Delay local chat now that we have de-cloaker pingers

That’s nonsense, it effects everyone who is cloaked and in a system where the observatory is in use.
Afk cloakers in the context that the blue donut was freaking out about were a tiny minority of people using cloaking and it was, to put it simply, a great tactic for keeping the weak minded shaking and cowering behind the walls of their stations where they belong.
Actually they belong in space as a frozen corpse for the drifters to scoop.

Local is never coming back & botting is here to stay with only soft “bans”.

This is eve, botting is the meta, get gud.


goodluck getting people agreeing with that, even if it might be a perfectly reasonable and balancing idea … CCP just don’t do counter-balanced updates anymore …

That is nonsense, it was not just used against the blue donut as you put it. I saw it have a chilling impact on low level PvE too in Stain for example. With this method which is not a free lunch by the way, as it costs a lot of ISK and has a chance based possibility and rests in space for a certain time only.

And most importantly of all as it is not that strong in terms of EHP the camper can go and blow it up, if he is not AFK of course…, but then again if he cannot blow up such a weak target then he deserves to be in his clone bay in a station cowering in fear.

If CCP can get rats back in belts then more people will be in space doing stuff and giving targets to ATK players.

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PvP is the reason I play this game. And with me many others.

PvE got many recent buffs already. Mobile Observatory and Marauder buffs were both a huge positive impact on PvE income.

Local chat is too powerful and unavoidable as intel tool. I think it would be good if it were delayed.

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Yeah I remember the “good” times when we in Malpais were cloacky camped over a year constantly. After we donwgraded to mine with procurers and rat with cruisers. But at that point what the point to own a 0sec system. And they were even hitting procurers… :smiley:

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wrong post plz delete

so y just admitted that you blasted a group activity to the ground without counter and 0 risk

No. No. and no again

i prefere Mr.Coffee

+1 Simply for the nullbear tears

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Should defend them. Working as intended

The OP is correct that Local is not a radar. It never has been. I don’t think I’ve come across one system that can be scanned in its entirety from one standing location.

If you enter a system, Local just tells me you’re there, but it takes work to find you. Unless you happen to warp in at a gate I happen to be near–and those chances are slim–you can cloak or warp to any infinite number of points before I can scan your location. Even if I scan you where you came in, by the time I get there, you can warp off.

There’s no benefit in delaying Local, since you can move out of range to any point before others can get to you, unless they happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Local currently is a radar though. It immediately warns everyone in system when a new player enters the system.

The OP is saying local shouldn’t be a reliable radar. And I agree.

Local is currently too powerful and allows people to warp off to safety before hunters have even had the chance to load grid. It is completely imbalanced and unavoidable. Even D-scan, combat probes and the overview have counters (cloaks, d-scan immune ships) that allow players to outplay eachother. Local chat has no such thing. Local chat is 100% reliable (when not bugged :stuck_out_tongue: ) and removes interaction with players.

Delay local chat.

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it’s your opinion. also many ratting ships dead in zkillboard shows its not unavoidable

A delay to local wouldn’t affect them, as those people were already not paying enough attention to local chat to begin with.

Delaying local chat will mainly affect people who automatically dock up the moment a hostile jumps into system. Depending on the size of the delay, it doesn’t mean those people will always be caught by any roaming gangs, but it might give them a smaller response time, which gives hunters a chance to catch those players (which currently is pretty much impossible).

It would still be more than enough response time to warp off, provided they’re paying attention and aligned to a safe.


2018, aprox july to end of sept

2019, aprox july to end of sept
Blackout lasted July 12, 2019 → Sept 16, 2019

More interesting, overall since 2017 spike

It seems like thee was a downward trend that started arguably 2017 after that spike, but really around 2018 until covid caused increase.

Blackout affect on population seems not a ton, .

Also, local seems like the most carebear feature for a game that wants to be hardcore, I haven’t played for years so just my 2c.

I played for years back when you had learning skills and spent a ton of time just training all of those. Then a ton of time just training skills for gali ships, mostly drone stuff, which I loved. I think I actually lived in null for a bit with a small corp renting from someone, but I mostly PVE’d.

I remember I quit for a bit and came back to mail saying we got evicted, and managed to limp my stuff back to high sec. Think I had a navy vexor, I loved that ship and the other gal ones like myrm, hyperion, megathron.

Played again a few years after, trained skills for maurader:

Rail kronos, some officer/deadspace LAR, reactive plate & omni hardener, mag stabs / tracking comps, rigs - exp-resistance & drone control range for better sentry use, even managed to squeeze on a MWD - gotta go fast. I think I would take off a gun or two for some smartbombs if I knew I would need to wipe a lot of frigs or got spawned on.

This was great, but made basically all l4’s massively easy. Yes I could make enough to fund some PVP, but I can only play sporadically, and I don’t feel like 1 hour at a time is long enough to be able to do anything meaningful in this game. (It is also a LOT harder to take an emergency AFK when you need to here / has dire consequences, #parentlife ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )

I also very much dislike how prevalent multiboxing seems to be, but then again I also am against skill injectors, and the absurd advertising they are doing now, local, and pearl abyss being involved in any way with eve gives me bad vibes.

Will continue to keep an eye on the game because I like it, but just don’t see a way to play and enjoy myself / feel like I am accomplishing anything with the time I have available.

Sorry for the rant.

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that will be like another blackout. ppl will just leave null to safer isk incomes in hisec like abyss and missions. hunters will then complain that null is empty and ask to revert it JUST LIKE BLACKOUT TIMES.

I’m not asking for a blackout. Blackout is too much.

A delay of 20 or 30 seconds when entering a system, or a delay of joining local chat while you’re under gate cloak would give hunters more chance to catch players who dock up the moment a name enters local, but would still keep the character of (non-wormhole or -pochven) regions with local chat intact. You would still see who’s in system with you and you would still be able to rely on intel channels that link names that appear in local. Just a little delayed.

I don’t want another blackout. I just want local chat to be slightly less powerful as conflict avoidance tool.

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you are asking for something that will have THE EXACT SAME EFFECT

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