Hello there boys & girls,
I’ll take this oportunity to officially apply for a spot on CSM 14.
Started my eve “career” back in 2004 ( 2006 on this character ) doing missions in gal space and mining on and off.
Have then moved to NS for some years, different regions, been a “F1 monkey” then graduated to the role of “F1 FC” ( yeah we all know that joke ).
Spent about 1 year in wh when they got released and did some LS “operations” over the years.
Have experienced most facets of the game, beeing gameplay related ( carebear - LS/NS/WH pve and pvp ) and have dealth with drama, “stabs in the back”, you name it.
I won’t promiss anything and don’t have a plan apart from giving WH space some love.
Too many people are promissing “the sky” and fall short on everything.
I will simply do my best. Or at least try.
Let’s make sure eve will survive for another 16 years.
Your trully,
Delivery Agent
Wingspan Delivery Services.