve recently deployed a hotfix for Courier contract issues but it seems like you’ve not restarted since it went out, could you restart and let us know if the issue persists? Thanks!

That is good news ! Any ETA on that patch ?

im having a big trouble ratting in my carrier. please explain why rats dont care even locking my carier after second wave and they only focus fighters? i recall in lauche tube, then they lock me and again the same thing. also my fighters drop worse than flies. please tell me if this is intentional or if it will get fixed.

ps ive being rating 3.5 years and i know this isnt normal… doesnt make any sense…

@CCP_Habakuk and @CCP_Lebowski
Not sure if this is the right sub forum… I tried to place the info into a german sub forum but I guess nobody reads it there…
Regarding actual Arms Race Agency event:
Does it works as designed? If i have finished the mission part 5 (kill 80 drones), it switches to part 1 again (kill 5 drones).
By this, I’m able to grind the event within a few hours, get 180 points, claim my Battlecruiser, the alpha injector and my battleship

I guess there should be a daily cooldown on the missions. Or is this event intended to be finished within one day?

checked it with 3 chars, all with the same result


OK. Delays of litterally minutes? I have never seen it before the patch, but now encountered it several times after the patch. Still think it’s the hamsters though.

These new dictor bubble appearing effects are really confusing. Why do they start up red like hictor bubbles? What’s the point of that?

@Carl_Lauer, Arms Race event is working as designed, but …

I expect some minor changes for the next event, I think the new reward system mentioned above, will take longer.

We are aware of an issue with the fitting window in Upwell Structures, that the stats in the fitting window will not update in some cases, if nobody is in space in the same system. This is a quite old problem, but we are working on a fix, which might reach TQ with one of the next patches. Possibly you were affected by this bug, if this happened in an Upwell structure.
Note: As workaround you can switch to the outside view of the structure.