Declining Agent Missions

Think of the children.:blush: I’m pretty sure a lot of people will sympathize with the hardships of gankers. :smirk:


You may play your game Uriel but know this!

I play on both sides of the fence!

More like both sides play you. :smiling_imp: :wink: :popcorn:

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Uriel you need to stop as it may make @Aiko_Danuja jealous if she sees that I am sending you isk

She can’t see your posts as she put you on her block list so don’t think that is likely to happen. :wink:

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Actually the reason I keep bumping is not because of Princess. It is due to your addition that suggest a skill point tree of sorts to repair faction standing.

Now look at the the skills for clone addition.

We have elite training on that tree.

Could we perhaps look at adding some more skills to train hat improve the % gain after completing a level 1 mission?

Well if it’s only for level 1 missions I guess most people will have less issues with that than making it easier to regain faction standings and whatnot in general.

(Of course this would affect @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras I guess but hey he’s just one person among the population :stuck_out_tongue: and he still could keep the business of running higher level missions for others unaffected.)

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Sorry but I have to say no…

Actions have consequences and being able to quickly sidestep that is unacceptable… It took time to create bad negative standings so it should also take time to repair those bad negative standings…

However there is a way to diminish the time spent repairing bad negative standings… Everything is documented in ‘The Plan’ which is still as viable today as it was when it was first released in 2010…

Faction Standing Repair Plan


I once had to work a character’s standing with Caldari State up from -10.0 to where I could go to Jita without getting chased there and back. That was a slog, let me tell you.

I still say no to this idea. Pissing off one group just to make another like you more sounds bad. Just an example, but if I think Uriel and Felix are both {insullts}, and Felix also thinks Uriel is an {insult}, it doesn’t make me think Uriel is less of an {insult}.

There, I think I wrote that so no one mistakes it for an actual insult. That’s amazingly difficult to do here. :innocent:


That example really sounds like you are projecting some deep feelings into it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:


I picked two of the least likely to take it as an insult. The fact that it’s hilarious is a bonus. :innocent:

It did take several attempts to make it not sound like an insult.

Didn’t sound like one to me at least but don’t think Frostpacker would take it as such either. Still a curious and as they say oddly specific way to formulate an example.

Hence why it comes off as some kind of disguised projection of sorts. Though if true this just adds to its comedic value. Even if not true just the mere thought of it as well. :upside_down_face:


I agree this should not be possible. However it seems tags are an important part of the economy.
I guess using enemy faction tags to gain back standing (up to 0 base) would do it ?

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No, we don’t need standings tags, either. In fact, we should make the security ones about 10x more expensive…


It’s totally okay to say no as this is a Frostpacker suggestion that would just benefit us more

You want them fixed, either follow “the plan” or you can hire USIA to do it for you


This I understand though at this present moment, I must confess that this entire thread was roleplay and that I am sorry to have misbehaved.

Uh oh Aiko will be furious. :eyes:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:

Works better if you roleplay in the appropriate places imo

Your expectations are too high for a Frostpacker, @Felix_Frostpacker can confirm. :wink:

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