Declining Agent Missions

So you admit that you’re a troll. Got it.

A troll? You mean like someone whose only contribution to a thread has been a single post to call someone a name?

Have you perhaps looked up the definition of the word “hypocrite” recently?

Just curious. :thinking:

We’re playing a roleplay game and with the ability to make suggestions.

We also have elite training for clones, yet we don’t currently have elite training for other areas of our skill tree.

This was the basis for our discussion about how we could improve our roleplay game called EveOnlne


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Yeah but I am banned from creating new topics in that section it seems. :rofl:

/ okay let’s make a serious suggestion for improvement now.

  1. Make the necessary change so that standings are account based and no longer pilot level and by default every pilot on that account (3) shares the same standard level so when a Capsuleers uses one omega pilot along with two multiple pilot certificates and by having all 3 active omega, let it be changed so that each of those pilots can benefit from the hard work that the pilot that is logged on doing the missions receive the standing.

we are reminded that only one pilot may be logged on per account at one time and how about start sharing across all three (3) pilots.

Think about that please!

you need to post in subcategory


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Oh hell to the naw

You should have put a bit more into the idea.

So say I’ve got a MinMil FW alt and a mission alt that runs Amarr missions on the same account. I’m sure even you recognize the idiocy of having the standings of one impact the other. I either screw myself out of a mission alt or have an opposing FW alt with high standing when neither has anything to do with the other except I play both at various times.

Just because people have alts doesn’t always mean the alts are working at the same thing.


No! We create different accounts for those things, so we hold ganker accounts and we hold miner accounts.

Miner accounts are mission runner accounts btw

No, you do all that foolish crap.

No one else cares.

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Mission runner across multiple pilots in different regions is what matters.

Perhaps we shortened jump clone timers then?

Do you even run missions?

Again no

Not since I ran them all and they got boring. I’ve got one mission alt with level 4 agents available for all 4 factions, SOE, and Mordus Angels, though I haven’t gone out to null to do missions for them in ages, or even checked if they still have missions. I even once had an alt doing ORE missions, but that was sketchy so I bailed on that.

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I’m curious about how you had decided to shut the suggestion out without considering the larger picture.

Eve Online will probably progress with out any improvements such as the above, though this is a Capsuleer driven game.

How did you suggest it without considering the larger picture?

Nowhere in Eve do the actions of one character impact another character when those characters have no relationship whatsoever with each other in the game world.

There’s your bigger picture.

The larger picture I can foresee is that there are an average of 2.3 pilots per account per Capsuleer.

This means that there could be a percentage of Capsuleers that would rather have an option to use their pilots in the same manner described.

Am I wrong to assume?

This is called an unfair benefit. What would be the commensurate benefit to those players who don’t want to or cannot partake in this benefit? Take people who have accounts setup where they have Combat Alt/Hauler Alt/Industry Alt. What benefit do they get while someone running Mission Alt/Mission Alt/Mission Alt can basically grind standing for free with your idea?

Now that I think about it a bit more, what would even be the purpose. You prefaced your idea with it requiring MCTs, so what would even be the point of alts on an account sharing standings like that? Wouldn’t it be cheaper and more efficient to have 3 accounts with a single mission runner all grinding the same missions and sharing standings that way?

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Mission runners are the key to these suggestions.

Perhaps let’s leave this thread idle for other active mission runners to have their opinion read?

It’s the best I could do right now with this thread, so let’s either leave it and RP someplace else if you’re game to rise up to the challenge!

I don’t RP on forums.

I’m here as a player trying to keep my game from becoming something not EvE. That’s the only role I have here.

Have fun. :grinning:

Fine! :heart_eyes: though pls remember it is not just your game